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What's your meal/diet plan like to gain ur muscle?

In my situation, it is really hard to watch what I eat when I eat out with my friends (esp. weekends). I cook on weekdays to control my food intake.

I only use whey and creatine as my pre-workout supplement.

Sup du.

Are you skinny trying to get big? I'm assuming thats the case.

I eat

10-12 eggs a day. Whole raw eggs (I mix 'em in a shake, I can't fucking eat cooked eggs any more)

Oatmeal. Not the instant, sugary kind, the old fashioned oats that come in a big tub.

Salmon in a can (Pink mostly, red is so much better though.)

Milk (I find this food important, but I know how bad milk is for you in terms of disease/cancer/chrons and other shit. Butttt I want to get big so I use it for the time being)

Natural Peanut Butter.

Steak. Lots and lots of steaks...I eat a steak almost every day.

Chicken too. Although I get tired of chicken real fast.

Extra virgin olive oil.

And Butter (no I don't eat butter out the tub, I use it on my meat so it tastes better :P )

As for supps I take

-fish oil






Pre workout


Post workout (immediately-10 minutes after)


Post workout meal

Previously I'd eat oatmeal and cooked eggs

Now its a whole shitload of milk/eggs casein

If youre bulking, when you go out to eat it doesnt matter too much. As long as youre not just eating boatloads of icecream. Cheat meals here and there dont matter too much if your goal is to get big and your workout is on point. So don't stress it. I eat out with friends all the time.

Just eat big du! Stuff that shit down! Remember, high carb around workouts, low carb breakfast, no carb the rest of the day, unless you handle carbs well.

Sure 10chars, if you ever need more help or something just shoot me a PM.

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I know fuck all about weight training and yet still had a feeling the guys at the gym hadn't given me the best kind of program suited to what I want, so thanks yo! Will also have a read up on the stuff you suggested and see what I can come up with too.

I just want to suggest that you should get used to cardio before you get used to weight training. If your goal is to lose weight, you want to form a base of running or cycling or swimming that you can later add weight-lifting onto. Not to say you won't see some results just hitting the weight room, but they won't be nearly as good as if you start hitting the asphalt. The core of every good workout regime is running. I'm a strong believer that if you want to be fit, you're lost without it.

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I cruise on over to this therad and realize Dark has this section on lock

Helping the newbz get huge through knowledge

I learned most of my stuff from you dude haha. Especially the periworkout nutrition, which jumped gains tenfold.

To the cholesterol concerns, I've read somewhere on tnation that it doesn't matter, I forgot why, too lazy to search. But all the big bodybuilders take in more than 12 eggs a day anyway so, if it works for them it must be saying something.

Sup gramps. I guess it's based on your goal. If you're an athlete, want more strength/stamina then it's necessary. I just want to get as big as possible so, I don't really need it. And then I realize most people here don't want to get big so, everyone should do cardio. Mah bad :/

but not just cardio alone. Shaping your body with weights, whether it's to get big or not, will make you look more pleasing to the females , period.


That matters to most of us, right?

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Very true. The workout you posted seems pretty dead on for bulking up. I started with the same goals as 10chars so it's all I really know, but you're definitely right about balancing between cardio and weights. I started running and for a long time couldn't muster any enthusiasm for weight-lifting, then I started a simple routine just sort of fucking around and now couldn't imagine cutting it and going back to doing purely long-distancing running.

Out of curiosity, could you tell me a bit about the stuff you're taking post-workout? I have only used protein powder, but only out lazy ignorance.

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Very true. The workout you posted seems pretty dead on for bulking up. I started with the same goals as 10chars so it's all I really know, but you're definitely right about balancing between cardio and weights. I started running and for a long time couldn't muster any enthusiasm for weight-lifting, then I started a simple routine just sort of fucking around and now couldn't imagine cutting it and going back to doing purely long-distancing running.

Out of curiosity, could you tell me a bit about the stuff you're taking post-workout? I have only used protein powder, but only out lazy ignorance.

It depends on how intense my workout will be, and how shitty im feeling and how many other carbs ill have during the day...

Pre workout

30-60grams of carbs mixed btw malto/dextrose

30-40 grams of whey isolate

During workout or after workout

20-50 grams of carbs mixed btwe

30-40 grams of whey isolate

The meal I have after is

A whole shitload of milk, blended with 6 whole jumbo eggs, and a bit of casein protein to add flavor.

