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^i want your cam and your cam-skills...outta this world -z- ...must spread!

my sexih01bk endured 9hrs (actually 8hrs 15mins of actual tattoo pain - given the breaks i took) of tattooing today:



stuff in red is being saved for the second session:


i'm fucking exhausted!


now this needs to be quoted again. that's some serious shit right there...me want!

Got these from the Shoemart Alden Seconds eMail. Only $289 and can't find the reason they're seconds. Been wearing them for a little bit now. Love them.





same here...fucking jealous right now :)

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Oh man - this thread's been fire while I was away!! So many good posts, including the usual awesome -Z- photos!

Sweet pics from Huatzai as well :)

Gotta say, lowrider - your sleeve is fantastic! Really nicely balanced design. I will have to wait til permanently out of the office for my full sleeve :)

Great wedding pics Shangers!

Morse, buddy, a huge congrats to you!!! May you both have a lifetime of happiness together!

"One ring to rule them..." Hmmm... Always figured that Tolkien's inspiration for that novel was a wedding band! :P

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Morse- Congrats + rep :)

Z- looks like your liver will need a vacation when you get back ;) have fun

Lowrider-Killer Tat

riff- let's see those pics from the cottage bro

Today, I tried to see as usual




Oh, and I smoked a cigar


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and we saw a snake sunning itself on the path as we were heading back to the car. it got pretty pissed when we approached it, so we gave it a wide berth just in case. I know nothing about snakes, and while i'm assuming it was a harmless snake, if Snakes on a Plane taught me anything, don't fuck with snakes!


hope everybody else is having a great day as well.

I think thats a rat snake but you can never be too careful! Great pictures everybody!

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riff- let's see those pics from the cottage bro

Today, I tried to see as usual

Your wish is my command! Great "seeing" btw.... So I'll have to portion out the long weekend wayjdt - trying to edit the shots between meetings, in what may be a suit and tie intensive week - blah.

So this past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving, and we added Friday to take an extra long weekend up at the cottage...

Travel day

We left bright & early, and planned a leisurely trip

Bluebird day


Pups were raring to go!


We decided to avoid the 401 (major cross-country highway) for the first part of the route, and we headed north of the GTA to smaller highways, that wound through little towns... Nice & quiet...



Took a break by a farmer's field for a picnic lunch


As we headed further east, it looked like a storm up ahead


We drove through a heck of a rainstorm, but we were rewarded with an amazing sunset!



We lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, including lots of fresh veggies & lean meat/fish. But for some reason, we always load up on crap at this one particular gas station on the way north!


Always nice to see the old place again...


To be continued........

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Yup, same place Ranon! And thank you - always appreciated :)

We love it up there. No cable, no internet, no cell phone reception, no motorized recreational vehicles allowed... It is utterly quiet & beautiful. But I won't have more snow pics for you until December most likely ;)

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A sunny day yesterday, could be the last one, so I quit my tedious fact-checking and lit out for lunch.

Students are hanging out in the semi shade of the old college buildings.


AS I mentioned in a previous post, this was where Pirates of the Caribben was being filmed. Today they were taking away the last pieces of the set.


Still lots of toursits hanging around. I was taken by this couple.. he had the look on an old mafioso...


There'a a beautiful old passageway runs under the old college buildings. RUmoured to be haunted. Of course. The fella in question if called Admiral Byng - he was hanged for cowardice, completely unfairly, as a scapegoat. He pops up again in Voltaire, where Candided asks why the admiral is being hanged and a bystander tells him the English like to do that every now and then "pour encourager les autres..."


At the end of the passageway is this hidden landing. ON there is this huge, eight foot long, staggeringly beautiful engineering model- made by Armstrong WHitworth in Newcastle, it was a demo for the Japanese navy to showcase their engineering skills. They built this boat as the Yashima, I think - it's right on the cusp of old wooden ships, and the modern WW1 types... check out the still contemporary looking gun turrets - and the sails.


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Your wish is my command! Great "seeing" btw.... So I'll have to portion out the long weekend wayjdt - trying to edit the shots between meetings, in what may be a suit and tie intensive week - blah.

So this past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving, and we added Friday to take an extra long weekend up at the cottage...

We decided to avoid the 401 (major cross-country highway) for the first part of the route, and we headed north of the GTA to smaller highways, that wound through little towns... Nice & quiet...



Is that highway 7 or 7a? Everytime I go east and up to Peterborough my bike to visit friends I take 7a. It's quieter than 7 and take you through more small towns.

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had a great day out in my home town. just relaxing and grabbing drinks here and there. shot some stuff too. not much as I wasn't really out specifically to take photos, but here's some.

Had this beer this evening, damn it is a strong drink. read about it in a magazine article, how its not really brewed like beer, its produced more like a liquor. good stuff.


if anybody remembers, there were enormous floods in Iowa in 2008, it descimated downtown Cedar Rapids. Every building within 2 miles of the river was destroyed (the first floors and sub floors at least) there is hardly anything down here anymore, about 65% of the buildings i'd say are vacant. and there are entire neighborhoods of homes that are empty and rotting still.


what I wore today.



wind sculpture at the science museum (now destroyed and unoccupied)


Construction of new federal courthouse (our old courthouse was underwater and destroyed, it sits on an island in the middle of the river)


Old warehouse building that had been a furniture store up till 08, now abandoned.


the front entrance to that building.


similar to the above reflection, i liked the b&w too so i threw it up here..


well, watching some wonderful "hollywood" entertainment (Robin Hood) right now so see ya'll later!

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oh, and I got a new toy today, found this in the basement of my old house. experimenting between Ilford HP5 and Tri-X for night. Velvia 100 during the day. really fucking excited to shoot film again!

Pentax K-1000 SE w/ 50mm f/2


and this little beast. Vivitar Japan 135mm f/2.5 the front element on this lens is fucking huge! bokeh is crazy.


another view.


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