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How to build a wood deck?


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Things you need:

Lumber (2x4)

Power drill


Power saw (circular)

Make a frame (box shape) to whatever size you desire the deck to be.

Cut braces to place inside the frame. The strongest way to do this is placing the braces diagonally, 16" apart. Then cut pieces to make one brace (going from corner to corner of the frame) going the opposite direction of the other braces. You can add more if you want, but it's really not necessary.

Now you can put the floor of the deck on. Place the pieces whatever direction you want and add two screws for every other brace that it lays on, but make sure that the ends are screwed into the frame, otherwise they will curl up due to weathering. USE ANY SCRAP WOOD as long as it's at least one foot long. You can return any unused lumber.

That's it for the basic deck floor, but if it's raised I'll need to know how high you want it and if it needs to be attached to the house.

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Things you need:

Lumber (2x4)

Power drill


Power saw (circular)

Make a frame (box shape) to whatever size you desire the deck to be.

Cut braces to place inside the frame. The strongest way to do this is placing the braces diagonally, 16" apart. Then cut pieces to make one brace (going from corner to corner of the frame) going the opposite direction of the other braces. You can add more if you want, but it's really not necessary.

Now you can put the floor of the deck on. Place the pieces whatever direction you want and add two screws for every other brace that it lays on, but make sure that the ends are screwed into the frame, otherwise they will curl up due to weathering. USE ANY SCRAP WOOD as long as it's at least one foot long. You can return any unused lumber.

That's it for the basic deck floor, but if it's raised I'll need to know how high you want it and if it needs to be attached to the house.

tell you when I measure it

know whats a ledger board? every freaking find is make this ledger board

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Things you need:

Lumber (2x4)

Power drill


Power saw (circular)

Make a frame (box shape) to whatever size you desire the deck to be.

Cut braces to place inside the frame. The strongest way to do this is placing the braces diagonally, 16" apart. Then cut pieces to make one brace (going from corner to corner of the frame) going the opposite direction of the other braces. You can add more if you want, but it's really not necessary.

Now you can put the floor of the deck on. Place the pieces whatever direction you want and add two screws for every other brace that it lays on, but make sure that the ends are screwed into the frame, otherwise they will curl up due to weathering. USE ANY SCRAP WOOD as long as it's at least one foot long. You can return any unused lumber.

That's it for the basic deck floor, but if it's raised I'll need to know how high you want it and if it needs to be attached to the house.

^trailer park deck.

i will offer the same services as dismalfuture, but will beat his bid and do it for $100/hr, plus airfare

my deck will be nicer, too.

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i can build a deck. $150/hr plus airfare to your location, and you will provide assistance. You mom will provide postholes and I will provide the wood.
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just not that many well priced mexicans here in canada man...

there are no mexican equivalents in canada? i kno in hawaii mexicans there are called filipino. u just have to find out what they are called in canada.

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lol great thread

and yes hire mexicans or hire a contractor because if you try yourself you'll have to tear the shit down eventually. Either because you fukked it up or when you try to sell your house it'll violate every single building code on the inspector's checklist

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When I was 8, my brother's best friend Miles who lived down the street was turning 6 or 7 or something. For his birthday his dad decided to build him a treehouse.

Pops plan for the tree house was fucking ill. It was to be built in this big wide open tree, would be completely covered with a real roof and had three separate rooms. He was even going to put in glass windows, a pull up ladder, everything.

He worked for 3 straight weeks up in the tree just getting the floor finished. He installed a simple pulley and the kids were in charge of putting the 2x4s on the platform at the bottom of the tree to then pull the rope until the platform reached the tree house and he could take the wood.

When the floor was done, he started working on the door frame so we had to put a couple of really big pieces on the platform pulley. It was way too heavy for us but we wouldn't admit it so we just pulled and pulled until it finally started to raise off the ground. When it had almost reached the top, a piece of wood slipped off the platform and came hurtling down, falling right on top of Miles golden retriever, who waited at the bottom every day for the Dad to finish work. The dog didn't die but he could never run right again and whenever he barked it sounded like someone crushing an aluminum can. It would remind us of the treehouse we never had.

That was both the most exciting and sad thing that happened in the summer of 1992.

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