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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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goddamn throne my FB was blowin up about it. thought they were talking about game of thrones (some show about a midget). count on me to get the most obscure internet nerd shit but be completely out of the loop about ethnic culture. least i dont collect nike dunks

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someone only ate the chocolate from the neapolitan ice cream. who does that? If you only wanted chocolate, why didn't you just buy chocolate. I opened the neapolitan with the plan to put three separate flavors in one bowl, but I only got two. I feel cheated.
chocolate is the lamest of the three flavours... couldn't relate to that simpsons episode where the same thing happened
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I like chocolate powder vs syrup in making chocolate milk.

I then drink that milk with a spoon. I dont know if it's so that I enjoy it or so that it's not ever too chocolatey? I dunno

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i got these mint colored suede and patent repetto zizis for my girlfriend last year and they just randomly fucking exploded at the seam :mad:

not only will i not find that colour her size is tiny too :(


my sister bought me a handsoap that smells like mint chocolate ice cream. it's awesome and then i realize my hands smell like ice cream :confused:

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