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shit you hate


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At the moment, my brother for being a dumbfuck without any common sense or sense of priorities.

Back in November, he hands in a blank cheque to his school (stupid) and £3400 is debited from his account. Turns out that the school never got the money and the money/cheque is either floating around the system somewhere unaccounted for or he's had money taken out of his account because he lacks the common sense to write out a cheque properly or ask his school how to write one out.

So now we be stressing about trying to recover this lost cheque and paying off the rest of the years fees, but I swear down my brother is being as useless as possible. When he should go to the fucking bank to ask them to trace the cheque, he goes to see his girlfriend instead for a few hours instead.

Dumbfuck needs to get his priorities sorted and make sure he finds where this cheque has gone, or I may have to loan out the money to him because my brother needs this payed as my dad ain't paying twice for one term and if the school doesn't get payed, he gets excluded for not paying.

I can feel my hairline receeding because of this.


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friends who pull out the friend card or give some stupid reason like "yo, you're part of our crew" or "this is OUR music" when i bring up the topic of me charging them to record at my place, after i spent 5+ hours recording THIER music.

wtf man, wtf.


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  samsikle said:
the heaaaat. it's too hot, and when it's too hot the bugs come out and when the bugs come out i get bug bites :(

fuck this shit! moths and shit flying into my food, hella dead bugs on the wall behind my computer because I'm rubberband holocaust these bitchasses

I hate when my shit is injured! important ass swim meet tomorrow and my arm is FUCKED. ICING DON'T DO SHIT:mad::mad::mad::mad:

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i hate when i tell my mom to do the easiest thing and she fucks it up. all i asked of her was to wake me up at 11pm since she wss gonna be up, and she COULDN'T do that! when i wake up at 7am (with a shitload of work undone for today) i ask, "why didn't you wake me up?" this is where it gets good, she says, "because you were SLEEP".


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  whitney said:

: (

the ants and spiders have been crawling into the shaded parts of my house to get away from the heat

can't say I blame them

but if I see them I squash em' :o esp the ants that get near my sugar goods!!

dont let them touch your sugar goods !!!! :D

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visited link colour change = solved? without a personal computer, i've been annoyed by that too though.

I hate the dead time right now, want to get directly into this new job asap and hunt down a place in toronto. oh, and hate that i was right about the ex and what (who) she'd be up to now. need to get my shit back.

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when people cant keep up when taking note

some ginger kid in the front of my "afro"american studies class asks the teacher the slow down every 5 minutes. i mean the du has a laptop and i have a pen and a piece of paper and im fine

step up your note game ginger kids

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Guest bambam

when you're using a comp in a public place and everyone who walks by has to fucking read the title of the page you're on.


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