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1st of all how the hell does some guy who is supposedly centuries old and spent that entire time on a fucking island (flocke) know how to make a timed bomb....

2nd so flocke just assumed that someone will get shot and that jack would actually go in the sub (which he really didnt want to) and that he will open his backpack trying to find some medical kit to help the person who got shot?


I was wondering about the C4 thing

But I think its plausible that flocke assumed Jack would end up in the sub, he more or less knew that the sub would be guarded and whitmores guys would ambush him, it wouldnt be difficult to have someone get shot, and jack would have rushed to help them

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I was wondering about the C4 thing

But I think its plausible that flocke assumed Jack would end up in the sub, he more or less knew that the sub would be guarded and whitmores guys would ambush him, it wouldnt be difficult to have someone get shot, and jack would have rushed to help them

i mean yeah thats plausible but it's still a huge assumption on Flocke's part. in general, there were plenty of times when no one got shot in a shoot-out in the show. im just saying for a guy who is supposed to have some cleverly organized "plan," his shit seems to have too many holes and assumptions which the show just glosses over.

and yes MIB has the ability to "absorb" memories of the ppl he takes over. but still... to assume that Locke, a fucking box-salesman, knew how to make a timed c4 bomb is too farfetched IMO. yeah he was into that whole hunter-gather shit but come on.

im probably being too particular, but i expected more from this last season. the whole good vs evil thing is so cliche and i cant help but feel that most of us have been jerked around the last 5 seasons only to arrive at this shit. it was basically all build-up for 5 seasons and this "climactic" situation we find ourselves in the last season just seems so arbitrary.

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^Locke isn't the only one who died on the island, there was a whole team of mercenaries for one thing...

but he didnt take over their body.

and im certain thats not how it works.

in order for him to have a body, the dead body must come to the island, as was the case with jack's father and locke.

im pretty sure he cant take over bodies of people who died on the island. one can make the argument that he showed himself as Alex to Ben in that temple, but it wasnt a physical body.

The whole time Jin and Sun were in that sinking sub while she was telling him to go over and over, I could only think, why didn't either of them mention their now parent-less child????

exactly what i was thinking. i was kind of expecting sun to tell jin that he should go take care of their kid.

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The whole time Jin and Sun were in that sinking sub while she was telling him to go over and over, I could only think, why didn't either of them mention their now parent-less child????

i kept thinking titanic

"its sooo colddddddd"

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Flocke definitely has the ability so scan memories of people/use the memories of dead people. There are LOADS of possible explanations of how he could know how to wire up a bomb, including that one of Widmore's people that he killed had the required skill set.

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if walt isn't in the next few episodes, i'm going to break something. he is by the most enigmatic character on the show. flocke never impersonated him so he was definitely the one appearing to the survivors on the island.

the biggest problem with this season is the handling of the flash sideways. i know it's supposed to be vague but the flash-sideways doesn't serve any apparent purpose. why does it matter that the parallel timeline match back up with the current one. the current one seems to be doing fine without it. without any kind of hint there's no suspense building up to the convergence of these two timelines.


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so what the fuck was with sawyer telling jack 'dont worry, just push him in the water' i got the impression that sawyer somehow divined that locke 'cant' go in the water then jack pushes him in and he just fucking pulls himself out. no harm, no I'M MELTIIIING. it reminded me of that scene in kung pow where he goes to challenge the bullies, talks a lot of shit then uses his palm of god technique which actually does nothing and then they all piss on him

also lol 'where is sayid?' 'THERE IS NO SAYID' ummmm um. and did anyone else find locke's explanation for his paralysis really funny?

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some good moments and better pacing but the flash sideways is really uninteresting i wish they'd get on with the story already. Who do you think will survive til the end of the show?

Also i watched it on hulu but didnt rewind but did sawyer try to disconnect the c4 wiring or did it just blow on on its own ?? n/m rewatched it and it was sawyer

well i guess sawyer and jack are destined to be bum chums for life now , even on the killing other losties scale

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Surprised she hasn't already and they better not try to pull off the whole love triangle thing again (there is no way in hell they will anyway)...But I'm starting to believe the theory more and more that the two skeletons in the cave are Sawyer and Kate...

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the season 1 episode where Jack goes to the cave to first find water there were 2 skeletons on a shelf in the cave. rose and bernard traveled back in time so if they died in 1977 then those could be their skeletons jack 30 years later when they crashed on the island

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For an episode this late in the game to leave me so underwhelmed as tonight's episode...it's really a shame...Acting was awkward throughout but I guess we got at least one answer (skeletons in cave) and confirmation that Jack is most likely the new Jacob (still pondering on the significance of Kate though). We got a few more questions needing to be answered and at this rate it's obvious they're going to leave much to speculation/interpretation...

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Lost's plot has basically boiled down to "Fucking magnets, how do they work?"

*seriously though, it seems so late in the game to keep introducing new shit. I kind of get what they're doing, but what is the black smoke? Alien ghost? It seems like whatever was in that cave killed the brother and took his form? Will we learn what it is? 2 episodes :(

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all the shit seems so forced and completely arbitrary.

yeah let's put a light in a fucking cave but we will never explain what it is or how it works so people can still "interpret" the show.

yeah let's refer back to season 1 and try to make some bullshit connection so people think we knew all long what we were doing.

i think what jacob and MIB's fake-mom said to their real mom essentially summed up what the writers think about this show and its audience:

"asking more questions will just lead to more questions. you should rest."

im disappointed.

seriously, what the fuck does a fucking light in a cave have ANYTHING to do with the last 5 fucking seasons. really this is what it comes down to? that donkey-wheel shit they showed today was just weak. wasn't even much of an explanation.

not even a hint of that shit and just bam: ball of light in a cave. and it turns people into smoke monsters... but we wont explain to you how that works. it just does.

fuck you.

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