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  On 6/8/2014 at 2:13 PM, Maxwell_ said:

My friend was considering Reed College this year. He went for a visit and stayed up all night on acid. The next morning he and some students were toking on the lawn when the college president walked past them and said "Getting an early start gentlemen!" So have fun at Reed.


It's a bit of a psychedelic friendly school no doubt. I don't "party" that much though. I'd rather just get a good education than worry about substance a whole lot. Got over that phase when I was a freshman in high school luckily. But ya it will still be fun! Plenty of great restaurants in portland, and the scenery is amazing. So many good bands come through too

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acted on a shower epiphany n booked my parents roundtrip tix to korea n japan w mileage i got from working

then checked my balance again n somehow i got more mileage

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After a long search for employment, I finally got an offer from a company.  Just put in my two weeks for my current position yesterday.


Unfortunately, the company I got an offer from is not necessarily the one I want to work for ideally, and the one I want to work for ideally probably isn't going to make me an offer.  Bittersweet, but I'm happy overall.  Pretty good that I'm moving forward with my life.

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i'll just lump everything good that has happened to me so far this past month into one post i guess!

  • graduated high school even though i was barely passing :' )
  • going to SAIC with a pretty okay scholarship and a spot in their *highly selective* first years scholars program (technically an honors program i suppose, i may be wrong but yeah)
  • shrink says i'm doing way better than from a year ago, after a few years of seeing the du. i'm recovering from lots of baggage and all that but it's going to be okay! i'm slowly being weaned off the meds that i'm taking, which i'm happy about, but at the same time i have doubts about being able to control and take care of myself like i should be doing when i'm on them. 
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reconnected with an old flame recently, ended up with her driving out and spending a weekend with me. had some of the best times in recent memory. just enjoying the moment  :)

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Met the owner/president of the textile factory/company that VISVIM uses to produce their Japanese textiles.


They don't even have a website.


Very happy right now.


The next SAWHNEY collection is gonna get even doper.

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Could hardly read the article due to Google Translate's shitty translation job, but that's really cool man, congrats.


Finally gathered the courage to seek out/make an appointment with a therapist. Looking forward to that, nervous at the same time though.

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After a long and stressful and disheartening year of unemployment, moving from sublet to sublet back in Canada, FINALLY got a job. Moving to DC next month. Feels so good, but mostly relieved. 

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Recently started playing billiards again after a long hiatus and the last couple of weeks everything has really been coming back together. I played frequently as a boy growing up having a table in close proximity, but I was playing at an absolute dog shit level quality for the past couple of months getting back into the game. Tonight was easily my best night as I only really had two mental lapses, winning nearly every singles game I played.

The good part I guess it's that practice had paid off. I know I can be better still, but seeing the payoff of putting in the time to relearn the fundamentals is a very rewarding experience. Now it's time to take all my friends' money.

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Getting to take my first paid vacation day for the 4th!

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  On 6/20/2014 at 11:54 AM, q-ko said:


i'll just lump everything good that has happened to me so far this past month into one post i guess!

  • graduated high school even though i was barely passing :' )
  • going to SAIC with a pretty okay scholarship and a spot in their *highly selective* first years scholars program (technically an honors 

how did u get a scholarship?   it obviously wasn't for your grades, right?

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my neighbor is a 60+ year old hippie and bought an outdoor pizza stove sometime last week. last night i was gonna put this in 'shit you hate' cus he's been using it non stop since and making me hungry, but last night he invited me and a bunch of people from the street to a huge pizza party  :)

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  On 7/11/2014 at 5:18 AM, Fycus said:

This is fucking dope, respect




Thanks. Going to the VISVIM 2015 SS 展示会 this weekend w/ the 社長ã•ã‚“ to meet Nakamura-san.

Making moves...

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