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not having any friends close enough to really confide in/being too antisocial to tell anyone anything that really matters to me.

usually people match levels of intimacy. basically the more you open up to them, the more they open up to you. if you want closer friends, you should try and talk about more personal stuff with them, that way they get to know you better and you'll feel more comfortable talking to them later on.

and if you're afraid that they won't understand/make fun of you/give you shit then they weren't really your friend anyway, or not a very good one. you just have to realize that there are certain friends that you can discuss certain things with, use trial and error to see which friends are good to talk to about different subjects.

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yeah i know, which is why i linked it to my antisocial tendencies. i do have friends i can talk about different things to, but i've never liked sharing about distressing things because i don't like to hear about it from other people.

and basically something distressing has happened, and i find myself with no one to turn to. not that i need to, just a sad observation hah

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I hate my job. I've worked three days this week and I've only gotten 7 hours. Seriously?

This morning I was in a super deep sleep when my alarm went off. I rushed to work and when I got there the manager told me he forgot he had scheduled me and they didn't need me. So now I'm super tired and just fucking pissed in general and it totally killed my day.

I don't mind working there but when I do, I need it to be more than 1-2 hours to even be worth the time coming in.

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People getting overly angry about skinny models and looking down their noses at people who are thin. Obesity is the widespread killer. Anorexia, bulimia and emaciated models are problematic and need to be tackled, but why does being overweight never get the same seriously vehement attention?

An overweight person can comment on me being skinny when they first meet me and joke about it, but if I were to make fat jokes on some person I had just met people would quite rightly call me on it. Double standards piss me off. No hate to any fat/skinny people.

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while I can agree a little about the skinny model shit getting annoying the double standard shit is just stupid. some chick calling you skinny doesn't upset you (if it does stop being a little bitch). it's like white kids complaining they can't say nigger, but black kids can say cracker.

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It doesn't upset me, it's just annoying that everyone attacks being thin, when being overweight is the elephant in the room. Apparently one in nine schoolchildren in London are obese which I think is messed up as fuck.

(Sorry didn't mean for the first post to read that I was annoyed at not being able to call fat people fat!)

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i worked a pretty labour-intensive few summers at a steel mill a few years ago (stupidly good pay for a student). there was a girl there who was literally obese, but as she was a higher-ups little girl, she got away with doing a lot less. we got to drive those giant dump trucks, and only one of them had a little rope ladder hanging off the bumper to connect to the rest of the ladder leading up to the cabin. if she were driving that day, she would demand that truck because she literally could not pull herself up on the others. there were similarly obese dudes in their 50's who could do it, but whatever. anyways, one day the guys left her the one she couldn't get into, and she demanded i head out there with her, with a chair from our break room, to help her get in, and then drag the chair back. one of the guys saw her, made a comment that she was unhealthy and maybe should lose some weight, and almost lost his job when she complained to a boss because of "harassment".

it wouldn't bother me as much if it weren't for the fact she'd take part in all the usual jabs we all had with each other. if you can't handle the truth, don't make comments to the dudes you're working with about how unhealthy they are. luckily she isn't the norm and most people don't fall into the double-standard that i think syed is getting at.

although it is an interesting point that there's so much anger directed at the modeling/acting world and the thin people in it, and while we get constant depressing figures about how overweight north america is, there's never any of the anger associated with that. eating disorders are problems on both extremes, one (literally) weighs more on our country than the other, though.

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don't worry guys, remember when people used to smoke cigarettes in the 50s and 60s just about anywhere? indoors, outdoors, in front of kids, etc etc but now that they found out how unhealthy it is it's become the norm to harass smokers about their smoking habits.

i'm predicting that in 10-20 years it'll be ok to harass people in public for overeating. maybe not for being obese, because you can't do anything on the spot to change it (like putting out your cig or putting down that double down sandwhich), but just wait, you guys will have your day..

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don't worry guys, remember when people used to smoke cigarettes in the 50s and 60s just about anywhere? indoors, outdoors, in front of kids, etc etc but now that they found out how unhealthy it is it's become the norm to harass smokers about their smoking habits.

i'm predicting that in 10-20 years it'll be ok to harass people in public for overeating. maybe not for being obese, because you can't do anything on the spot to change it (like putting out your cig or putting down that double down sandwhich), but just wait, you guys will have your day..

Sorry, but this is definitely not happening. At least, I'm not that optimistic.

Also, I think it's a pretty ignorant, typically male, but not always, perspective to say both why the fuck are you fat you lazy piece of shit AND what's the big deal about anorexia. There are definitely bigger issues than most of us here have to deal with on both counts, I think. Most of America is fat because of the way the food industry works. It works very well. Do you know how much sugar is in corn? Do you know how much corn is in everything you eat? A single can of coke has 42 grams of sugar. That's almost a quarter of a cup of pure sugar. Sugar turns into fat very easily, and very quickly. When most of this continent can't afford to go to the gym or to spend time planning menus, and their little fat children are giving them hell for not taking them to McDonalds you begin to understand the system that's turning them all fat. I'm lucky enough to have a fast metabolism and some level of finanical privilege and be smart and educated enough to understand what's bad for me. A lot of people have none of those things. And that's not even getting into the broader psychology of it.

I understand where you are coming from, because I recoil when I see disgustingly fat people, as I have when I have seen gnarly amputees when traveling. But I would wager that most of these people would very happily be thin if they could figure out how.

