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How Do Jeans Fit Description and Pictures


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My new Samurai S7000VX. Wanted something a littler looser than my other jeans (S5000BK and Skull 5507XX) and I'm pretty happy with them. They're still a little stiff and so don't hang properly yet, but I'm pleased with how they fit.


this pic makes me wish i had gotten these instead of the levis, but i didnt really want to wait. the antifit on the samurais is alot less than the fit on the 1890s, but then again i have a love/hate relationship with the levis. i also think that this style does look better in a heavier denim.

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here are fit pics. I soaked them for about 4 hours hot last night and threw them in the dryer for about 20 minutes before taking them out and dripping the rest dry.....size 29 jomon's on a 30 waist


you can see what i'm talking about with the pockets though, that's really the only thing i would change about these jeans. I'll probably take them to 45rpm to hem them...need about another 1/2 inch or 1" off as well, these are like the samurai black in the sense the leg is straight so they don't stack well, the pancake out abit, so......

there have been some amazing deals in supermarket recently....everyone is getting rid of amazing denim for really cheap

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My true waist is 29,5 inches and my hip is 34,5 inches at its widest. I'm about 40 inches from the top of my pelvis to the floor.

The waistband of the New Cures in size 28 has stretched to about 32 inches. I have to pull them up every now & then.

How do you like the fit? Click for larger pictures.




Sorry for my messy livingroom.

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Please excuse the quality of the pictures. These are my samurai Jins. Theyre a little short but I'm going more for a James Deanish look with them rather than something more current. I'm sagging them a few inches in the bigger pic, I think the proportions look a bit more natural that way. What do you think? The problem though is that with the rise on these if I sag them that much I dont have any belts long enough to fit on middle hole or back and still have a little slack. I love the feel of these although the 17 oz denim is a little warm for Hawaii during the day (wont stop me from wearing em).

Oh, I'm 6ft even 155 lbs and these are size 30. I had planned on sizing down and actually ordered 29s from 2nd but asked the guy to change my order after having second thoughts. I'm sure I could have fit them sized down and theyd have looked nice, but my LVC47s already cover the area of extremely slim slim straight pretty well. I think these are still slimmer at 30 than the Lee 101bs theyre based on would be at 27..

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So I thought I'd post some pictures of my GAP Morrisons (practice/experiment jeans until I save up enough money for the real shit ,being a highschooler sucks).They're size 29 but my waist size is actually 27. God has cursed me with the body shape of a female Chinese acrobat.

Any recommendations of some skinny brands I should look into?




Sorry about the horrible lighting and picture.

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So I thought I'd post some pictures of my GAP Morrisons (practice/experiment jeans until I save up enough money for the real shit ,being a highschooler sucks).They're size 29 but my waist size is actually 27. God has cursed me with the body shape of a female Chinese acrobat.

Any recommendations of some skinny brands I should look into?




Sorry about the horrible lighting and picture.

im in the same boat as you. made any progress?

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don't look into another pair.


raw denim requires you put the wear into them. more pairs means less wear for each pair. love this pair for a few months & then look! =]

I work in an office environment where that wouldn't be ideal. I would rather just have my raw denim in rotation, even if it takes forever to get any sort of unique detail :(

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what do you mean that wouldn't be ideal?

your co workers will see you wearing the same pair everyday? or from the smell?

well, honestly, people won't notice you're wearing the same pair unless you tell them, and they wont smell since you wont be doing anything like skating, etc.

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what do you mean that wouldn't be ideal?

your co workers will see you wearing the same pair everyday? or from the smell?

well, honestly, people won't notice you're wearing the same pair unless you tell them, and they wont smell since you wont be doing anything like skating, etc.

I just think in a professional setting that wearing the same article clothing day after day is just not kosher.

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