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Koreans I need your help!


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i feel you on the book writing thing...i've been planning my semi autobiographical book and perhaps screenplay as well for the past what...years it seems like now. never happened, only thing that comes out is occasional outbursts of prose that are like a page long before i say fuck it and do something else



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I'm too lazy to cop publishing deals for any of my books apparently. If I did write a book on how to pickup Korean girls, I'd have to pull a Rushdie, because I'd have people like daydream and all of the other militant Korean cockblockers out to lynch me for selling out their wimminz. (0)

Beyond that, I'd have all these angry readers who'd read the book and go out thinking Korean girls would instantly float their way, but end up with at best, a kick in the nuts probably. I'd probably get a 1/5 star rating on Amazon from all these troll-y looking guys who are angry at me.


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Yo, I don't think she's being cold. Bitch just might be learning the language, kna'mean, doesn't know what's normal n' shit. Kinda made the boyfriend thing pretty obvious tho...

So I'm just gonna agree with what designersheep said...

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I can just picture some Three Amigos looking fruit, salsa dancing with this girl. haha. Anyhow, my opinion, this girl sounds painfully boring, and it's only worth it if you love the chase. Her boyfriend is not a big hurdle, and getting her to meet up is not a problem either, Korean people invented that shit. Just gotta lure her out a bit.

I just don't like the way she writes letters, she has 2nd grade letter writing technique. I'm not talking about her Japanese, it's her Q,A,Q,A,Q,A format that is wack. I might even theorize that I'm seeing a lot of potential crazy in her.

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I can picture whitney doing the phone conversation version of that letter, and it taking like 2+ hours, whereby you finally hang up, and hate life and go to stab yourself in the heart.

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Btw, 私は東京にはよく行かないですね when translated to Korean (I speak both) sounds actually quite natural and not that cold. I think she means she doesn't go to Tokyo that often, and it's more of a description of her daily patterns rather than stressing that she does not want to go. I sense no particular distance in that.

But crap, overall she does sound like she's taking you for some kind of penpal friend or something.

I think that whole paragraph was a super vague three-part hint. It's that Korean girl 'I'm gonna make you extrapolate things, and then deny them if you call me on it' routine.

The first and second part, where she means she doesn't go to Tokyo that often, though she used to go to see her friends, that is just her saying that she'd go if she had a reason to.

The other part where she says she doesn't like clubs, I think she is half serious (or less) about that. She says later down that her whole thing against them is the smell of cigarettes and the boozing (common halfass answer, full of shit), but yeah, half of all Korean girls give that answer, the 'I don't really like clubs' bit, and they go just as often as any other girl, it's the Korean virginal priss routine. Of all the women I've met in Korea who weren't mothers to children, or complete nuns, I think there was only one who was really serious when she said she didn't like clubs, which we learned after we took her to one. Turned out she liked it, she'd just never gone to one before, so it was awkward, to say the least...

The last line in that paragraph, the 'I work most of the time in Yokohama' = I want to sound busy... but then since it's not absolute, she leaves open that possibility again...

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I can picture whitney doing the phone conversation version of that letter, and it taking like 2+ hours, whereby you finally hang up, and hate life and go to stab yourself in the heart.

PFFFT. I've talked to her on the phone. COULDN'T EVEN HEAR HER 1/2 THE TIME.

gotdamn, whit. -_-

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when have girls who have bf's become an issue? i mean...your a pretty good looking guy raj (no homo) take wat u want ^_~

Word. Lot's of bitches are tree swingers, they be with a guy cuz they don't like NOT having a bf and then TRADE UP when they find a better catch; be swinging from branch to branch. Hot girls do this all the time cuz its a stab at their ego if they don't got a bf. Not really stressing it just stating that she explicitly told me she has a bf. Lots of time girls may have bf but will hide the fact to see a new opportunity, so you gotta calibrate. But she threw the monkey wrench in there which I'm not used to. It's not congruent with the long personal e-mail. But I digress, I did the right thing and just ask for the number and date and shit.

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I can picture whitney doing the phone conversation version of that letter, and it taking like 2+ hours, whereby you finally hang up, and hate life and go to stab yourself in the heart.

Your imagination runs wild.

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Your posts at superfuture = strongly reminiscent of that girl's letter. Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh. Let's go with IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII instead. yeah.

To be fair, a lot of Asian girls write letters like that, at least at the beginning. They must sit with your letter like a checklist and check off all your questions as they address them, so it's like 20 paragraphs, with 20 different unrelated topics, and nothing ties together. It's like being in middle school and talking to your 8th grade girlfriend on the phone for hours on end all over again, except you don't have your mom yelling at you for being on the phone all evening.

When you piss them off and they turn crazy, they can fire off some good letters.

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Your posts at superfuture = strongly reminiscent of that girl's letter. Ok, maybe that was a bit harsh. Let's go with IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII instead. yeah.

To be fair, a lot of Asian girls write letters like that, at least at the beginning. They must sit with your letter like a checklist and check off all your questions as they address them, so it's like 20 paragraphs, with 20 different unrelated topics, and nothing ties together. It's like being in middle school and talking to your 8th grade girlfriend on the phone for hours on end all over again, except you don't have your mom yelling at you for being on the phone all evening.

When you piss them off and they turn crazy, they can fire off some good letters.

Are you sure you're talking about me or yourself..?

No hate but I think you're the one that addresses every q or statement with a paragraph (or ten)


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whitney: don't be mad

FTB: keen observation. I think that falls more into the category of shoddy excuses for the English language, along with 'my bad' and the like. In languages that haven't been bastardized as much as American English, you don't see people pulling that shit.

barely related question: do you guys get down with sarcasm in Chinese?


how long has this thread been going now, a week? Hopefully this girl can sing for her supper, this is going on mail order bride status raj...

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chinese (cantonese at least) can be sarcastic and brutal as fuck. as i mentioned in the other thread about cantonese swearing...something about the way Chinese communicate here, maybe its a part of the culture where they like to go the indirect route...but they're really good at sneak dissing and totally trashing the fuck out of someone while making it seem like they are giving a neutral or even positive statement. and i have noted that this mentality/approach runs consistent with Chinese people even if they are conversing in English (at least natives)

but its something you have to see in real life to appreciate, dont think the same effect would manifest itself as well in text

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i picked up this piece of shit book to see if there's anything new with how men play their game. waste of money. i'm gonna take it to the used book store and sell it.

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ahaha, The Game is not the be-all end-all, but I read it during subway rides in Seoul and thought about it a little in the days afterward as I did my regular run of the pubs and clubs. The Game is multi-layered and it will always fail the people who come to it looking for help and need it the most, but it's a nice little commentary that runs parallel with what has always existed.

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dmz's dead and dismal's a relationship guru for the guys? dismal, i thought you were less sluttier than dizz. *shakes head*

seriously, where the heck did everybody go?

never had a liking for sufu though ever since i took sleazie's advice and posted up that one pic of myself on the waywt thread and got bashed left and right for it. that cocksucker.

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i picked up this piece of shit book to see if there's anything new with how men play their game. waste of money. i'm gonna take it to the used book store and sell it.




does not equal this:


It's just a story.

Besides most of what I understand about women I've learned the hardway...

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relationships? when did anyone ever mention anything about relationships? I have little to no experience in those. If you add up all the hours and days, they still won't bely my age.

What I do know, though, is the chase. ;)

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