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What are your jeans doing today?


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took a ride down to NC today. not that i had much of a choice. Gov was gonna be there and they wanted my ass to cover it. the media scrum. . .


the Governor. can you guess which person it is?


more wolfpack


so, if you're wondering why i'm here, it's cause we had a ton of rain dumped on the region and it caused floods and stuff.


the water is receding, but the damage is done.



excuse me for second while i go find the bird


inside the satvan


the footprint for AMC-9 (the bird)


sad times for this town. second time in 11 years it got flooded. not good.


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I vote keep it! :D

Haha and do what with it? Wear it walking around town like a tool? Or while I ride on the back of boda-bodas? Or on my bicycle?

Or as my dad suggested:

Definite bad-ass. You should wear it driving with driving gloves and a red helmet so that you will be able to 1. Survive submerging in potholes. 2. be able to pull yourself out of said pothole. 3. Have body identifiable in said pothole if first two not successful.

(710s)Making applesauce with B.


You need an Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer!


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last pages are truly awesome,heres my humble contribution.

yesterday was spend with the family in the woods:





little fella was in need of some company


also visited a little railway museum on the way


kids had to do the hard work and loved it


the food in the dining car wasnt too spectacular,but hell it was cheap!




see you soon,hopefully.

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i'm on a video conference for work but i'm secretly updating on sufu heh heh! here's the continuation of my travel pics~

we woke up at 3:30am to get to the famous fish market. we got there for 4:30am and waited half an hour cause they started auctions at 5am. there were hundreds of the biggest tuna i've ever seen that were up for auction.


after the auction was done, we went to the small restaurants connected to the market for freshest sashimi i've ever tasted (and probably will ever taste) in my life. i would have taken pictures but they wouldn't let me.


me navigating through harajuku to pick up my jeans that were chainstiched. usually takes a week but i requested to have them done in 2 days.


pbj slims in the tokyo sun!


shibuya crossing! insanity!


we went to an izakaya bar for dinner...but our local japanese friend took us to this random bar where all the waitresses were dressed like nurses and they caged us in a jail cell. i'm not sure what the connection is but the guys seemed to like it.


hope you liked it! japan trip to be continued!

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Finished waxing my new Fjall Raven jacket. It needed a heat up to soak in some of the excess wax. Took it into the motorcycle shop in the back of my store for the dirty work so I didn't get any more wax on my kitchen.


Fjall Raven Oban jacket, Ray Bans, Penfield, SEXDBXS09, Hill-Side, Corter (no vis), Alden Roys (no vis)


Drove up to Peterborough to attend my universities homecoming called Head of the Trent. It's Trent University. It's a small liberal arts college where I got my degree in Anthropology. The homecoming consists of a beer gardens, Alumni events and a rowing regatta on the river that runs through the university. A friend was invited to DJ at a local club so I thought I would tag along.


Fjall Raven, Apolis x Rapha sweater, Gitman Vintage, Rogues Gallery T (no vis), Billykirk cuff (no vis), Timex (no vis), Self Edge Feather Ring (no vis), Corter (no vis), SEXDBXS09 (no vis), Alden Roys (no vis)

The DJ tonight.


Some old friends.


Must be a couple first years showing some Trent pride.


Trent has one of the most fantastic campuses of any university I have ever seen. It's a real gem for those who like out the this world concrete architecture. The whole campus was built in the sixties and was modeled after Arthurian legend. The shapes of the building we set up to match that of a story with a college that looks like a modern castle, a modern ladies residence, modern battlements (the library) and the science buliding was shaped like a dragon with a wrought iron dragons head at the end and a long staircase that looks like ribs which actually work like a tuning fork.




And at this point I was too drunk to take any more pictures with my phone except for this. The DJ hard at work.


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i'm on a video conference for work but i'm secretly updating on sufu heh heh! here's the continuation of my travel pics~

Following Annabelle's lead... observing a training right now aaaaaand catching up on travel-posting on superfuture.

