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none of my girlfriends ever offered to do any of my hw.

not that i would make them.

i'm just saying, i know two girls that basically passed their boyfriends thru college.

and i don't even get a worksheet offer?

Did the design for my ex gf's final major project (100 page magazine), took a couple of months total and she "paid" me by buying me a Visvim backpack.

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I had a dream last night that I was at my own press conference battling reporters and activists about a short story I wrote that was published in The New Yorker.

It was a story about a man who tried to commit suicide by scalding his face with acid, only to call the paramedics for help when the acid failed to do the trick. After a long hospital stay, he became blind. Fast-forward a bit, and he learns how to utilize echolocation (I forget how) and decides to become a full-time rapist. He grabbed national headlines but was never caught.

At the press conference I looked visibly hurt being called a misogynist and a hack. In my press conference, this guy in the back called it “regretfully brilliant”.

Then the dream fast-forwarded some more and I died penniless. Somewhere along the way I explained that because of earlier draft readings I changed it from being a regular college grad to a suicidal longer because I thought it would be more plausible and I used the acid to render him more subhuman rather than demonize the handicapped, who already had it rough.

It was republished years later and bundled with a bunch of other stories, including Nabokov’s Lolita and Merrick’s Elephant Man.

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prom sucked

My senior prom was on 420 coincidentally so.... actually, both my junior and senior. And these were at different schools

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