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Iron Heart Jeans

Guest Guy H

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Two things:

1. That down jacket will be available at SESF and SENY, along with the vest version. Retail price will be $1230.00

2. If you want a duffle bag contact Giles, he'll hook it up. Neither SE store carries those.

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^Was thinking about copping their duffel/sports bag, but ended up copping a Warehouse shoulder bag from J-pan instead. Canvas bag with leather straps and buckles. Has a nice "vintage" look to it. Will post up some pics in recent purchases.

It will instantly replaced the day IH brings out a shoulder bag :)

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Guest iron heart

Either 22oz Superblack or 21oz Indigo Denim. I have not bought these over from Japan before (hence not on the website), so I will let you know the price once I have got details from Japan. Giles

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"We made materials that give you three options for fading time, one is indigo dye and fades pretty fast than normal indigo, one is natural indigo which don't fade easily but the yarn is rope dyed so you can still enjoy fading and beautiful blue color, and the other is Permanent indigo which won't fade on purpose to enjoy raw-denim-looking long time. "

Fast.Slow.No fade. Nice options.

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So I just got my IH 301S size 32 from Self Edge SF. At first glance they looked cool, but I just put them on for the first time and they're super tight in the thighs, pretty tight in the waist, and cool from the knee-down. Do you guys think I should size up or do they look alright? Are they gonna expand in the thighs at all? Thanks.








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If you can button them up all the way then you're good, they'll stretch out within a week to a comfortable level.

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If you can button them up all the way then you're good, they'll stretch out within a week to a comfortable level.

Ok. If you say so I'll take your word for it and start wearing them for real. Are they gonna stretch in the thighs at all though? Thighs are super tight-feeling.

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Guest iron heart
that looks like a beauty, i've been looking for a bag for school

how much does it go for?

In 21oz slvedge denim the price is $150 inc delivery

There are only 2 left in Japan

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We've got the tees at SESF, in-store only... random designs and colors and sizes.. Super cheap yo. We're selling them for JP retail which is $55.

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