But I do this because I'm lazy. I use to eat a huge bowl of oatmeal, and a bunch of eggs (cooked)

But I'd often throw it up. Because eggs taste like shit the way I cook them.

P+F+C meal is ideal after workouts.

Sorry for being so long winded but I love talking weight training especially since I have no friends that are into bodybuilding or anything,.

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Sure 10chars, if you ever need more help or something just shoot me a PM.

I just want to suggest that you should get used to cardio before you get used to weight training. If your goal is to lose weight, you want to form a base of running or cycling or swimming that you can later add weight-lifting onto. Not to say you won't see some results just hitting the weight room, but they won't be nearly as good as if you start hitting the asphalt. The core of every good workout regime is running. I'm a strong believer that if you want to be fit, you're lost without it.

Cheers! ^^

gramps - when you say use a cardio activity as a base, do you mean as well as the cardio I'm doing in the gym?

In a week:

At the gym I do 3-4 hours on the treadmil (not running,but keeping my HR up in the upper of my fat burning bpm range)

Also been doing about 6 hours cycling. But in saying that, it's a light cycle since I can't shower when I get to work so don't want to arrive a sweating mess.

Is that enough cardio or did you mean try to get a couple of runs in there too?

My main goal is primarily to lose the fat, but just felt like I needed some strength training too as I'm weak as shit, bad posture, back problems...

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Gonna try to go on a low frequency/high volume workout plan for the first time in my life. For three years I've been on high frequency/low volume workout plan, which gave me great results yes, but I realize I should have just trained like traditional bodybuilders did, since I wanted to get big as fuck. Feel like I could have gotten much bigger/stronger quicker if I didn't train this way....

With advice from the bodybuilding bible thread on tnation and cutup, I chose a workout similar to yates.

Just wrote it up right now. If anyone that is a bodybuilder (sup kunk, knucks, cutup) could chime in and give their opinion on this I'd be happy. In terms of exercise selection and stuff. Or just any sort of opinion would be cool.

Warm up sets, Ramping sets, 1-2 hard working sets.

Day 1 - Chest/Bi/Abs

Day 2 – Legs

Day 3 – Off

Day 4 – Shoulders /Tris

Day 5 – Off

Day 6 – Back/Traps/Abs

Day 7 – Off


-DB Incline

-Incline Fly

-DB Flat

-Flat fly


-Barbell/EzBar Curl

-Incline Hammer Curl

-Preacher/Concentration Curl


-Hanging Leg Raises

-Lying reverse crunches

-Wood chops

-Planks + Side Planks


-Back Squat

-Reverse lunges/Bulgarian split squat

-Leg extensions

-Sissy squat


-Romanian deadlifts(dumbbells)

-Leg curl


-Standing single leg calf raises

-Seated calf raises


-Behind the neck press

-Face pull

-Lean away lateral raises

-Rear delt raises


-Dips/Close grip presses

-Cable tricep extensions

-Skull crusher with extra extension



- Bent over Barbell Row

-Cable rows

-Wide grip pull ups

-Pull over’s


-Barbell shrug

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I quite like what you have listed F2D, the only thing I would change is the pairing of muscle groupings

I would do my back with biceps and chest with triceps. The reason being is you get a nice pre-exhaust beforehand, and doing a small muscle group that has been previously pre-exhausted will result in far better gains for said small muscle group.

My tricpeps/biceps have always grown very well, but once I started to pair them up in the aformentioned way, they exploded. You make them sore beforehand by doing this, but not sore enough to hinder lifting endurence significantly

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hey cuptup-

i lift regularly about 4 to 5 times a week (chest/tri, back, shoulder, legs,rest, arms, rest). Recently my left shoulder has been acting up. I think i might have slept on it wrong one night and since then it has felt signifigantly weaker than my right arm.

Theres no pain or numbness or anything, its just noticably weaker. The day after it happened, i could not keep my arms upright at 90* for very long.

Abouth a month later its still persisting. Have you had any experience with this or would you happen to know whats wrong? Could it be a rotators cuff injury or possibly a pinched nerve? Ive had it happen before but it never persisted like this to the point where its effecting my routines.

starting this week, ive switched to higher reps, less weight


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Hey Zubin

Tingling and the feeling of your affected limb falling alseep are generally signs of a pinched nerve. Anything from rest, to a cortisone shot should fix you up. I dont however, think it sounds like a pinched nerve judging by your scenario

Do you have any swelling of the area?

