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Hate fuckers who are checking you out for what you are wearing and then the minute you catch their eye they throw major queenie attitude like they are better than you.

Bitch I already saw you looking be man enough to smile or acknowledge, its not gonna go to my head...

no homo

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Hate fuckers who are checking you out for what you are wearing and then the minute you catch their eye they throw major queenie attitude like they are better than you.

Bitch I already saw you looking be man enough to smile or acknowledge, its not gonna go to my head...

no homo

that's a pretty homo thing to say, regardless.

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i was sitting a chair away from these two ugly asian girls in class and i overheard their conversation about boys and sex. "he should totally make a move" "we're going to fast" "i thought you were into asian guys"

I wanted to throw up

just added, when you overhear two ugly chicks talk about boys and sex to my shit i hate list

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fuck this dude pressing 2nd floor in the elevator (we were on the 1st floor)

really? you fat fuck? you would have gotten to the 2nd floor (possibly even 5th) during the time you were waiting for the elevator to come. wasting my fucking time holding shit up.


It's the absolute worst thing you can do. I'd understand if you're carrying groceries or moving in or shit, but seriously? A single flight of stairs? Fat losers.

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hate it when youre watching something funny and your friend misses the punchline. you laugh, then he/she says "what did he say?" you repeat the joke, but of course the timing has passed and you can't deliver it the same way. your friend then nods and, if youre lucky, gives you a courtesy "heh"

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