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need some advice. i got a pair of NC size 28, sized down one from my waist size of 29 (levis fit). they didnt work out too good, probbaly because im super skinny and i didnt size down enough; the waist was big, but tolerable with a belt, while the thighs/legs were just very flabby. with this, i was wondering what size in the PS would be appropriate (im not really liking the taper of the NCs and am leaning toward a more straight look). 27 or 26 maybe? im not looking for skin tight, but fitted and non-sagged. here are some pics of the old NC's...




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  drizzle24 said:

I just saw that and I like the idea; I think I'll bring my destroyed, 3+ years old, nothing-but-ocean-washed, badly repaired pair of NS to the shop and be politely told sorry but we can never sell that.

But who knows, I'm willing to try.

The concept reminds me of trading used Mickey Mouse comic books when I was a boy. You'd bring two you'd already read and the seller would give you a (kinda) fresh one.

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im annoyed how everyone in my town wears apcs 2 down (which i kno is the "norm").... pretty much leads to really identical fades and looks.... my buddy bought his tts and wears them with a belt and they are starting to look sick. his combs and whiskers are pretty off the charts ill get pics if possible but hes away for the summer.

just thrownin it out there that some apc people should go tts to break the mold. ya know? even sizing down just one gives a different aesthetic from the apc norm

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Yeah, I agree. I'm a strong believer in going commando in jeans, almost always do it myself. Not just for any weird fades, but for the great feel of denim on the skin in general!

  rvoe30 said:

I've them for 8 months now. In terms of wearing them out like 4-5 months. All I did over summer is sit around the house and now I bike with them everyday. I washed it for the first time like 3 weeks ago.


I regret not going commando when I washed it cause now I have weird fades on the thighs from what I was wearing underneath.

Oh and sizing...I measured my waist as 27 so I bought a 25 and now it sits on my hips and measures like 29-30.

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I got my exchanged pair of new standards a couple days ago and they fit much better than the first pair I posted a few pages back. These are sized down 2 inches from my waist measurement (size 30 for 34" waist). I had to wait for an hour after putting them on for the first time to fasten the top 2 buttons. I think they'll look a good deal better in a month or 2 when things loosen up and settle in.



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  ProfessorOak said:
Just gave my New Standards a wash yesterday @ a little past four months. Here are the post-wash pics from today.



these look good, kinda like triple works

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  jwsach said:
im annoyed how everyone in my town wears apcs 2 down (which i kno is the "norm").... pretty much leads to really identical fades and looks.... my buddy bought his tts and wears them with a belt and they are starting to look sick. his combs and whiskers are pretty off the charts ill get pics if possible but hes away for the summer.

just thrownin it out there that some apc people should go tts to break the mold. ya know? even sizing down just one gives a different aesthetic from the apc norm

It's pretty obvious that the models are going TTS, or maybe down one at the most.

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bahaha. all he does all day is tell me that he wants out. he wasn't happy that i got to go outside.

quick question btw. i noticed my stacks aren't really as flat as a lot of people's and there's more folds above them. does that happen with time? or will that happen if i soak them to take out some of the stiffness? i imagine the stiffness will go away with time anyways. isn't that kinda the purpose of an initial cold soak though?

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The point of an initial soak is to "shrink them to fit", similar to vintage Levi's. Nowadays, it really only applies to unsanforized denim....not APCs...no "shrink to fit" involved. Soaking them will make no difference. Just wear them. The stacks will settle, and the creases will set in, they'll look great. Don't think so hard on them.

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eNonsense, those look good. Stacks will settle with time for sure. Like the two above have said, don't think too hard, just wear 'em.

  ForestKin2539 said:
Sorry that my shoelace offends the easily-irritable. I'll take it off next time for you guys.

Wasn't irritated homie, just was stating my opinion. I'm not a fan of the whole shoelace-belt style, just seems a little too middle school/9th grade for me. No hate. Maybe check out the belts thread though; if you like how the denim evos, you might like the way the leathers in there evo.

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Hey guys, I have done much research and scoured for plenty of fit pics over the past few weeks trying to find the perfect APC denim for me. I have narrowed it down to either a sz 26 NC or PS. I'm 5'10" and weigh in at a whopping 125lbs so I like a nice slim fit but I also don't want something that makes my legs look like noodles.

Here are some fit pics I liked:

NC - http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5659/dsc03270er.jpg



PS - http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/saintkeat/Denim%20Shoot%2024th%20May%202010/APC3MthsBack.jpg

But here is an example of the type of fit that I WOULDN'T want from the NC, http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/8070/hike.jpg

Am I better off with the NC or the PS? I want pretty skinny but how much will the jeans stretch from the thigh down? The fit on the NC links I posted is perfect but the other picture of a guy wearing the same jeans shows them looking skinnier than I would like. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for any help.

Any info as to where I could find either the NC or PS in a 26 other than apc.fr is also appreciated.

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i am about as tall as you and weigh 119ish and i went with the PS. they dont completely hug me, but they are pretty slim. then again i am pretty skinny. it all depends on your build, but the NC will definitely be tighter on you. if you're worried about them being too skinny, might as well go with the PS

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