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coffee anyone?


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so in new orleans they blend coffee with this shit called chicory

we were almost out of coffee the other day, and then someone found a pack of chicory blend at the back of the shelf

so i made a pot the way normally do; apparently you're supposed to use less when there's chicory involved, but i didn't know that

i had one 12 oz cup

holy fucking shit

better than blow

i was so amped i was still seeing stars at like 4 pm

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Depending on the breakfast, chicory and coffee can be quit nice. It does have certain flavor qualities normally associated with "cheap" or "burnt" coffee. Not something I drink black, however. I usually do it half milk and half coffee/chicory blend.

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i only go to starbucks for the sausage rolls

i tried the coffee once :shudder:

dunno if they have those in the US.


I never eat them though.

all about coffee cake/pastries.

I'd go to legit bakeries or pastry shops, but I was in a hurry.

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Apparently this place http://www.49thparallelroasters.com/storeCoffee.html was selling it last July. $300/lb though!

kunk said there's a place in nyc for it. i need to hit that place up next time i'm in town. What's it called so i know what to look for. I'm gonna be in boston in a few weeks and want to scope some out. Gotta get me some monkey shit

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The one good thing about this goddamn school is that downtown there is a nice little shop called Chocolate.

They make the sickest hot chocolate ever, and mixed with their Moroccan coffee is just amazing.

I like making drip coffee, but I don't have the means to in my dorm right now... :(

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Experimented today. Used the leftover milk from my cereal in my cup of bialetti + rosso. Suprisingly, I could actually taste the black currants and it wasn't disgusting. Might do this on the regular, now. Straight po college status.

I eat Kashi U, btw...If anyone feels like testing this shit out.

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