Episode I: Lamu

Episode II: Flying to Kidepo

Episode III: SHIT-TONS OF ANIMALS! Part A, Part B and Part C

And now, the final episode: Episode IV: Back to Dirty Dirty Kampala

Out on our last game-drive, we see our ride arrive


Shortly afterwards, we run into Pilot Jim out getting a bit of safari on! Drinking a beer? Confidence-inspiring!


Packing the plane


Apparently we were pretty tail-heavy. To the extent that right after landing, Pilot Batshitcrazy Jim showed us that he could easily do a wheelie with all that weight in the tail. Eesh!


white tee

Tellason Strummer

Mount's Bay

Not our plane. Way more bad ass than our plane. This plane brought some people who were apparently flying in to just do a game-drive for an hour or so, have lunch, then fly out. Whaaat?

Also I overheard a phone conversation that these people were whining that their plane wasn't nice enough so they wanted a newer, nicer plane to be flown up to pick them up.


If I ever wind up being that wealthy, I certainly hope I'm not that damn whiney.


Bye bye Kidepo =(


Bye bye Idi Amin's unfinished & burned-out lodge


A Karamajong village from above


Not much to say, shit's just beautiful



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On the way back, I got shotgun! Awwwwe yeeeeeah.


Clouds! Eeeee!

And then, Pilot Batshitcrazy Jim hands me this note



1100 feet: touching motherfuckin' clouds! WOO!


They were cold and wet. Shock of shocks...

Still freaking awesome though!

Since I'd been sitting in the copilot seat for a solid 30 minutes, Batshitcrazy Jim decided I was trained enough to take the controls


(I think that's the giddiest smile I can manage)

Best part was when he told me to steer right just a tiny bit to see how sensitive the controls are. It seemed like we were banking a little more than we should given how little I was turning the controls, so I started counter-steering, but the right turn kept tightening. I started getting a bit nervous and motioned to Jim, who yelled "OH SHIT!" and then grinned massively and pointed at his feet. Unbeknownst to me, he'd been using the pedals to over-steer to the right, juuuust to fuck with me.

Who wouldn't want a practical joker as a pilot?

Back over Kampala.

Mandela National Stadium


Nakasero neighborhood and downtown Kampala


Aaaaand back we wind up in dirty dirty Kampala.

Bummed around for a few days. A couple quick highlights:

The view from a window of Gadafi Mosque


Climbing the spire of Gadafi Moque


Traditional dance at Ndere Cultural Center - cutting it up with a stack of pots atop their heads! Pretty impressive.


And that was that. Lovely travels, lovely family-time. I miss them already!

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Sunday and today, I continued with the crucial task of brainwashing the next generation.

Original Big E 503 youths jeans from 69 or 70, found by robbie in a local thrift store. First we soak em in the bath... (the thumbs down is ironic, I'm sure)


Now, once they've dried, we test by shaking our butts...


And we are in business!


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Who wants to meet me at Self Edge? BiG? Maybe Leffot? Oh and before, during and after: AS MUCH GOOD BEER AND FOOD AS I CAN FIT IN MYSELF.

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ah, annabelle you're really making me miss Japan right now. I love random japanese bars as well. the one I remember the most was much more low key, (though i wouldn't necessarily mind being locked up by japanese nurses...) but it was fucking amazing, and i got to drink single malt from the year I was born...which was pretty special i must say.

anyways. took work off today due to some dental work I had done yesterday and my jaw was killing me, so last night i hunkered down and watched the first 3 episodes of The Wire, season 5. this is the best show ever created for many reasons, but i just can't get enough...


so this morning i actually wasn't feeling THAT bad...so after the wife went off, and I dropped Simone off at day care, I grabbed the camera and took a long walk.


some interesting art which was signed 1992 on some grain stacks...


saw down the tracks a bit they were tearing down an old complex, and thought i'd check it out...


