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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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looks more balanced than usual... so good there dum... i dont think those jeans work for you tho. your arms look bigger than your legs, and thats never a good look.

They told me I looked like Vin Diesel on top and Nicole Richie on the bottom, wow ha.

I still like larger tops though, and it allows me to wear my jeans alot lower.

I just checked haha...my forearms at the widest are almost as wide as my calves at the thinnest. I will turn my arms to the side next picture and see if it doesnt look as weird...

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bizzy i just realised that we both have the adidas promodel sleek both in red and green! hee! (no homo)

whizkit only you can make hdb void-decks look so sexy.

mike and felix lookin great boys. all set for berlin? have i said it before? i'm so terribly envious.

of all the nights at work, i chose to wear this little. later it was rainstorming and actually really cold.


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^those olas?? they look pretty good... olas are such a damn good fit.. wish they made a version with a better/heavier/stiffer denim.

but i suppose they make for a good summer jean.

Yes. They are Ola's. I love the fit and thin denim. As you said, it's a great summer jean. It's 96F here; these are the only pair of jeans I own that I can stand to wear during the day.

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that brings back memories

i just googled around and found a pair going for two bills (!) on some uk site

poof, last pic is creative stuff - interesting

un, nice backdrop/non-denim fit

bloodz, nice avatar

and soepom, lovely pic

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Bill- loving that look, esp the pbj

dum maybe some loose jeans might solve the problem, love the shirt though

pie thats just way to creepy

I don't like looser jeans really, and because my legs are so skinny they always fall funny. I'm fine looking like Vin Richie / Nicole Diesel.

And I'm sticking with the oversized tees though, I like the length.

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