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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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Haven't been outside the whole day so no action shots but here are some lazy New Year's Day post soak fit pics!



I have since started to cuff and I'm liking the drape on these...Crazy hip flare that doesn't show up in these pics but it'll die down with wear so no worries...Glad to ring in the new year with you all!

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^(from a few days ago)

Take my measurements with a grain of salt (probably not the most accurate) All in inches:

Pre-soak -----> Post-soak

Asked for a size 32:

Waist: 32----->31

Front: 11.25----->10 3/8

Back: 13.8----->12.75

Thigh (BiG): 12.5 (might be off)----->12

Knee: 9 1/8----->8.6

Inseam: 33.5 (wanted to shrink to 31)----->30

LO: 8.75----->8.25

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Any comments on the hand of the denim? Really curious as to how the pima yarn contrasts to the other cottons used in other denim.

Also, I liked how ThisSunday's photos show the change in hue of the denim after a soak. Not sure how much lighting was a factor, but the post-soak photos are definitely a richer indigo than pre-soak, which appear rather grey and flat.

The year's young, but I was expecting more geeking out about denim in this thread today. I guess everyone is still hungover, or is still waiting for their jeans to arrive.

Remember, those of us that weren't fortunate enough to get the jeans are living vicariously through the 30 of you...

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The year's young, but I was expecting more geeking out about denim in this thread today. I guess everyone is still hungover, or is still waiting for their jeans to arrive.


Eltopo sent me some detail shots, posted at the opening of the thread, and I hope Joseph Hill, Cash and Entertainment will do the right thing soon.

But yes, there is one notable omission. Futurernr might claim to have won the compeition, but if only present rnr put as much attention into soaking and wearing as he does into bragging.

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Fantastic fit, ThisSunday!

Aho- they look great. I'd be interested in seeing them with cuffs.

Dr Heech- hah! Let me know if you'd like a higher res version ;)

I'm holding off on detailed fit pics for a day or two, as they need to relax a bit. I'll probably double cuff once I know where the cuffs need to be. But, here's what I wore today...


My daughter and I went ice skating today, which is always great for breaking in a suit of denim armor...


I sewed on some WWI USN buttons for suspenders last night and finally broke out the British military suspenders I bought a while back, only to realize they are too bloody short! If anyone knows where I can get some vintage webbing, let me know...


Honestly, it's hard to comment on the denim since it's still pretty full of starch. Once it relaxes and softens up, we'll get a true feel for it. One thing, though- I thought my jeans were picking up lint, only to realize that it was little balls of cotton fibers that were collecting on the outside of the jeans :)

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I don't have the best camera so bear with me the next month or two (until I upgrade!)...Anyways here are a few detail pictures to get things going a bit:

When I first opened up the jeans I immediately reached for the camera


It was night time but I still took some pictures



As you can see I had a few inches in the waist, could've pulled it more for the picture but didn't want to expose myself too early here on sufu


Getting ready for the soak!....


Flipping them inside out and...




Water turned yellow/brown from the duck I'm betting



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Drying the next morning:


More details


Post soak denim


One of my favorite details, the buckle bitches







The denim is very smooth and stiff right now and I can't wait to see how it will soften up...Last picture is the raw vs one wash but the difference in color is hard to show up with the lighting and my camera...

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And finally, my ROY's against the pair that I've been giving more consistent wear than any other pair in 2010, my SC1966's...


Slipped this picture in a few days ago under everyone's noses....SC1966, WH1001XX and raw ROY's/one wash ROY's...


Looking forward to everyone else's pics! Happy New Year!

(here's what I had for selection last night)


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Went to NYC today and forgot my camera, so no pics yet. But looking at this denim all day made this one of the best New Year's Days ever. Every time the light changes a little the denim looks so different. The fabric is really crocking nicely already and in interesting zigzag patterns on the lap because of the pocket style.

I told my wife that I would be wearing these for the next year and she asked, "Even to sleep in?" I think she was joking but I am not completely sure.

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Thanks bro, Im really happy with these and ready to rock em hard for a year. I was hoping that they would be shorter so I could wear without a cuff. Oh well, maybe they'll shrink more when they need to be washed.

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Some quick shots of my new years. Fuckin got drunk and played darts in the garage. It's painfully obvious my father in law has horrible photog skills.




I decided to roll with a mustache this new years. I forgot today that I had not shaved it and I went out in public and realized midway through talking to a checker at the grocery store that it was still there. Just a little embarassed.

edit: I love how the buckle has some white residue after soaking it.

Edited by rnrswitch
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I decided to roll with a mustache this new years. I forgot today that I had not shaved it and I went out in public and realized midway through talking to a checker at the grocery store that it was still there. Just a little embarassed.

edit: I love how the buckle has some white residue after soaking it.

Boyd Fowler? :P Just kidding. Jeans look great. I've been rocking the mustache for a while now too.

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These fit pics legitimately sicken me. I`m such a sucker for trouser pockets and buckle backs I won`t forgive myself for missing this contest, and forgoing forever owning these jeans (unless Roy miraculously elects to make this a standard style). I`m awash in envy. Perfect fits all around, fortunate a-holes.

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Didn't want to look at this thread until I got my pair but couldn't help myself.

@This Sunday - must agree with others, awesome fit mate!

@Roy6 - still being cruel to be kind. Oh well, at least that lets me off the hook with detailed pics.

@rnr - your 'work' continues to impress me ;)

Although the duck jacket impresses me more - more info please.


Come on, get the camera out!


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I love these. And of course the chainstitched hems.

I do actually have a separate interview re the boxers I will post when I have time - ROY had a specialised machine to fit the elastic. WHen will we ever own an another item of such well-crafted underwear such as this???(well, one made for men anyway).

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