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when someone is sitting at a bar but is turned away from the bar itself - is that some form of etiquette i just don't know about? or do some ppl just like to sit like that.

It's a body language thing. If you're by yourself, sitting with your back to the bar means you can see everything, and everyone can see you. It says "i'm here to have a drink and enjoy myself and participate in whatever's taking place here". Sitting facing the bar means you'll slump forward, back turned to the rest of the clientele, basically saying "leave me alone i'm here to drown my sorrows". Or that's how it seems to me anyway.

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It's a body language thing. If you're by yourself, sitting with your back to the bar means you can see everything, and everyone can see you. It says "i'm here to have a drink and enjoy myself and participate in whatever's taking place here". Sitting facing the bar means you'll slump forward, back turned to the rest of the clientele, basically saying "leave me alone i'm here to drown my sorrows". Or that's how it seems to me anyway.

seems like common sense to me, but with etiquette sometimes it doesn't make a lot of sense. thanks.

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stupid stoners, just make it as quick and easy as possible to take peoples' money. not a complex business idea. yeah it's cool that weed is super legal and we're buying in a store and all, but maybe less good vibes about that and more actual business transactions. this older couple sitting next to me in line for awhile was joking about how even now that weed is legal you still have to play the waiting game.


unless there is a dumb state law about the number of bud tenders that can be there at any given time, which wouldn't surprise me

Edited by jayrock
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Someone gave me a handfull of mushrooms on NYE. Got home and tried to eat some meatballs n spagooder , but the noodles kept crawling away, then tried to have a celebratory bone sesh. Figuring out how a vag works while tripping is super complex, and i do not recommend.


All in all a pretty entertaining start to a new year. 

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Someone gave me a handfull of mushrooms on NYE. Got home and tried to eat some meatballs n spagooder , but the noodles kept crawling away, then tried to have a celebratory bone sesh. Figuring out how a vag works while tripping is super complex, and i do not recommend.


All in all a pretty entertaining start to a new year. 


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Last week I got this bruise on my arm that looked like someone punched me cause I fell skateboarding (I really should stop skating) and hit something. The next morning I showed some colleagues and said to them under my breath, "sometimes my girlfriend hits me but she says she loves me." 


Around lunch HR contacted me because my joke about abusive relationships offended one of my coworkers, who says she was a victim of domestic violence. I didn't even know this chick had been married and I made the mistake of mentioning that. She said to me, "when you've experienced the amount of abuse I have, you don't just tell everyone about it as a joke."


I apologized and figured they'd send me to sensitivity training or something. I didn't think it was gonna be a big deal at all.


But before six that same day I was told my colleague had submitted her resignation citing that she could not work within "insensitive and unprofessional work environments."


The company has given her a paid three week vacation because they're hoping she will reconsider.


I have this week off but next week I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get fired or they're gonna cut my salary or something. They haven't called me in or anything but I can feel something brewing. 


I told my girlfriend about this while I was driving and said, "I guess I should work on my jokes, right?" I laughed and my girlfriend smacked my arm pretty hard. 


She thinks I shouldn't belittle abusive relationships. 



edit: i sux @ writin

any updates on this? 

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Do they sell water in aluminum cans? You always see bottled water but why not canned water? Is there some basic scientific idea I am missing here? And after all the worries about chemicals from plastic bottles seeping into water upon reuse canned water seems like a solution to that issue.

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Do they sell water in aluminum cans? You always see bottled water but why not canned water? Is there some basic scientific idea I am missing here? And after all the worries about chemicals from plastic bottles seeping into water upon reuse canned water seems like a solution to that issue.

except you can't reuse a can




Edited by mr fluffernutter
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+rep for can puns


except you can't reuse a can




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