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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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the context was all in good fun, and a complete joke. i'm not whoring myself out... i'm laughing at the ones who drool... or find it necessary to comment due to their own self-conflict.

yo dis bitch is weetodded??:confused::confused::confused:

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the context was all in good fun, and a complete joke. i'm not whoring myself out... i'm laughing at the ones who drool... or find it necessary to comment due to their own self-conflict.

no, you are whoring yourself out. whether it for the drool or the comments, you want the attention

but you should get it from your boyfriend, not us... go hang out with him for our sake

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the context was all in good fun, and a complete joke. i'm not whoring myself out... i'm laughing at the ones who drool... or find it necessary to comment due to their own self-conflict.

well, if that's what ya need to do to laugh and have fun.. to each their own.:o

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Dani is your face busted? Do you have googley eyez?

I just find it funny that you're eager to expose most parts of your body for the internet, but always obscure your face by a pair of oversized raybans.

something like that...

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I have nothing but negative thoughts for a girl who posts her semi-nude bottom half so "the classy boys of superfuture could get a glimpse of upper thigh" after having posted a booty shot. what will you do when the boys of superfuture create a "I haven't seen a uterus yet" thread?

you could've at least worn some yohji lingerie in your pics to make them relevant to this whole forum.


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the context was all in good fun, and a complete joke. i'm not whoring myself out... i'm laughing at the ones who drool... or find it necessary to comment due to their own self-conflict.

self conflict? who the fuck is this cunt? she's got some pretty high opinions of herself no? who here is conflicted? I for one am positive you're a whore, of both the attention and cock seeking variety, and further i wouldn't fuck you with hali's dick (although it would be funny to give you hepatitis).

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self conflict? who the fuck is this cunt? she's got some pretty high opinions of herself no? who here is conflicted? I for one am positive you're a whore, of both the attention and cock seeking variety, and further i wouldn't fuck you with hali's dick (although it would be funny to give you hepatitis).

oh here we go again...another bonefuckinhead sayin THE EXACT SAME SHIT THATS BEEN SAID FOR PAST 4 PAGES. you aint said nothin new, as a matter of fact, you said the same shit in a more boring way.

and dont fuckin kid yourself, you'd fuck her day and night. problem is, she dont wanna fuck you.

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no ones defending shit. im simply sayin this whole "lets bag on this fuckin bitch til she kills herself" is lame and predicted. and to make matters funnier, you actually go ahead and think high of yourself enough to think that you could but would not fuck her.

i dont even know this bitch and dont care to feed her the attention that she wants (exactly what you're doing) but this whole meaningless "FUCK THAT WHORE" talk reminds me of a bunch of crabby kids

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and to make matters funnier, you actually go ahead and think high of yourself enough to think that you could but would not fuck her.

at this point i would like to call attention to her haggard ass face. usually girls in big sunglasses operate under the illusion of being hot, even if they actually look like rugby players. if you can't even pull off this hoax, i can't imagine what that mug looks like underneath.

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