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Freewheelers, Bootleggers Reunion, Bubo, etc.


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Yeah. It's a bit on the small side. You can try soaking the jacket in water and air dry to soften the duck fabric.

You can also sell this one and get the olive duck that's due out later this year.

FW will also make a hook version with jungle cloth in navy and olive.

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Bootleggers Reunion....for trips!



I actually have the leather jacket and a few other jackets and a pair of pants--skin tight, black leather bellbottoms. Maybe I'll send them an email with some reference photos!

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Suuuuuuper impressed with the 601XX so far during my Tokyo trip. Will hit up WH tomorrow or monday but at this point may walk away with 601XX over the 1004XX depending on how things go. Even the faded pairs were very vintage Levi's like and didn't feel as "artificial" as some brands. I did get a Type 1 jacket from Fullcount too if anyone is counting lol

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Just completed my denim pilgramige Tokyo style, and can confirm that I was most impressed with Freewheelers. I did end up buying the 1004XXs from Warehouse as their anniversary releases wont be until later this year, however, I've never gotten the feeling of "real Levi's vintage" that I get from the 601XX and that's saying a lot! I prefer the fit of the 1951's but I like the darker fabric on the 47s. Either way can't go wrong though. I went to Marvin's, Berberjin and Desolation Row right after and would've believed it if you told me the 601xx's were Levis lol

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So I have a pair on hold with John at Speedway. He's being kind and keeping them for me until pay day. Decided to go with the 47's as I like the look of the denim and don't feel like unpicking the lightning arcs. Going one wash as well because i rarely do that and it'll be a change of pace.

Aho giving his 'vintage Levi's' endorsement was a clincher. With these and my ROY's my denim rotation is set for a good while now.

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In case anyone is looking for any hard-to-find Freewheelers items, just want to let you guys know Mirrorball jp did take international order and you can pay with your international credit card.

Just send them an email in simple english and tell them what you what.


Can't beat the Yen exchange rate these days :angry:


PS: don't know why their website is currently down though

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  • 2 months later...

Ed, they definitely stretch, you can get an inch+ easy so going with your "just size" is good. I prefer the '47 over the 51', in fact I'm considering letting go of my 51's to get a pair of 47's, the denim is darker and has a more vintagey feel to it (not sure how to describe). As far as the source, I've never read that they were cone, was that on an older pair from back in the day?

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I've been perusing the 47 and 51 models from Freewheelers lately and was surprised that the 47 appears to be a more generous cut than the 51. Typically, this would be the other way round, no? I've always understood the classic 47 cut to be a little more fitted in the thigh and top block with a straighter leg than an early 50s cut but with FW it seems to be the other way around. The denim on their 47 model definitely looks more attractive though...

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Aho I don't get it, you already have a pair of '47s that you bought in Tokyo, then subsequently ordered a pair of '51s for the DWC.


So you're considering selling your new '51s to buy a second pair of '47s?


When you put it that way...!  :P


The rabbit hole goes deep with me, but since you mentioned it, I might as well explain! One may have noticed a pattern to my obsession with jean/models I hold dearly; one pair for collecting (usually in a size 32), one pair for wearing (34, my correct size). No rhyme or reason to it, and admittedly a waste of money but it's just my preference! I believe you called me out on my OA01XX's before as well, and I've done the same with my WH 15th Anniversary 1001XX's  B)


The 51's I bought ended up a bit larger in the thigh than I imagined (13.5 inches, BiG style, size 34). With the slimmer fit, I figured I could go with my normal size and have a more versatile jean for the DWC, however I really should've gone with the 33. They'll shrink for sure, but I'm 50/50 on keeping or selling. The 47's overall have better details and fabric in my opinion.

Edited by aho
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