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The real question is why would Fridays mother go though all that trouble to make him who he is, to get him back to the island, to kill him, over and over and over... It must mean there's something Fairyday did that we don't know about yet, that's important.

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  Bigyen said:
The real question is why would Fridays mother go though all that trouble to make him who he is, to get him back to the island, to kill him, over and over and over... It must mean there's something Fairyday did that we don't know about yet, that's important.

Wait so is this time travel thing a constant infinite loop?

Daniel faraday gets born, his mom turns him into a physicist, she eventually sends him back into the past, and he gets killed by her. And she knows all of this because she has killed him before.

So whatever they do in the past has an immediate effect on memories in the future?

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this is so fucking confusing haha. i guess they (present people) do have an immediate knowledge of what happened. alpert knew (or bluffed) that hugo and all them got killed, we'll see how/if that goes down

i dont understand why she would send him to get killed. i don't understand how he could have done something that wasn't shown, the one thing that he tried to do was foiled. well not foiled completely because it still has a chance of happening, but you know what i mean

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I wanna know more about how they used the smoke monster to transport the bomb underground to the temple.

And btw, why does Jack think he can detonate the bomb. I know plenty of doctors and most can barely operate a cell phone, let alone a 50 year old rusted nuclear bomb.

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The bomb is buried under Dharmaville. Maybe that's why all of the women can't have children. If the bomb was leaking radiation that would be good cause for the infertility.

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  chantheman said:
The bomb is buried under Dharmaville. Maybe that's why all of the women can't have children. If the bomb was leaking radiation that would be good cause for the infertility.

never thought about that, but it would really make sense this way

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I was thinking that maybe the cataclysmic event that killed all the Dharma people was not the drilling at the swan, but in reality the detonation of the bomb. And Jack's just fulfilling a predestined event. Also was it ever explained how Richard never ages?

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  mis said:
Didnt one of ben linuses flashbacks show that the dharma was killed by some kind of toxic gas?

Yes I thought Ben helped kill them all in a gas attack too

But the radiation/infertility thing is a good call except it didnt only affect dharma people and it didnt start until LONG after the bomb was down there

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anyone else notice widmore put his hand on elosie's stomach when they were talking about how their relationship is complicated? im thinking shes already knocked up with daniel insider of her when she shot him.

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  chantheman said:
anyone else notice widmore put his hand on elosie's stomach when they were talking about how their relationship is complicated? im thinking shes already knocked up with daniel insider of her when she shot him.

think that was quite obivous.

btw why is daniel's surname faraday if his parents are called hawking and widmore?

found this tag on a signboard by a public toilet construction site here in zurich. made me smile


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i go to niketalk to read the lost thread. LOL

but yeah.

they have a guy there who's been consistently correct and giving

hints before each episode and shit to look for cause apparently his roommate works for the show or something.

duck tales, whatever.

point is if anybody else reads that "things i noticed" by vozzeck (the most recent one)

niketalk dude said all the shit about hurley was spot on.

to the point where the producers are like wtf

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this guy does recaps of each episode.

so i guess you could say theories.

spoiler if you wanna believe the guy from niketalk saying he's correct.

but the guy from niketalk also said "hes just saying things that we all should of known already, hurley is important, but EVERYONE is important"

something to that effect.

too lazy to search thru the massive niketalk thread.

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