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shit you hate


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got home today to find a "we missed you" from canada post. the parcel won't be available for pick up until 1pm tomorrow, and the place closes as 6pm. of course i have class till 5:30 and won't be able to get it tomorrow. have to wait till thursday

i want my dbss now!

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I hate sending texts to the wrong people, totally can fuck stuff up. senior year I meant to send a text to my friend telling him about this other friend I was mad at, but I sent it to the friend I was mad at. I was just reminded by that because I sent a text saying "I'm working but I'll take off, this saturday right?" to a friend who told me about a halloween party. I sent it to this girl at work who I've been talking to who I said I would hang out with as soon as I got a day off. She texted me back and was like "yeah I have saturday off" and I had to explain I meant to send it to a friend. Now she probably thinks I'm trying to play some games with her cuz we haven't talked in a few days. :rolleyes:

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people who are overly enthusiastic. happiness is fine, but being excited and screaming it in my face is not.

I completely disagree. I can see how it could be obnoxious, but I wouldn't make a blanket statement like that. Sometimes seeing people gets so happy that they are screaming and shit is enough to make me happy.

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fair enough. but it depends what someone is getting excited about. if it's some trivial shit, like their favorite Avril Levine song came on the radio, then I'm not having it. But something which merits excitement is fine.... i should have been more clear.

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One of my asian flatmates has awful hygeine. If he manages to miss the toilet bowl, he doesn't use the wipes to clean his mess up. Instead it gets left there, evapourates and releases it's stinky odour ready to annoy the next person to use the bathroom. That and he doesn't wash up his cutlery properly, he just rinses it out with cold water.

Why didn't I look for a place with en suite bathrooms, I'll never know.

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  • I hate that certain people are given authority, then they get to abuse it or use it wrongfully.
  • I hate tests.
  • I hate fake people.
  • I hate wearing big shoes.
  • I hate homework.

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