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Evisu is still loved!


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those are maybe the most worn jeans i've ever seen that weren't found in a mine somewhere. i wonder what the back looks like...

oh, they are the mizuhiki knot pockets...please check out the above link. this gallery will make anyone geek!

Guess you never saw the first pair of Evisu's that I wore to the ground?

Evisu EV-001

I know this isn't really what people on here get excited about but I thought they're interesting enough to post them.

Going for a bit different wear than just defined combs and whiskers (also I didn't have a clue that there were names for the wear on ones jeans back then), I wanted to try to really just let them be and see what time would do to them. I liked the way they looked all destroyed and intentionally not repaired them.

I believe everyone knows what these look like raw and besides I don't have before pics.

- Evisu's EV001 (more of the "made in Italy but before EU ed.") with painted gulls

- Worn for god knows how long everyday (and quite some nights too) I believe they're 6 or 7 years old, not 100% sure though

- first wash after a year and a half or so and numerous soaks and machine washes after that

- had to patch the holes at the front pockets and at the back above the right pocket 'cause it was getting a bit too "cold". I did use Japanese Evis denim to patch them up ('cause I am an idiot!) Invisibly stitched it so it would look like a fresh pair of jeans under a destroyed pair, originally planned to patch all holes this way

- top button fell off, used a big safety pin to keep them in place, one beltloop fell off

- etc. etc.

- Retired †



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Figured I'd repost these again aswell:

Evisu Lot ???? No.?

Thought I'd post these up here, no before pictures unfortunatly.

Worn on and off for about 2 years and after that almost everyday for about 2 more.

First soak at year and a half, after that about every 9 months, first machine wash about 3 months ago.

It's the model with the kimono silk on the turn ups, it's made in italy but way before all that Evisu EU crap. Basicly the first Evisu you could get here. They started my raw denim love, still have an untouched pair waiting for me.

Not that happy with how they turned out, stopped wearing them.



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AFAIK the company has nothing to do with Yamane, it's just a bunch of shady people from Hong Kong who think they can rip off anyone just to make a few more $$$.

Nice original catalogue and reminder of the glory days, though.

I missed this post the first time around but its clear you dont know that much about evisu or Yamane either. Evisu is far from a bunch of shady people from Hong Kong and Yamane is a fairly shady character who did lots of damage to the denim industry in japan.

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I'm an oldtime Evis fan, but they really are a dodgy bunch these days. So Evisu wait for LVC to introduce a reissue - then they copy it, right down to the name? (Nevada is LVC's own name for those 1870s jeans, it's not what they were called originally).
Didn't several other, respected, Japanese companies do the same? Haven't most of these brands been copying designs from Levi's for a while?
AFAIK the company has nothing to do with Yamane, it's just a bunch of shady people from Hong Kong who think they can rip off anyone just to make a few more $$$.

Hmmm...They've been nothing but fair to me; even going so far as to offer personal discounts. They even have regular sales. Also, the company has recently relocated its office to New York.

How are they ripping people off?

And it's good to hear how other people think about this, healthy debate is the way forward

I agree.
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Didn't several other, respected, Japanese companies do the same? Haven't most of these brands been copying designs from Levi's for a while?

Quoted for truth, and hence the word 'repro' for crying out loud!

The original designation for the 'standard' Evis(u) cut was Lot 2501, then it became Lot 2001 when Evis expanded their brand name...Reckon that they worked out that Lot 2501 was a little too similar to Lot 501?

Been happening since the start of all this...

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Didn't several other, respected, Japanese companies do the same? Haven't most of these brands been copying designs from Levi's for a while?

I don't comment on their reinterpreting or copying vintage Levi's - Yamane helped launch the repro industry.

I don't mean they're copying a vintage model. I mean they're copying a current LVC model, even using the same name.

I posted on this because I was surprised; this is a flagship LVC repro, and I would have thought their ambitions were higher. SC don't do this; their repros are based on old jeans - they're not copies of other people's repros of old jeans. There is a difference.

As far as the ripping off, the party concerned is away, and I will let him explain when he returns to the board. But if you care about intellectual copyright - and many people here work in this area - it's not good to see companies ripping off other's IP.

Anyway, no hate. I posted this on a different thread, with an early Evis catalogue, my post was a response to that rather than attempt to shit up a thread with CTB's always excellent pics.

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I don't comment on their reinterpreting or copying vintage Levi's - Yamane helped launch the repro industry.

I don't mean they're copying a vintage model. I mean they're copying a current LVC model, even using the same name.

I posted on this because I was surprised; this is a flagship LVC repro, and I would have thought their ambitions were higher. SC don't do this; their repros are based on old jeans - they're not copies of other people's repros of old jeans. There is a difference.

As far as the ripping off, the party concerned is away, and I will let him explain when he returns to the board. But if you care about intellectual copyright - and many people here work in this area - it's not good to see companies ripping off other's IP.

Anyway, no hate. I posted this on a different thread, with an early Evis catalogue, my post was a response to that rather than attempt to shit up a thread with CTB's always excellent pics.

Point taken, and pics like those are always welcome!

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I don't mean they're copying a vintage model. I mean they're copying a current LVC model, even using the same name.
It's the same thing with other brands who suddenly started coming out with 1944 WWII jeans as soon as Levi's reintroduced them.

BTW, doesn't Levi's call the 1870 jeans the "Oldest" or Knappave? And didn't the Evisu influenced jeans come out around the same time? I'm not certain.

I posted on this because I was surprised; this is a flagship LVC repro, and I would have thought their ambitions were higher. SC don't do this; their repros are based on old jeans - they're not copies of other people's repros of old jeans. There is a difference.
From my understanding, they weren't officially called Nevada jeans by Evisu. They were simply called a Nevada prototype jean, since that's what the influence was. The jeans themselves had a specific model number.


As far as the ripping off, the party concerned is away, and I will let him explain when he returns to the board. But if you care about intellectual copyright - and many people here work in this area - it's not good to see companies ripping off other's IP.
I'll just say. I've heard nothing about this.
oh, i have come to hate the way heritage jeans fit. and the crotch always blows out way before its time, which i think is a fit issue
I think your Nakames (?) fit the best.
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i just gave em away since i hadnt worn them in 6 months. put em on and didnt like the fit... the leg tapers too much for the fit of the top block.

I think you shoulda got a size 30 like you did for the Nakames. Those size 32 No.13's probably stretched to a size 36-37 in the waist.; since they were already a 35.

Probably looked like Hammer pants.

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I think you shoulda got a size 30 like you did for the Nakames. Those size 32 No.13's probably stretched to a size 36-37 in the waist.; since they were already a 35.

Probably looked like Hammer pants.

no... i gave away the nakamis since i never wore em... the leepros shrunk to maybe 33 in the waist after many machine washes. i actually skate in them, and they work as long as i do repairs when needed. im keeping the lees as long as i can.

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come on bunga!! lol check sig for jeans starting at 99p

wanted to post this earlier but the forums were down. anyway fit pics for Evisu #1, an almost perfect fit for me, the waist is just nice without being too snug and just enough room in the crotch and thighs, not too tight and not too baggy - the way i like it.

+rep and thanks again to lmaozedong for the pair.




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