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Shoes that look better with age...


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is it Dave's? I know they were trying unsuccessfully to reorder 1905s. Try Pop's Popular Clothing on Franklin in Greenpoint. When I bought mine there last year they had mulitiples of each size sitting around collecting dust. I told quite a few people about this place and know they sold quite a few since I started spreading the word but they might have your size still.

Pop's Popular Clothing (it's a workwear store)

7 Franklin St

Brooklyn, NY 11222

(718) 349-7677

  ang_kangkong said:

There's a place here that might be able get my size in the 1905s, and it's the same price as the 875s with an emphasis on the might. The guy called up RW and they may or may not have it. I need to leave a deposit, and a size. If I decide not to take them, there's a percentage I pay for restocking. I already have the 875. Should I take a chance and order the 1905s?

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Actually, it is Dave's.

What I was getting at was, should I even try to get another pair of essentially the same boots I already have? I don't know if I can justify that right now, but then again, it's the 1905s, and I don't think they're making those anymore.

The salesguy went and called up their RW connect and said that their computer said low stock or some shit.

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I think those dry bones boots look tacky to say the least.

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My White's after about a month of everyday wear...



Also....I'm gonna order a second pair I think, but something custom and standout...I'm gonna talk to my rep at Whites and see what he can do one off for me. Assuming that I have no restictions, what do you guys think I should do? I was thinking maybe two tone, like some of the Lone Wolfs are. Roughout maybe? Buffalo hide? I want to use the semi dress boot, and a double leather sole, but uppers are wide open.

Any creative ideas?

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Those semi-dress look good, but beat. Those toe caps are begging for a polish.

Depends on what you want to do with your second pair of boots. Do you want them a bit dressy? You could try kangaroo leather or even cordovan. Or if you want to go completely left field, you could go ostrich or alligator.

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For White's pricing questions, call the store....see my signature.

IndigoJunkie- Yeah, I will be asking if Cordovan is an option. The exotics like Alligator or Ostrich are a bit too out there for me. I want a traditional looking boot, just in a funky combination or incarnation....if that makes sense

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Love the Whites. There was link of all the different whites they make for the Japanese market. Lot's of different styles... Look for it.

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Cultizm has some new Red Wing models in stock...


I'm really liking these 1915s that look like the 8130 with a leather sole instead of the white crepe sole..similar to Bill's custom job.


I imagine the sizing would be the same as the 8130s. Can any one comment on the fit between the 8130 and the 1911? I have a size 11 in the 1911, which is fairly roomy in the toe, and want to get the 1915s. Would I be better off with a 10.5 or 11? Thanks.

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  datasupa said:
are you able to custom order whites due to your connection w/ stronghold, or does whites offer this to anyone? a cordo pair would be sweet and would be something i'd be interested in as well.

From what I understand this is something thats open to anybody, you just have to know what you're asking for. I've been talking to our Rep and he's given me some advice, and all the proper White's terminology to be specific in what I want, and relay it to the factory accurately.

I've been told that you can pretty much get anything done you want. Every question I had like "can you do THIS..." the response was pretty much, "yeah, sure, no problem". I'd say just call the 1-800 number and tell them what you want.

The only negative so far....no cordovan. From what I hear from both Stronghold's owners and my guy at Whites is that Horween's Cordovan output for the year is pretty much contracted and already spoken for a few years in advance. You can't just call them and order a quantity of hide

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