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How long were you here for? Yeah, Boost is not bad, but just so-so I guess (use to drink them a lot in Queensland, it was all we had).

Melbourne does have lots of nice little shops hidden here and there - I really miss the days when I could spend hours walking up & down the streets and lane-ways.

There's also a nice smoothie place in the Queen Victoria Market (close to that famous Bratwurst shop) - I'll post some pics the next time I'm there!

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i was here for two weeks and was staying with a friend near southbank (or southgate, can't remember). everymorning we would go to this street that had beautiful lighting and great breakfasts. the street further down from the little cupcake shop near flinders station? i think it was beside hell's kitchen and they served a great breakfast.

need to go to melbourne again! missed out on QVM the last time!

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Rep d for a cool place. Worth pointing out that the reason the castle is wrecked is because the parliamentarians were pissed that they couldn't break the castle by siege - and were humiliated that the defenders were led by a woman. They finally got in by bribing a local and blew u the castle in revenge.

One of my fav places in the uk. I persuaded my wife we should camp there the summer before our wedding, it would help save £££. Rained 10 days out of 14...


Thanks Paul T,rain eh?,always tries to ruin a good camping trip! I love the place, I camped there a couple of weeks ago with my mate, but stayed in a cave directly south of Corfe Castle to stay out of the rain.





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Some good plane fun. Cross post from Dirty Dozen x 2 thread.

We went to see family in Surrey, the other side of London.

AS it got to the afternoon, we heard a lot of noise overhead. When we arrived, I saw the g/f's brother, RIchard, standing on the roof of his cool-looking 60s one-storey house. I climbed up the ladder and saw this plane, the Vulcan.

This was the archetypal Briish -V bomber - a nuclear bomber, designed to fly into Russia at low altitude and deliver a stand-off nuclear bomb. They are amazing, huge beasts, all of which were decomissioned maybe a decade ago. But a bunch of aircraft engineers and enthusiasts managed to get this one flying again. Even at a distance, you can tell what a huge, dangerous looking beast it is.


We drove a couple of miles further over to see my mum-in-law. It turns out that the Vulcan was taking part in an airshow, and all the planes were flying right over her home. It's set in beautiful countryside.


Maybe half an hour after we arrived, the silence was broken by more deafening roars. These were the Red Arrows - the RAF's aerboatic team.


They shot past us at various distances. Several times, single planes broke from formation and shot straight over the house.



THe most stunning view was when they broke out of the sun - from this direction you'd see them first, and the sound would only hit you a few seconds later. THe sun would glint off them directly, like a high-tech ballet. Beautiful.


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My first WAYJDT post, I've been a long time reader of this thread so I figured I would contribute.

Walking my dog at the local park.

On the way there he always gets so excited he starts choking himself on the leash.


Lower field where we start at.


Upper field that we go to.




Me and the buddy at home.


Came home to vegetarian spaghetti.


Also a 40 of PBR for me, a 40 of BUD for grandpa, garlic bread to go with the spaghetti and blueberry cobbler.


Bonus of my dog with my dad.


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Cooking together with the lady yesterday.

I planned to take more pics but we cooked for 2 friends and the time was running up and so I decided to cook instead of taking more pics.

Some ingredients


Boiling the veal stock down


Preparing the filet


Cutting the spring onion


Roast gently the filet


Preparing the dessert (Kir Royale Creme)



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So I was @ Shanghai again.. no city pictures or anything like that.. just an experiment..

I wonder what we have here...


My two little rascals arrived safe and sound, got through customs and a crap load of turbulence without a scratch, still alive


They are looking fierce


they still don't know what is going on with them, but they don't seem too happy at this point


5 minutes later..


they are looking really good



need I say more?


10 minutes later


For those who don't know, these are called Chinese Mitten Crabs, and they are amazing..

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