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What are your jeans doing today?


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Yesterday I decided to explore the neighborhood I just moved into a bit more. I spent a lot of time out around here at night before I moved, but never really bothered to come and look around during the day.


Across the tracks


I live in what used to be a more industrial area but has now become mostly residential as the city expands.



Ran into a weekly farmers market on Harvard's campus, where I picked up some local made mozzarella that was absolutely delicious.


Walked past a burger joint I'll definitely be trying shortly.


Got a lamb shawarma wrap at one of my favorite places. The building its in is one of the only original White Castle buildings that is still standing, and now has landmark status.


Walked home on a street that is a strange mix of old auto body shops and newly built condo complex, many of which haven't been doing so well with the economy still being in the tank. Strange to see a graffiti covered warehouse next to a 600K Condo.


Back across the tracks towards home.

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(Two weeks ago)

((Last one, promise))

Hung out with our friends that we were staying with on the Big Island.

He, a mad scientist, here holding a bio-char cooker control unit:


His latest project is producing said bio-char, a planting medium which require less fertilizer than most substrates, since Hawaii is a giant importer of almost everything, including fertilizer.

Bio-char cooker:


Bio-char grinder:


Outside of bio-char storage bin:


She's a master gardener, and has about half of their 12 acres planted with coffee, fruit trees, and exotics. Here someone is using a living Strongylodon blossom as a lei:


Hoya coriacea:


That night we went out to the active flow of Kilauea volcano. I expected a barren wasteland, but lo and behold there are actually new housing developments on the hardened lava of the active volcano:


We went to Kalapana Gardens, where a friend of a friend has a house:


Nothing but black, dry lava flow as far as you can see, dotted with little suburban looking houses sitting here and there. Really bizarre. I've seen humans live in some strange places, but on a thin lava crust above miles of molten magma is the weirdest yet. It is kind of exciting, though, so I can see the appeal for those who like living on the edge. This is maybe a little too close to the edge, as there is now a new lava flow about 100 feet from the house we were visiting, and several houses have been consumed.


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^^thanks for bringing this beautiful pics and stories to this thread roy6...loved every single post about your little vacation...great...must spread!

you have a lot of shit piled up in ur basement...looking forward to seeing the sam's once they are dry

Well this shit was all "collected" by my dad in something like 10-15years of carpentry and doing other stuff. Since i'm in my semester break and have nothing to do i decided to clean up this place and throw all this shit away...mission completed ;)

here's what me and my WHxSUFU660 was doing this morning at my girls house:

we've decided to repair some broken threads on my freshly washed samurais ;)...








postwash pics can be found in the evo thread as well as in the seven samurai thread !!!

and after some "hardwork" we've got hungry and got THIS ;)...


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Went up to my parents house and dug through our barn for some stuff I wanted to bring to my new apartment.


Mowed the lawn for them. It was the least I can do for a good home cooked meal.


They wouldn't let me have this awesome steamer trunk even though its just sitting in the barn, stuffed full of old boat gear. One day ill drive up while they are on vacation and replace it with a rubbermaid container.


My dads old camping bag from when he hitchhiked across the country a bunch of times. He was forced to leave college at Kent State after the shootings and had nothing better to do but wander. On my trip out west I really wanted to stop in Monterey where he slept out on the beach for a month but I never got to. Definitely on the list for the next time I'm out there.


Two vintage meat grinders that my parents didn't even know were in the bottom of an old box in the lower level of the barn. The house was built in the 1880's so there is a ton of stuff in the barn that has been left by previous tenants over the years.


Two old oil lamps that I really want to keep but they definitely will look strange at my new apt which was built in '98. I am going to try and clean some rust off of them and clean the glass up so that they can actually be used as lamps. Right now they don't illuminate much when there lit.

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Should probably post this in the what are you eating thread, but I like this one more:D Went to try Robert's Grill on the Kittery coast after hearing they claim to have Maine's best fish and chips. Was pretty good. Gotta go back and try their Moxie BBQ sauce and Lobster BLT.



Pan seared crab cakes with chipotle-lime sauce.




"free" desert comes with most meals

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That's a good environment for jeans, Ale. I picked up one more deck this year. I really like doing them even though it's pretty basic stuff. Framing is done, just need to install newels and blocking, deck it out, and build some rails.


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I stared off my day with a trip to SOWA, a farmers market, craft fair, and antiques show that happens every sunday in Bostons south end.


Picked up some delicious baked goods.



You can by everything from hilarious hats to fine art.


This artist took used bottles and opened the tops up turning them into really cool vases. I have always loved the color of the Bombay sapphire bottle.


My girlfriend turned into a pickle.


The vintage market has tons of awesome stuff, including this newspaper with JFK and John Glenn.



Some more examples of the cool stuff for sale.


When I got home I made up batches of Honey and Dijon Mustard.

Here are the two recipes I used Grainy Honey Mustard and Dijon Mustard I'll report back in a few days about how they come out once the flavors mellow out. If these are recipes are good ill add some twists next time I make them.


After making mustard I got 3 gallons of hard cider fermenting. I couldn't get fresh pressed cider for this batch but next week I should be picking some up to use. Used 3 gallons cider, Nottingham ale yeast, 1.5lbs Natural Cane Sugar, and 1 lbs dextrose. Going to add cinnamon extract and some all spice once its done. Should finish up around 8% ABV. This will take a month to become drinkable so I'll let you know when I start sampling it.

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just got a message from riff asking where the photos have been lately...well, here's what I've been up to. I wanted to flesh something out on my own before I purchased a domain address, and wanted to have a simple site up before I did anything more complicated with flash, etc. (i.e. paying mo money for shit)

SO, i developed this with iWeb on my Mac. Simple, easy, aesthetically pleasing, idiot proof. here are a couple of screen shots of my home page and my about me section. I've never done anything like this before, and was kinda winging it so any feedback would be welcome. oh, and if the site looks totally ridiculous please let me know...I trust you guys' opinions on here and i'd rather hear it now than after i registered the domain address.



its funny to me how many of the images I used around the site also show up on SuFu somewhere!

this is by no means a final product. over the next few days / weeks i'm going to meet with some friends who know what the hell they're doing and make sure i've got the right information out there, remove the unnecessary stuff, etc. but hell, its what my jeans do every night.

there are sections of galleries of my stuff, a project i'm working on for a book which i'm nearing completion on, and a blog, which is basically what i put on this thread every day...

another post to follow from this weekend...

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spent a wonderful day at the park with the family this weekend! -S- turned 3 this week and I was unfortunately at work for the celebrations...so I wanted to take her out to her favorite park to make up for it. she spent the afternoon collecting dandelions, sticks, and running around on the equipment. had a blast, then got ice cream. it was a great day.



little -S- has an obsession with flowers right now, and also collecting sticks to give to all the dogs that live in our loft.








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I'm in Moline, IL, of all places this week, which has been interesting so far. It's a fairly depressed Midwest town as far as I can tell. Half of the businesses are shut down, although there seem to be tons of bars around town. I did find a couple of gems in the hour or two that I had to explore... Forgot to take a denim shot, but I was wearing my Chimala bucklebacks today.

Here's Lagomarcino's candy shop and soda fountain. It was closed up today, but it looked pretty awesome through the window. More photos to come...


I did find the Bent River Brewery open today, though! "Get Bent" is their slogan ;)




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