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just got a camera charger and was bored so this is just a bunch

of random stuff i had sitting on my desk

(and no i dont usually have that much cash, we had a kegger this

weekend and thats the money we got from it)

Ive been checking this thread alot recently, currently one of my fav's.

never really done any 'artsy' (macro'ish) shots before

but fotography is really interesting to me.

these are just shot with my canon SD 630 haha

but i cant wait to get back home and try out the new camera my dad got.








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:eek: :eek:

really nice work

is that a film camera? +repz

Thanks, it is film, my Grandfather's old Rolleicord TLR, which is now broken. :(

Will replace soon though.

just a quick question - how many people PS their stuff before they post up here? i've only posted raw stuff, but i do know some people like to touch their pictures up, and i'm not saying thats a bad thing, but i'm just wondering.


Nope, don't know how. My shots so far are just prints>scanned>posted. I would like to learn at some point especially if I get into digital, just for touch ups, etc. I'm not a huge fan of overly ps'd photos, takes away from the shot for me.

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just a quick question - how many people PS their stuff before they post up here? i've only posted raw stuff, but i do know some people like to touch their pictures up, and i'm not saying thats a bad thing, but i'm just wondering.


I so work on all of images. I use photoshop in the same way I used the darkoom. Its just a digital darkroom.

Ansel Adams once said exposing the negative was like writting the score and making the finished print was performing that score. The only one that knows the way your photograph should look finished is you.

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