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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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goddamn dude, you motherfuckers almost made me cry!(seriously). i'm working 21 days in a row to try to get $$$ up for this ASAP. almostnice, i'm too proud(which always comes before a fall) to ask for donations, but just the fact that you proposed this simply blows me the fuck away(understatement)! i can honestly say thats the nicest(almost ;)pun intended) thing anyones ever done for me. i'm not offended at all. i use my sister's paypal, the address is : [email protected]

if you all send $$$, i swear by allah(the violation of which is eternity in hell for lying on the creator's name) i would only spend it on the jeans, not some other bullshit. or send the $$$ to almostnice's account since it's his idea. he has my address, and can order the denimes and have them sent to my house.

i PMed edmond to see if he can get benny or fung to @least reserve me a pair size 30 of the 66xx types. wow, this is epic...i guess superfuturians aren't assholes after all...


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i talked to Salaam on the phone last night and can tell you that he's extremely gracious and humble about everyone coming together. Lendo- like I said, if i could keep away from the desserts and beer for a little while and burn off the "dad" belly, I'd be hot soakin those bitches right now. still a possibility. . .

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i'm most def buying in on this. i still haven't gotten word on whether fung can put a pair to the side for me. i'm working MAD overtime for these...

@poopslush: i should have my car fixed by this weekend, so i'll drop the kaihara denim and your FC black denim by this weekend, i'll come thru when i get off work...my bad for the delay!

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yeah lol i figured. but i just cant decide. my mind was set on left fields after my eternals year was up. but left fields cheeper, i can get it by just walking into BiG easily, no wait. buttttt lol everyones pics been gettting to me..the fact that left fields thread has no evo pics has been changing my mind.

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i should be good in about 3 weeks, regardless of donations. if in fact i do ''win'' a prize, i'll donate it to almostnice, since he thought of the whole charity-drive idea in the first place...if it's a pair of jeans i'll just get them in his size, and have them shipped to his address. i'm the orphan annie of sufu!

ikpus, join!!!

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