Have you started any new excersises you havent tried before?

To be honest, it sounds like a rotator cuff issue. When you have problems lifting past 90 degrees it can be a rotator cuff tear.

The fact that you think you may have slept on it wrong, and that you dont really have pain per-se leads me to believe that its a minor tear. ( I have torn my rotator cuff because I slept awkwardly after a night of drinking)

I would rest up for the week and take some ibuprophin to reduce swelling if you have any, If pain persists more then a week or so after resting up, see a doctor to get scanned.

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Zubin, if your shoulder is clicking when you try to raise it that is another sign that it migh be a rotactor cuff problem. I hurt my RC sleeping as well, and I tried to keep working my shoulder through it instead of letting it heal straight away which was a bad mistake. It took over 6 months to get my full ROM back, and even longer before I could really push it in a workout. Get it checked by your doc and make sure it heals properly, you'll really regret it if you don't.

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Quick question for those of you who group chest with triceps and back with biceps: do you go through all your, say, back work first and then biceps separately afterwards, or do you alternate?

I put all the tripep and bicep work at the end of the workout. sometimes, for biceps, I skip them altogether. especially if I've done something like 4 heavy sets of 8 of rows or weighted pull ups.

most of the time, less is better.

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Hey Zubin

Tingling and the feeling of your affected limb falling alseep are generally signs of a pinched nerve. Anything from rest, to a cortisone shot should fix you up. I dont however, think it sounds like a pinched nerve judging by your scenario

Do you have any swelling of the area?

Have you started any new excersises you havent tried before?

To be honest, it sounds like a rotator cuff issue. When you have problems lifting past 90 degrees it can be a rotator cuff tear.

The fact that you think you may have slept on it wrong, and that you dont really have pain per-se leads me to believe that its a minor tear. ( I have torn my rotator cuff because I slept awkwardly after a night of drinking)

I would rest up for the week and take some ibuprophin to reduce swelling if you have any, If pain persists more then a week or so after resting up, see a doctor to get scanned.

Zubin, if your shoulder is clicking when you try to raise it that is another sign that it migh be a rotactor cuff problem. I hurt my RC sleeping as well, and I tried to keep working my shoulder through it instead of letting it heal straight away which was a bad mistake. It took over 6 months to get my full ROM back, and even longer before I could really push it in a workout. Get it checked by your doc and make sure it heals properly, you'll really regret it if you don't.

good looks and thanks for the responses. There is no pain or swelling. I can do dips w/o it affecting me at all which makes me wonder if it could be a rotators cuff or pinched nerve.

when i lift my arm, i do get a clicking or popping sound. This problem first came about a month ago and i did try to cut back/work out around it but the problem is persisting.

Its just a dull nagging pain on the front portion of my shoulder.

My younger brother experienced this same thing and spoke to a local trainer about it. According to him it was something that mightve been caused during the bench press. This makes sense as thats when it effects me the most.

He says its something of a slight tear and is actually related to the top portion of the bicep. At first it didnt make sense but as i tried to localize the problem it seemed accurate as thats where i feel the weakest.

Im just gonna rest for a little and check with the doc. I need to get this taken care of asap.

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When I hurt my RC dips weren't a problem but any kind of shoulder raises or especially pullups were agony. Dull pain that gets really sharp when you make certain movements sounds exactly like my symptoms. Get to the doc and good luck.

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]I'm pretty sure I hurt mine by sleeping on my shoulder the wrong way' date=' [/b']but there's lots of ways you can injure it, it's a pretty complicated joint that does more than you think. Here's a good little article:


I tore mine this way. Very funny, considering the amount I push for my weight, and I tear my rc by sleeping

Most freinds of mine that have seriously fu6ked theirs up have done so doing

A) Clean and jerks

B) Heavy dips ( I mean really heavy dips)

C) Powerlifts for benching

I do lots of preventative excercises to strengthen my joints ( especially my shoulders) and take glucosamine and creatine for strengthening and lubrication respectively

Nice article too man, always nice to see people contributing to this thread.

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any tips for weight gain? besides "eat more" i have a ridiculously high metabolism, trying to add a few more lbs

without a structured diet with specifically measured food, "eat more" is sound advice.

you can try the following..

intake 1 tablespoon of olive oil every 3 hours from the time you wake up til the time you fall asleep.

that amounts to approximately 6 times and about 750 extra calories to whatever number you're consuming right now.

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