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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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nf one yours looks like it fits well ubt it's a shitty pic!


no hate, but this looks too large. you gotta size down on that shit.

have you heard of clothing? its this new thing i heard is cool nowadays

that shit'd look pretty dope if he was going for that Junn J. jacket look that Fablouz has

actually thought of that and was pretty pleased


It's brand spanking new. While I agree, I think he should slim down the sleeve area, it'll look better and fall naturally once it's gotten some wear and tear.

yeah was talkin to black.shadow about the possibilities for alterations, im keepin it in mind but wont make any decisions till its completely worn in and only if i absolutely hate the bagginess by then, but in all honesty dont see it happenin

As everyone's said...keep the perfecto. I actually like the way they fit in the arms.

And since no one else's brought it up: Yours is one of the few fits where your knee-rips dont look silly and tacky.

thanks and i dig the baggy too

nf one, Perfecto fits great, not everyone needs to be shrink-wrapped. That's a classic fit.

And as a few people have mentioned, it will look better once it's beaten up and broken in, it won't look so "puffy." That's the main thing contributing to people saying it looks too big, IMO.

also thanks :)

I still want to know what size that is. I know you didn't buy it for retail, was it ebay'd?

brand new, straight from schott sz 34. was dying for it and couldnt wait for an elusive anorexic size to pop up anywhere else. was gonna 32 but wanna wear it all thru france winter and will need to layer under it

and cottonduke - of course boots ;)

edit: hangthedj, they arent particularly high so the extent of really significant alteration is a bit limited. if you were really serious you could cop the 613US from japan which goes for like ~$700 (not including proxy) which is essentially identical to the ones guitar wolf wears, or a custom for ~$1000. if you want i have a measurement sheet with the upper arm widths for all sizes.

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TOY5AUCE and now this

lookbook invasion has begun

looks lame as fuck. she posted a tattoo i liked on the tattoo thread but then i saw the waywt post and i just couldn't get myself to pos rep her after seeing that.

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Well, sufu was fun while it lasted. Nice knowing everyone!

Is it too late to all migrate to soraanaam forums? (8)

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some kind of clitoral stimulation device? probably not, but it was the first thing that came to mind so i thought i'd put it out there.

it looks like one of them finger trapper things,except she aint got no friends to trap in the other end nor was she clever enough to put her other finger in so she couldnt take the pic,so she thought sheed try here.

Guess it didnt work out as planned.

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Looks like a push pop.

Trying to get that Lolita via J-Fruits underage sex appeal goin on, no doubt.

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the lkbk invasion is taking hold,batton the hatches.

oh and wtf is on her finger??

i thiiiiiiiiiink its a push pop.

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I'd smash most the girls on lookbook. Doesn't mean i don't think a lot of them dress kinda whack. I'm definitely a fan of the milky legs though. Some high school beezie at the grocery store was wearing her school volleball uniform. Damn, them shorts make those legs look so good. I'd +rep girls posting that shit on here

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as for that lookbook piece of legmeat, where the fuck the titties at? Don't even answer that with the requisite blouse pulldown B cup lil button nipple shit, give me real tits or shoot yourself in the face. genetic cleansing concept.

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