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Those are tight Carl, must have been quite an experience.

I saw a good flick about a similar project "The True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000D9PL6/104-5546828-0068759?v=glance&n=130 - do you know it? very interesting...

Kinda reminds me of Richard Billingham, but he's related to his subjects...

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Carl - nice photo's, they look like National Geographic material, but you really get the feeling of the scene. Although creepy, awesome shots - lots of respect for you coming close to them as well.

P.S. where did you get your Feit A2's? for $50 shipped I wouldn't mind a pair.

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damn carl can't find those Feit A2's anywhere - and i want them so bad.


I took this long time ago

i do not know why the horizon is curved...i took it with a really old digicam.


Edited by Jia on Apr 4, 2006 at 08:56 PM

Edited by Jia on Apr 4, 2006 at 08:56 PM

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Love the Apalachian shots Carl - they're hard as hell. Great documentary feel to them.

I did a shoot with Japan's Guitar Wolf a little while back that I'm very proud of. Some of you guys might recognize them. I'd love to hear any feedback.







--- Original message by schatzi182 on Apr 5, 2006 12:28 PM

Good pictures Schatz. Got any more?

Heard of Guitar Wolf before, never seen them but they look like parodies of themselves, trying to manufacture the American rock and roll look.

my favourite things


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OH SHIT! guitar woolf! RIP billy wolf :(

the photo thread is nice. i'm enjoying the seriality.

right now i'm taking a documentary photography series. i'm working mostly in black and white since i love the dark room.

perhaps i'll post up my URL soon?

i have some beginning photos from my first dark room class, and my first documentary series up there from the Super Bowl riots in Pittsburgh (drunk college kids, swarms of people, snowy weather, and overturned cars. unfortunately I wasn't close enouhg to the fires to get some good shots)

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are you concerned at all about the potentially exploitative aspects of your work?

--- Original message by grasshopper on Apr 6, 2006 10:11 AM

That was one of the biggest complaints/critics of Shelby Lee Adams work, is or isn't he exploiting these people by documenting how they live. The truth of the matter is, he isn't. (Some will argue that Shelby does exploit these people by introducing elements into there lives that might not have been there otherwise. i.e. if you watch the documentary theres a "pig killing" that could be skewed as something he "set-up" rather then documented.) It's a huge gray area, when you do stuff like this, just like taking photos of homeless people. It really comes down to the artists intent and the intent of the workshop. Which is really to build a bond in a society that is completely foreign to you. Thats what really happened with Shelby Adams, he went from taking photos to having a relationship with these people.


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I feel like Baskew has made one of the most valid arguments to date in this forum. A bit of background knowledge and information that applies directly to the thread. It's really quite nice.

I agree that Carls work might seem exploitative at first, but when it comes down to it, his intentions are not to exploit at all. There's no mockery or negative connotations that accompany the photos. Only the way that they make you feel. Whether negative or positive the photos are as real as it gets.

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Interesting subject matter, but mostly out of focus badly lit pictures without any sense of composition.

--- Original message by holeinthewall on Apr 6, 2006 03:36 PM

Um, your joking right?

Out of focus? First of all thats shooting 1/50th at 2.8 on 1600 ISO on a 20d, tack sharp pictures are nearly impossible. Second of all after a quick run through unsharpen mask in photoshop will fix any glaring problems. Poorly lit? None of those are "lit" with any sort of flash. All the indoor pictures are either natural light or light from a bare bulb lamp (which makes for a technical nightmare).

And no sense of compostion? Hah! Don't make yourself look foolish.

In fact, why don't you show some of your own work seeing as how you must think you know something about photography.

baskew - I couldn't have said it any better myself. Bravo!



Fuck yes dude! Now thats a band portrait. Good overall since of direction in your pictures.

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on my purley aesthetic, non techinical view of Carl's shots i'm impressed. Seriously show us what you've got. I should be even more impressed since you obviously seem to know what you are doing.

and someone shrink down that huge picture... It can't even be viewed properly and it fucks up the whole thread.

my favourite things


Edited by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Apr 6, 2006 at 04:16 PM

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Love the Apalachian shots Carl - they're hard as hell. Great documentary feel to them.

I did a shoot with Japan's Guitar Wolf a little while back that I'm very proud of. Some of you guys might recognize them. I'd love to hear any feedback.







--- Original message by schatzi182 on Apr 5, 2006 12:28 PM

Good pictures Schatz. Got any more?

Heard of Guitar Wolf before, never seen them but they look like parodies of themselves, trying to manufacture the American rock and roll look.

--- Original message by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Apr 5, 2006 12:41 PM

yeah, RIP

parodies of themselves, you kidding me? people think the white stripes are fucking musical geniuses....that shit wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for the japanese garage bands of the late 80's/early 90's. the thing is as with everything japanese, they took an era of forgotten rock and improved it 1000 fold. although i personally enjoy teengenerate a lot more, guitar wolf are the real deal, at this day and age, rock and roll is just as much theirs as it is american. FYI, check any of the crypt records return from the grave comps, you'll know whats up after that. plus they had everyone on dry denim too...dry bones.....


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I realize you're not used to any negative feedback from your niketalk buds, but shooting all of the photos at 1/50th of a second?

Why not use a slower shutter speeds, you can use a tripod if necessary. And as for them being only naturally lit, that was my point exactly. You might want to at least reflect light in the future,

because the lighting excuses don't change the fact that the photos are still riddled with shadows and poor lighting. But like I said, interesting subject matter; you and I share the same taste. I do respect photographing people, it is a difficult endeavor, but I'm just saying you could use some work.

Also to the other people in the "Carl" fan club, some of the replies were solely personal insults; at least keep the rebuttles related to photography or why not post some of your pictures.

Finally, here are some to contribute. I may scan more later.









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Shooting every picture at the same shutter speed? Why not go to something like 1/16 and use a tripod; because the photos are plagued with shadows.



a great picture ruined by shadows)

The use of only natural light proves my point exactly, you might want to at least reflect/block light in the future.

We've got the same taste and I respect photographing people, it's a large endeavor, I just think you need some work. And I am a minimalist and feel like you try to do too much in one frame.

This is all just one man's opinion, so there's no need to get so defensive; and now that you can see I'm not just a random surfer trying to get you all riled up maybe we could continue the civilized discussion of our art.

Some of your replies are just personal attacks, let's try to keep the rebuttles photography related.

Anyways, here goes

look past the poor scanning/presenation (digitally), I work in all 35mm,polaroid,other manual photography.









this has been my most successful print (as far as competitions and galleries)


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your first picture was ruined by shadows, natural lighting isn't always a good thing.

also change shutter speeds. Maybe go lower than 1/60 and use a tripod or at least try and reflect/block light to get rid of some of the shadows.

I'm a minimalist, so I feel like you try to do too much in one frame but that's just my opinion.

I'm interested in discussing photography so I'm not into all the personal attacks not referencing photos.

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