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Real McCoy's / Joe McCoy's Jeans


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  a.khan12390 said:
Basically BiG took a big loss on the fullcount contest

That sucks to hear. Since all the 1108Cs were sold out, and the larger sizes in the 0105C, I'd hoped it had been successful for them.

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  Atzec said:
^yeah, just because i didn´t soak em yet.

prepare to get one of the most cardboard-like denim experience after you soaked them. i got a pair of 906's for my dad and he pretty much refused to wear them because they were so fucking stiff. after me and my mom called him a pussy, he decided to start wearing them.

i'll post fit pics of him and me the next time i'll see my pops :)

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  setterman said:
That sucks to hear. Since all the 1108Cs were sold out, and the larger sizes in the 0105C, I'd hoped it had been successful for them.

yeah, this suprises me as well. denim is amazing, customization was really nice> really hoping for a real mccoys competition to take off, perhaps we can combine the elusive Lee repro competition and go with a real mccoys Lee repro for this

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  SLAB said:
yeah, this suprises me as well. denim is amazing, customization was really nice> really hoping for a real mccoys competition to take off, perhaps we can combine the elusive Lee repro competition and go with a real mccoys Lee repro for this

Lee has put a levis style ban on importing the repro models into the us...it really sucks

  ranonranonarat said:
looking forward to seeing a real mccoy competition as well even though i wont be joining officially, i will still pick up a pair to make up the numbers since i can always wear them for later (mabbe a couple of years down?)

My feeling is that most people have there jeans set for the coming spring, winter and fall (the cool comfortable jean wearing seasons). I think we could definitely get more people if we waited till spring next year and then made a thread and started hyping it up (starting labor day). It give people time to save up, and young people will most likely not have bought there jeans for the next school/college year. THe more people we can get to commit, the more we can do basically. Maybe even you could get in on it with full participation ranon. I want to try to promote the brand if possible rather than just keep it to a small group.

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Yo, a real mccoys leepro contest would be nice. Been wearing a pair of their 101b for about 5-6 mos and they're coming along nicely.

Although I'd down for any mccoy contest, official or unofficial. Also got a new pair of Mccoys 001 and still planning to buy more standard mccoys model.

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im all for growing the brand so that more people get exposed to it a.khan. it'll be nice to see something take off in 2012 and if it does, i will be full on participating.

drz you have good fits. i stole this pic from kayodic, hope she doesnt mind but are those the 101b's that you're wearing in the picture? if they aren't, those fit you great anyway. ha.


LC_Miey i think it would be great to open up a thread for that but probably closer to the end of the year? otherwise the interest might fizzle out by the time we get to the real contest. my 2 cents worth.

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  ranonranonarat said:

LC_Miey i think it would be great to open up a thread for that but probably closer to the end of the year? otherwise the interest might fizzle out by the time we get to the real contest. my 2 cents worth.

True Ranon I agree..I was just putting it out there for now ;) looking forward for the development

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^ yo ranon, thanks, those are my Real Mccoys 613 which haven't got any love these days as they're getting way too tight or as i'm getting fatter each day.

I've posted some pics of my 101b in the Leepro Appreciation thread though

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^Sure wish I could wear denim to work...As far as the FC contest, I think Gordon took a loss on it because there were so many drop outs (including me to be honest) and people who changed their minds about the fit of the 1105 model...They then basically had to add the 1108 cut to satisfy those wanting slim and ensure enough buyers, which Gordon covered himself...At least as far as I remember.

Let me forewarn whoever ends up organizing a possible McCoy's contest...Make sure you know exactly what model/details you want before asking people to join...I always irk at all the problems that came up with the "democratic" approach I took with the LHT contest...

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  LC_Miey said:
Thanks for the pictures Atzec, from the picture, the denim on 906 looks similar to my porkys 66', the dark colour, consistent weave and they have the same blue hue under the light, pink selvage

Hey LC, i got both the 906 and Porky's 66 which i think the denim on 906 is a bit heavier than porkys..(i hate their small right pocket haha) also the denim on 906 is a bit hairy.

Though the cut is quiet similar except the top block on porkys has much fuller look, CMIIW

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Cheers for the info RABIND. I stand corrected..yeah the front pockets on Porkys are abit relatively small but I love the back pockets and how they sit in the seat area..

sorry for the topic deviation, back to usual RMC discussion

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