And as far as anorexia/skinny bitches go: It's a hell of a lot more common than you think, and as much as your girlfriend/sister/mom might deny it, even the skinniest bitches are conscious about their weight. I know a few models, and they count their calories very closely. For them, I'd hesitate to call it an eating disorder, because being a model can be a very good thing for a young person in a number of ways, and I think disorder implies that something that is negatively affecting their lives. However for all the other skinny ass lookbook wannabe girls that we ogle and enjoy on here I think it wouldn't be so far off to say that a few of them ain't eating right either. And when you relate this to the general iconography of our culture shit gets deeper.

It's a complicated issue for sure, and I'm not trying to be too sanctimonious or preachy so forgive me if I come off that way. I just think that it's better to try and understand the humanity of a person before you judge them too harshly.

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Also, I think it's a pretty ignorant, typically male, but not always, perspective to say both why the fuck are you fat you lazy piece of shit AND what's the big deal about anorexia. There are definitely bigger issues than most of us here have to deal with on both counts, I think. Most of America is fat because of the way the food industry works. It works very well. Do you know how much sugar is in corn? Do you know how much corn is in everything you eat? A single can of coke has 42 grams of sugar. That's almost a quarter of a cup of pure sugar. Sugar turns into fat very easily, and very quickly. When most of this continent can't afford to go to the gym or to spend time planning menus, and their little fat children are giving them hell for not taking them to McDonalds you begin to understand the system that's turning them all fat. I'm lucky enough to have a fast metabolism and some level of finanical privilege and be smart and educated enough to understand what's bad for me. A lot of people have none of those things. And that's not even getting into the broader psychology of it.

Is someone putting a gun to your head forcing you to drink that coke with 42 grams of sugar? Or eat Big Macs every day? No. Nowadays it is really easy to get fat but it doesn't mean that it's unavoidable or inevitable. People just choose to do so because "its the easy way out". No thinking involved, no effort necessary, just drive over to your neighborhood McDonalds and buy a meal that has 1000+ calories. As for kids who "give you hell for not taking them to McDonalds", it's called discipline. I'm not saying you have to beat them, but you don't have to be their subservient slave either. Tell them that it's bad for them. If they don't want to eat anything but fast food, tough. Once you grow up and move out, you can eat whatever the fuck you want. Until then, eat what your parents serve or shut the hell up. Kids these days have an overinflated self-concept, show them who is boss. Just because you have bad parenting skills doesn't mean you can go around blaming everyone else on how fucked up your kid is.

If you had half a brain and a standard kitchen, it really isn't that hard to eat healthy. Food network has tons of shows that show you how to cook cheap, healthy meals using real ingredients in under 30 minutes. There are cookbooks dedicated to this. Does quick and easy necessarily mean it's bad for you? No. If you go to your grocery store and pick up some real, unprocessed ingredients you can still eat a lot and not become obese. You can't blame it all on the food industry. If you're a fucking sheep and stupid enough to eat these processed, high fat high sugar meals day in and day out, that's your fault. The problem these days is people don't know how to cook and don't want to learn. They just want everything handed to them on a silver platter (pun intended). What do you think our parents or grandparents did when they didn't have McDs or BK? They cooked (for the most part, unless you were super rich) their own food. And guess what? Obesity wasn't a problem. It's called making choices, just because it's the easy way doesn't make it the best way. Learn to think for yourself instead of following the herd like a fucking sheep, and stop blaming other people for your problems.

also just so it's not completely off-topic: I hate people who play the blame-game for their problems. man up and take responsibility, stop acting like a couple of 3rd graders.

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Eh, you're both right. It started years ago with the idea that kids should be given an "a for effort" and be praised on the basis of "being unique" instead of their actual achievements. I actually read a few really good articles on it last month and can't seem to find them anymore. Anyways, it's lead to a lot of kids thinking they deserve whatever it is they want, and each generation has become progressively worse behaved. I see far too many kids in this city who have the concept of manipulation down pat by the time they enter school. They want whatever, they know how to work their parents to get it. The fear of being labeled a "bad parent" has a lot of younger people thinking it's more important to bend to every whim of their kids' desires, instead of disciplining. Obviously I'm simplifying, but there's truth to it. Hell, Hocus, you lived in Hamilton... you know of what I speak, heh.

I heard that these days, phys ed is optional for grade school kids. If they don't want to do it, all they have to do is complain to their parents, get them to write a letter, and they don't have to do it. I cannot believe that's acceptable, and that people don't seem to have a problem with the raising percentage of overweight people in the country. If you're a parent, stop blaming everybody else and take responsibility.

People are lazy and gullible. If they hear McD's has a "healthy" option, or even if its advertised with light, airy wording, they'll think it's enough. They don't want to put the effort in, for whatever reason. I've got a fast metabolism too, but I know it won't last forever and I've learned over the years that thin =/= healthy. Which took a long time, since my mom raised me under the idea that wasn't the case, and somehow, after over a decade as a nurse, she still thinks it's true. She's referred to Scarlett Johansson as "bigger".

I try to give overweight people the benefit of the doubt, because I understand that there are cases where it is (at least partially) out of their control. But in the case of that old coworker I mentioned, she came into it completely on her own. If you're showing up with leftover KFC, or eating two pieces of cake that were brought in for someone else's birthday, I'm not going to feel sorry for you.

All that said, I don't think I know a single girl who doesn't think about the relationship between what she eats and her body.

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