getting closer, as I figured, they were hard at work up ahead. which in my case sucks cuz i can't go climbing around in any of the old structure. can see the huge crane and wrecking ball in the distance


well I did luck out a bit, they were busy ripping out the huge stack works on the other side of the facility, so the entire back side (and gate) were still open and I could walk right in!


as you can see, the place was right in the middle of a demo job, and the entrances on the back side were all covered up with giant piles of debris I didn't really feel like risking losing blood to climb through.


around front, these two dudes were going to town!


i liked this guy's cooler with all the union and labor stickers on it.


and getting around the back of the structure i found that it was originally owned by the Purina company (judging from the logo) not that it really matters


and on to part 2. Random shots!

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part 2

figured i'd throw in an outfit shot from today...


I wonder why they're not accepting applications right now??


they didn't want to bring the blinds with them...


every time i'm out at one of these places OBVIOUSLY there are tags everywhere, sometimes i feel like there must be tens of thousands of kids / people tagging in this city.


nice and fresh. boring, but the colors are very nice.


and now some randoms. exhaust from the big equipment...


anybody want me to proxy them a sweet ride?? only 2500 bones...


bunch of birds flying around i was manually focusing and I tried to catch a snap of them. this one is decent, has the city skyline in the bokeh...


walked back past a big power station. took this random snap and like the angles.


and when I got home, picked up the little one from daycare, and got to making a pizza dough from scratch!


cheers everyone, goodnight!

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back in 1991 i went to a little show called "Clash of the Titans" the lineup was Alice in Chains, Anthrax, Megadeth and SLAYER! well, some 19 years later 3 of the Titans are back on the road much to the delight of METALHEADS everywhere!!! look for me halfway thru the vid. . .


what i'm wearing- FH shirt, IH vest, Denimes, Redwings. perfect metal armor!



and what the metalheads were wearing.


all in all, a funtime! great to see some mom's and dad's there with the kids. amazing to think that lots of these kids weren't even born yet the first time i saw this tour! i'm not a megadeth fan, sorry. SLAYER steamrolled the other bands tonight, just killed them.

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wow havent been to this thread in a few days and missed out on a lot of great posts! out of rep but just to let you guys know, the posts were all very nice to read and it made my shitty day better so thank you for posting in the best thread ever.

nicolnicolnicol: great denim shot there, amazing how you got those jeans right up the pavillion. haha.

dkatz: that haul at the market was amazing with all the shirts and at that price, i dont know what can beat that. yes, i can suck it on that stew. nothing beats having amazing local food like that and wow those avocados sound so fantastic and look damn creamy. good stuff dkatz and congrats on going home after that long! it must be really hard.

pomata: glad to see you out having some fun. hope the baby is fine, those are some lovely vintage scooters and cars.

farhad: love the pictures and especially the iphone pictures, you really bring out some amazing angles. tempting me to go traveling again with your pics ;)

mtchfrnk: thats a really nice collection you got there. amazing textures.

farmer: thats sure a lot of apples for a whole pot of applesauce. are they for sale?

tvshooter: that last picture is great, showing the receding waterline. you look like you lost weight man. haha.

almostnice: your boy looks like hes grown up a lot since the pictures from the DD +2 tour. why does your left pinkie look like it has nail varnish on it? haha.

anabelle: that looks like a trip i wanted to take years back but had to push back due to a lack of funding. cool holiday you're on!

paul: the kid looks good in his latest pair, tell him to enjoy it while it lasts!

-z-: golden pictures you've got, somehow miss your regular photo posts about your adventures!

have a good day everyone!

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forgot to mention that she asked to dress like me today! see here is what i wore


she took the pic, on anouther note, i feel my picture quality looks crap am i uplaoding them to small? im shooting with a canon 1000d, or is that the reason :)

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and a boring night(tg if you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods I assure you will have a part time job and all the free veggies you could imagine:))


also picked up a few $10 gap chambray's that are pretty damn nice. Check your local outlets!


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