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Shoes that look better with age...


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Those look really nice Paul, if I weren't on a mission to get some Whites SD's as my next footwear I would be looking into them.

Any opinions on Whites SD's Vs Redwing GT's in terms of quality etc..?

I have some black GT's and love them, so would I be wasting my time and money getting some Whites?

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  Megatron1505 said:

Any opinions on Whites SD's Vs Redwing GT's in terms of quality etc..?

I have some black GT's and love them, so would I be wasting my time and money getting some Whites?

Buy the White's...trust me. I've had both, I no longer have or even want Red Wings anymore...the White's are just that much better IMO. GT's are a fine boot for $200 if you can find them for that, but White's are definitely worth the extra and they are especially cool because you can order them exactly the way you want them built.

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Thanks Slide, I'm a bit more quality focused when it comes to shoes than I am denim to be honest. I've just bought my first pair of Trickers, and now I would like to get a top class work boot as well (seeing as I spend most of the day on my feet).

If it's going to be Whites I had better save up for a couple of months.

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  Mike147 said:
On your quote about wearing your boots on the carpet and to dinner - I think you misunderstand me. The 'Roy Boot' is produced by Alden for Context. While I've never bought anything from these guys, it's pretty fuckin clear that they are selling expensive, high end gear for dudes that want to wear them out to dinner, drinks and in places that have carpeting. You would NEVER see a serious workman in a real bang around worksite wearing a pair of $445 boots that will only last a couple of years.

I don't think what you're claiming about Context is clear at all. Even one of the owners of Context worked his own pair of Roy boots--which are on display in the link Eltopo provided--over in short order. Are Alden boots generally as burly as other brands? I doubt it, but I think you're greatly underestimating the ability of a working dude to absolutely shred a pair of expensive boots.

Edit: Anyway, Eltopo, I think your Roys look killer.

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  Paul T said:
they're at a chain of outlet shops called TK Maxx.

Funny they are called TJ Maxx stateside although I have never seen anything as remotely cool as that at a TJ Maxx here. The ones here suck for men's stuff unless your into clothes that:

a.) look like your living ghetto fab(bling not included)

b.) look incredibly bland but you like the idea of quality in "designer" labels so names like Perry Ellis or Calvin Klein make you think there is some value to what are really just cheap clothes with a label on them.

...occasionally my wife drags me in there for her shoe fetish and she buys a cheap pair of shoes she will wear exactly two times.

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...speaking of those lovely looking brouge shoes Paul posted, do you guys find brouge boots/shoes very versatile? I love the look of some of the ones posted here, but I worry that they wouldn't get enough use in more casual settings to justify spending the coin on Trickers or Aldens.

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  glimmertwins said:
...speaking of those lovely looking brouge shoes Paul posted, do you guys find brouge boots/shoes very versatile? I love the look of some of the ones posted here, but I worry that they wouldn't get enough use in more casual settings to justify spending the coin on Trickers or Aldens.

I'm liking brogue boots with jeans, but you decide:


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  glimmertwins said:
...speaking of those lovely looking brouge shoes Paul posted, do you guys find brouge boots/shoes very versatile? I love the look of some of the ones posted here, but I worry that they wouldn't get enough use in more casual settings to justify spending the coin on Trickers or Aldens.

Brogues are my staple now. But I would only wear slimmer, brogue shoes like this with slimmer jeans - next year I want to wear a 66-style cut, clear of my ankles, these would be perfect.

For most other jeans I rock my Trickers Stow (there are approx one million waywt and wayjdt of this combinaiton on SuFU). But with my ROY X Cone, being a fairly full leg and large (some say abhorrent) cuffs, I wear the William Lennon.

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  morse9443 said:
Spilled an entire glass of cab on my right White's oxford last night - no change. These things are unbelievable. Sending off for a resole soon. Wearing these out in the winter almost cost me my life.




what leather are these? distressed rough out or brown rough out? seriously considering buying a pair as my semi dress have become my favorite shoes.

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Guest denimefreak21oz
  Mike147 said:
"$445 for a pair of boots that will last me a couple years is well worth it"

Guess that sums it up - Dropping that kind of scratch on a pair of boots that will last you for a few years is within your expectations, then you're all good. It's your $$$ and your assessment of the kind of utility you expect from your gear. Again, you're buying a pair of Quoddy grizzly boots for $400 and I suspect they'll be comfy and you'll kick the crap out of them as well.

On your quote about wearing your boots on the carpet and to dinner - I think you misunderstand me. The 'Roy Boot' is produced by Alden for Context. While I've never bought anything from these guys, it's pretty fuckin clear that they are selling expensive, high end gear for dudes that want to wear them out to dinner, drinks and in places that have carpeting. You would NEVER see a serious workman in a real bang around worksite wearing a pair of $445 boots that will only last a couple of years.

Invest in a pair of WESCO Jobmasters and look less cool - and you'll have them for decades.

No fuss but man..u just did see a serious workman wearing hard on that boots .i realy wana join them ..in quest to find old jeans in old miner..n wearing my jeans,boots,workshirt...doing what this shit is made for.its like ur 2nd skin...n all the wear ,scratch,fades..its just a cycle of life.long live superdenim.

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