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SugarCane 1990's M-Series Archive

Double 0 Soul

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13 hours ago, julian-wolf said:

I don’t remember those shrinking much in length. I can measure mine later but they’ve gotta still be at least like 35” after a few washes

Thanks that is good to know. They would probably work for me then.

I'll sit on it and stew for a while, but I might end up grabbing them. They're fair game for anyone though, because I love to drag my feet indefinitely. If I grab them, they might be a nice alterative to my TCB Cats Drive to fill my late 40s Leepro spot since these will be much more accomodating.

Edited by yung_flynn
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Think on it. They’re some of my favorite jeans I’ve worn, and in general I’d def. recommend them, but that asking price is quite a bit above MSRP (enough so that it would prob. be a dealbreaker for me, personally, even if they were in my size)

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On 7/29/2020 at 8:13 PM, Graytrain said:


Resurrecting this from the depths…

This was a pair of (supposedly) M41030 that didn't quite match up—pink line denim, in stead of white, and a number of other details different from the standard M41030. 

Well, looking back through the thread, I'm seeing the S.C. & Co - T.Y. rivet shanks with the "25" in the middle, which just came up in the last page or so in the context of a pair I saw on Yahoo that looked like MP-series, but didn't have much on which to base an ID. @Maynard Friedman suggested that they were likely a 1990 production, with the 25 referencing the Toyo Enterprise 25th anniversary. Seemed very plausible. As it happens, these were made from a pretty similar looking pink-line denim to the pair above.

Maybe @Graytrain's pair were a very early version, still using left over rivets from 2–3 years earlier, and possibly a transition late-MP / early-M denim?

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13 hours ago, MJF9 said:

More Canes... these came From Japan... big thank you to @nopal who provided the tip-off this time 👍

Most excellent find! Funny enough, I just saw a pair of these on YouTube the other day in case you want to see how they might fade:


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I'm increasing peoples perception of price then i'm checking out my collection and retiring to the Caribbean!

The wise money would have invested in 1940s era Levi's from Marvins while they were still under £3k..

..but no, i thought 1990s era SCs would be a wiser investment.. Now what to do with all these NFTs?

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Here's something I've never seen before

I guess in the era before M-series product numbers, when Pants were given MP-series numbers, Jackets were given MJ-series… (Can anyone confirm???)

Sorry for the low-quality images; Mercari Shops is being weird





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Posted (edited)

We'll have to roll our sleeves up and do a bit of denim-archaeology..

I've already found 2x non-denim jackets with MJ codes both look quite old but i'm not sure how old

Down jacket with this label (MJ-793) 'found in a vintage store'


Flight / Bomber jacket with this label (MJ-631) 'NOS'


Happy hunting folks..

..also this Harley Davidson jacket (MJ-873) which just screams 1980s :)

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Yes, I've seen MJ codes on a few Henry Lear jackets before, but never made much of it. There was a Henry Lear take on the 65/35 Mountain Parka that I was really interested in for a while (I'm forever in love with the original Sierra Designs version), but I never had any luck finding any in my size. Looks like at least a couple are still up on Yahoo + Mercari. This is the first and only time I've seen any MJ-series denim.

I wonder whether the takeaway is that all the non-denim jackets we're seeing are from the MP / MJ era, or just that they continued that numbering convention for non-denim items after switching to M-series for denim? The latter would be similar to how Buzz Rickson's stuff still kept M-series tags until (I think) just a few years ago, long after main-line Sugar Cane had switched to SC-series.

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Posted (edited)

It sounds logical but it's also new info so let's not nail down any conclusions just yet.. let's find some more MJ denim jackets and see where that takes us

Remember when @Graytrain found that "MP era Bluebell shirt" on the previous page.. i've just zoomed the label and it's not MP, it's MS.. therefore, it seems

MP = M-Pants

MJ = M-Jacket

MS = M-Shirt

I've just darkened the image so you can see it better


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Great detective work there

All things considered, that seems much easier to follow than M1* / SC1* = jackets, M4* / SC4* = pants, etc.…I wonder why they decided to switch it up

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Morning denim-dudes

6 hours ago, tooth said:

@Double 0 Soul maybe ‘Mens’?

..but it runs through every product code up to 2003, there is no W to denote women even on clothing we might consider traditionally feminine, or at least unisex, tiny waist bell bottoms, britches ..ect

If all of their range was designed for men (patriarchal 1980s / 90s era Japan?) and none of it for women and you felt the need to make your customers aware of this.. why hide it in a confusing product code and then why hide the pc in a pocket where nobody can find it?

Back to the drawing board with that theory @tooth 

D- See me after class :D

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