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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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yesterday was a really terrible day and i've since dubbed it wild wednesdays.

so around noon, I was trying to return a motorcycle key and the associated motorcycle to my ex and she ends up driving over to my friend's house where I was at. She drives up hella fast, pulls over and gets out. The first thing she did was flip everybody off and then start yelling at me. The entire time, my friend is high as hell eating a quesadilla while my ex tries to somehow convince him that I'm a bad person; and on top of that, I'm on the phone with another friend asking me who's yelling in the background. The friend who my ex is yelling at is just trying to get into my truck and not make a scene while she yells at him through the window.

Anyway, we're both in my truck while this crazy bitch is yelling at me through my rear window so I turn around, gesture that I'm on the phone and tell her to shush. Next thing I know, she's jumping up and down on my rear bumper so at that point, I let go of the e brake a bit so maybe, just maybe, she gets off.

She jumps off, cool, my friend and I both turn back around when all of a sudden, my ex rams the back of the truck and thank god I had decided to let my car roll back because otherwise I would have smashed into the car in front of me. We flew forward a good 2 feet and it wasn't just a bumper tap or letting your car idle into somebody but she had her foot down on the gas. So just to help with a visual, I drive an orange Toyota truck that is actually under my ex's name and she drives a beat up Honda Odyssey minivan. There was a driveway's width separating our bumpers. After she rams me, I am still on the phone, tell my friend that my ex just rammed me, put it down and then drop the clutch and ram into the back of her so that I can get myself some room to get out of the parking spot. Then she pulls up next to me and shows me a hat my friend gave her that says "Kill Yo Self" and tried to block my truck in so I open my door a crack and then slam it into her car before I squeeze out of the spot and leave. But of course she follows me for a few blocks tailgating me until I catch a yellow light at full speed.

We get out of the truck a little later, my friend is cussing her name and we look at the back of the truck. Literally no damage, no point of impact, and all because I have a solid steel diamondplate rear bumper. I drop him off at work, we go on about our days while I begin the long process of moving all my vehicles to separate and safer locations that my ex does not know about.

oh and my ex livetweeted the incident but conveniently left out all the funny bits: https://twitter.com/exteeng

in the event that anybody wants to white knight in her honor, we can meet at uniqlo.

how do u return a motorcycle by going to a different person's house?

how can u protect urself if u can't protect a friend eating a quesadilla high from a yelling ex?


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Do you guys remember cell phones that only had enough memory to hold like 100 text messages at a time?

Man, I remember I had a girlfriend back then who would text me all day (so expensive) and I would have to flush all my inbox like four times a day.

My Nokia wasn't built for those T9 hoes.

I had strugglephones until I got a Sidekick. I felt so next level but then iPhones came out and I was behind again.

Edited by hahapete
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