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Pure Blue Japan


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^ Is that a candy bar on the ground?!

Anyway, I took my PBJs to get the crotch repaired today because I noticed a big hole in the front of the crotch that appeared pretty suddenly. The back has been fraying like normal for a while but the front wasn't fuckin' around. It went straight to ripping. Has anyone had big problems with their crotch blowing out this quick? I had them for about a month and a half and wear them everyday with pretty much everyday including me skateboarding in them. Sorry for the kinda blurry pic. Taken in a moving car.

Click the link for a massive close up:



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how should i size for the pbj xx-009?

BiG gives me the measurements of the raw only not OW but they dont say how much the raw will shrink

I don't have any direct experience with the 009s, but from my general experience with PBJs, they run about 2 sizes big raw and shrink 1"-2" in the waist when washed and air dried. I've had my best results with them sizing down one or two sizes from normal, depending on how tight you want them to fit.

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Does anyone know the best way to get shrinkage out of PBJs? Like extremely hot soak and a machine dry?

as hot of a soak as u can get... and tumble dry high... might have to repeat once more for full shrinkage....

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