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Eternal Jeans


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yeah i asked and he said he'd try to do it. no guarentees that he will... but i heard those horror stories about the selvage being cut off by that ramon guy.. which is specifically why i asked him instead.

it might depend on how recent you got them. he seemed willing to try on mine. ill let you know how it goes.

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BIG is tapering your jeans? I bought my 811's in the store and they wouldn't taper them for me. They sent me to Ramon who fucked them up instead,

that must be a recent thing. i bought my samauri black there and he said he'd give it a shot, never ended up doing it though. he is probably way too busy to do tapering to the level that's proper though. He has stacks of jeans not bought in the store that have to be chainstitched (this takes him like a half hour per jean) and feel bad everytime i go up there to ask to chainstitch a pair i got from him. I always even offer him some cash, but he always refuses. Any proper tailor can do a taper job though.

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Eternal x Bear's at almost one year. Washed at least 5 times.

Denim is the same as the 811 denim. Still going strong and lots of wear left. Cotton thread is broken in some places, but nothing major yet.








AAAA thats rly nice :D I love the pattern on your seccond comb ^^

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My Bears thread is broken in the exact same place on the left pocket like yours Jooles.

I've been tempted to just rip the thread, but have so far left them as they are. I think they are under more stress because of hands in the pocket. The threads on my right pocket are even more frayed - it's a big loop now.

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Jooles, those are as close to perfection as I've ever seen. Perfect wear, perfect fit. What was your wear/wash process?

First wash after 3-4 months - hand wash, cold, not inside out. Hang dry.

Next few washes happened maybe 1-2 months after the first. Washed the same way. Basically just waited until they got a bit smelly.

Things weren't really happening so for the last few washes I just threw them in the washer when they were smelly. At 40 degrees C, inside out, a bit of detergent. Hang dry.

I use Ecover washing powder.

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uh ohhhh

i got my 864s hemmed to 32 b/c they are one wash... are they gonna be too short for me if i cold wash/soak them?.. now hot washing seems out of the question. eitehr way, ill be hang drying. is this going to be an issue?

still no news on the tapering, im gonna wait it out and see cause i personally have no rush.

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Do you need a 32 length or is this accounting for a touch more shrinkage. If you get them hemmed to 32 you get them hemmed to 32, so variability in waist size will not affect this (if this is what you uhh ohh was to).

But, O/W often have a touch of shrink left in them, for this reason, I get my jeans hemmed a touch longer than usual, so if they shrink, they are not too short.

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yeah my required length is actually really short, its about 30, but i like a little bit of stack. so hopefully it wont affect it too much? yeah, i got it hemmed to 32, and i like it at this length, but losing less than an inch? maybe, wont really bother me. I should have left them at 33 probably, but oh well.


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yeah my required length is actually really short, its about 30, but i like a little bit of stack. so hopefully it wont affect it too much? yeah, i got it hemmed to 32, and i like it at this length, but losing less than an inch? maybe, wont really bother me. I should have left them at 33 probably, but oh well.


theyll shrink a little more in a hot wash, i know this because ive hotwashed o/w 811s, but not too much, less than an inch for sure. post some fucking fit pictures already

Aight, thanks. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to sizing. So a rough gauge would be enough.

then yeah, youre golden

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so from what im gathering is that the persimmon looking one is a 'sample' pair like a future release if im not mistaken. i saw these a while back, http://shop.yumetenpo.jp/goods/d/pants-shop-avenue.com/g/Et54727/index.shtml, and have really wanted to see more, cause they look really good.

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