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you like cheap imitations?

He just wants to be in with hipster asians... as long as they look hot. I guess I understand. I should've added "with personalities that negate any speck of physical cuteness."

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^^ whatabout hypebeast-ettes? Or short L.A. azn princesses who dress up in urbanoutfitters hipster uniforms? Who wear uggs/shitty-yet-expensive-urban-outfitter-slouchy-high-boots? Who are originally from San Diego?

I swear man, being surrounded with that is much much worse. Makes me wish I was gay.

Its hilarious how people in Socal, and specifically the Riverside area catch on to trends 8 months late and ride it as if the rest of the world hasn't moved on.

My confession:

I'm genuinely sad that I'm too large to wear Lad Musician and other similar brands. I'll take my measurements two and three times hoping that maybe on the third attempt I'll have magically lost just enough inches to fit into, say, the trench for sale on the supermarket.

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Guest youkinorn

I'm only 1 block from my dark tip and I'm pretty excited about it.

This makes me sad.

(Don't neg rep me and make some bitchass comment about trying to cheer me up, though, assholes. You're not funny.)

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Once a cheater, always a cheater. I found out the hard way.

theres an easy way to find out a cheating lying coward played you for a fool?

why did no one tell me?!?

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i smoked a lot of weed tonight and then did some cocaine and tried to beat jordan on hard and failed during the solo.

thus, weed + cocaine + shrooming last night = fail at guitar hero

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Not inviting us: failure.

On an unrelated note, I kind of creamed my pants when Samuel L. Jackson showed up during Iron Man. Like...twice.

Happy 900.

God damn you. You post wayyy too much.

and it was pretty much me and a couple friends and a bunch of giddy 16 year old girls that were happy with the free booze and attention. Obv graduating high school makes me ohso much cooler.


Age of consent was changed to 16 =[[[[

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Not inviting us: failure.

On an unrelated note, I kind of creamed my pants when Samuel L. Jackson showed up during Iron Man. Like...twice.

that movie is not out yet here but i cream myself whenever Sam L. Jack shows up. i mean, come on. motherfucker is fucking cool as all get-out.

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does anyone else HATE IT when someone snitches out on the bill? like, if 4 poeple sit down and one person (say, yours truly) says something like, "WHO WANTS PIZZA?!" and all 4 people say yes, is it so unreasonable to expect everyrone to pay for their part? i mean, come the fuck on. let's be adults. pay for what you eat. or, don't eat.

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does anyone else HATE IT when someone snitches out on the bill? like, if 4 poeple sit down and one person (say, yours truly) says something like, "WHO WANTS PIZZA?!" and all 4 people say yes, is it so unreasonable to expect everyrone to pay for their part? i mean, come the fuck on. let's be adults. pay for what you eat. or, don't eat.

seriously. if you don't have money GO HOME. also i think it's sad when someone doesn't have money and watches everyone eat. it makes me uncomfortable.

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NO in my case she ATE and then when it came tiem for the bill, she didn't give as much as the other people. andn then, when i made a point of it, the OTHER POEPLE put in more money, which i promptly gave backc to them (why should THEY have to make up for her lame-ness?). FUCK i'm only out liike US$10 but it still pisses me off

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couple a years ago went out for a friends birthday , there were about 10 in the group at a japanese restaurant,, good night was had,, everyone filed out paying for what they ate, i said to my friend hey ill pay for you for your b'day and any unclaimed items,, cost me $200 thanks to his dodgy mates that drank more than they said they did....wankers

yeah i mean with someone's birrthday i guess it's another story, that's sitll big of you though.

i was bitchign about a regular fucking night!

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Maybe she's a cute girl and she knows it. She's just waiting for you to understand it too... cuz yeah most guys feel (needlessly) obligated to throw money at such things.

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seriously. if you don't have money GO HOME. also i think it's sad when someone doesn't have money and watches everyone eat. it makes me uncomfortable.

word. people with no money stay the fuck home. or go to the library, park, museum, grandparent's house or some shit...

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seriously. if you don't have money GO HOME. also i think it's sad when someone doesn't have money and watches everyone eat. it makes me uncomfortable.

I had a friend who actually went one step further. A group of us went out to eat, and when we were ordering, he said, "Oh, I'm not going to get anything--I'll just eat whatever you guys don't finish."

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