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I didn't know prom was the cancer killing superconfessional, but I just found that out, too.

prom is deadies

fuck high school

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Bitchassness is killing america. i guess im part of the bitchassed group.

Back in senior year of high school, in the third week of school (October), an ugly female friend asked me, "so ted, you want to go to a comic book shop, watch a movie on prom night?"

I replied, "HA! Why wouldnt I want to go to prom? I want to go."

So of course she goes all emo all of a sudden, head down, looking very depressed. Me, being an idiot, suddenly asks, "oh. wanna go?" It took only 2 seconds later for me to scream in my head, "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. GODDAMNIT."

She looked up, and her eyes lit up and she said, "sure!"


I basically had the whole year to reject her, but i felt soooooo bad. she wouldn't have gone to prom otherwise. I had other girls that I wanted to ask, but i wouldve felt really really really bad to reject her.

so my bitchass went out to prom with her. it was an OK time at best.

during a 1AM dinner after prom though, she asked me if we were more than just friends now.

I rejected her to her face. "HAHAHA. NO! You know how me and ( this other girl) are"

She did that emo shit again, but i was just like alright.

After I got back to my school (where the limo dropped us off for the night), that other girl was waiting for me there. We went to my house and had fun.

I still feel bad for rejecting my date to her face like that though... kinda.

oh and why didnt i just go to prom with the other girl? it was because we went to diff high schools.

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Bitchassness is killing america. i guess im part of the bitchassed group.

Back in senior year of high school, in the third week of school (October), an ugly female friend asked me, "so ted, you want to go to a comic book shop, watch a movie on prom night?"

I replied, "HA! Why wouldnt I want to go to prom? I want to go."

So of course she goes all emo all of a sudden, head down, looking very depressed. Me, being an idiot, suddenly asks, "oh. wanna go?" It took only 2 seconds later for me to scream in my head, "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. GODDAMNIT."

She looked up, and her eyes lit up and she said, "sure!"


I basically had the whole year to reject her, but i felt soooooo bad. she wouldn't have gone to prom otherwise. I had other girls that I wanted to ask, but i wouldve felt really really really bad to reject her.

so my bitchass went out to prom with her. it was an OK time at best.

during a 1AM dinner after prom though, she asked me if we were more than just friends now.

I rejected her to her face. "HAHAHA. NO! You know how me and ( this other girl) are"

She did that emo shit again, but i was just like alright.

After I got back to my school (where the limo dropped us off for the night), that other girl was waiting for me there. We went to my house and had fun.

I still feel bad for rejecting my date to her face like that though... kinda.

oh and why didnt i just go to prom with the other girl? it was because we went to diff high schools.

Pics of Girl 1 crying and samples of her bad poetry from her Xanga or it didn't happen.

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I'm not in contact with girl 1 anymore.. I have no samples.

This is girl 2 a few days later though:


haha. woops? rejected her too.

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goddamnit i just portrayed myself like a womanizer, but i swear to god that i'm not.

in fact, it's because i wanted to spare her MORE heartbreak that i broke up with the second girl.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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top pic is not my prom date. that's the second girl.

my prom date is/was MUCH more unattractive than disillusioned (0.0000000000000).

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I was under the impression God loved the world so he threw us this homey named Jeeeeeeeeezus... not killed himself for us. Am I wrong? Did God die at some point and rise like a glorious phoenix?

If I tried to type like she does I'd get so wildly irritated I'd stab the keyboard.

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I had a friend who actually went one step further. A group of us went out to eat, and when we were ordering, he said, "Oh, I'm not going to get anything--I'll just eat whatever you guys don't finish."
eww hella scavenger.

I lived in a disgusting and crowded apartment one summer in Kansas City. At any one time there was anywhere from five to eight of us living there in this three-bedroom two-bathroom apartment. (One couple had the master bedroom and holed themselves up in there separationist style, so there was one filthy bathroom for the rest of us.)

There are a lot of stories to be mined from that summer (including one incident involving a thrown vacuum cleaner and another involving "Booqueesha Goes to Booty School"), but the aforementioned friend, the scavenger, didn't have a job. The rest of us had nighttime jobs--I was a waiter at a steakhouse and the most of the rest of the people living there were pizza-delivery guys. So my unemployed friend would sleep in till midnight every night. "It doesn't make any sense to be up while you guys are gone," he said. "This way, I get up when you guys get home and I miss all the shitty down time."

One night I got off early and ate an postshift meal. I ate about only half my steak, so I wrapped the leftovers in foil and went home. I got home around midnight. My friend was still asleep! Although this was the norm, I was especially disgusted this night.

"Motherfucker!" I yelled. I threw the wrapped-up steak at my slumbering friend, and it hit him right in the face.

"What--?" he asked, waking up. He picked up the packet, sat up in bed, unwrapped it, and immediately began eating the steak as if it were a burrito.

The life of scavengers.

I was under the impression God loved the world so he threw us this homey named Jeeeeeeeeezus... not killed himself for us. Am I wrong? Did God die at some point and rise like a glorious phoenix?

If I tried to type like she does I'd get so wildly irritated I'd stab the keyboard.

I think it's both; God sent Jesus to the world because he loved it, and then because the world sucked so much, he allowed his only son to die so that all the world's sins may be forgotten. I think.

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goddamnit i just portrayed myself like a womanizer, but i swear to god that i'm not.

in fact, it's because i wanted to spare her MORE heartbreak that i broke up with the second girl.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Shit, don't sweat the bad rap. There are two types of people in this world--stone-cold killers and chump-ass busters. You just did what any stone-cold nig would do in that situation.

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If she is Catholic then God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all the same thing. So its not ridiculous.

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If she is Catholic then God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all the same thing. So its not ridiculous.

They are distinct but of one essence, go back to bible school!

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GOD DAMMIT I SO FUCKING RELATE. I HATE BROKE FUCKS IM TIRED OF ALWAYS PAYING FOR ALL THE ALCHS. but i do get this guilty feeling because i come from a pretty wealthy family. i have some poor friends but most are stingy.

I am very poor. What makes me even more poor is the fact that I have a deadbeat friend who mooches off of everyone else. I'm sick of buying this poopouts drinks and food. The problem is that he's my best friend and we have a great time. What's a bra to do?

proms in less than 2 weeks and i still dont have a date. what the fuck am i doing.

what do you guys think about me asking some random chick that i find attractive? it should all fly well as well as she finds me somewhat good looking right? but then she might think im a fucking creep.

A seemingly wise man once said "Try and pick up every waitress that has ever served you." I don't yet know if this is good advice.

Damn I didn't know kids still got homotional over prom. Shit is just cheap frills for kids to act a fool with a bit more permission. Maybe you get your dick wet in your $100 Men's Wearhouse suit, maybe you get drunk and watch your date fuck some other dude, but most likely it will be another really really forgettable moment... you're better off saving some cash to buy another B.Son hoody.

He's right. I didn't go. Waste of money. Waste of time. I was seeing a total loser at the time, anyway. Go buy yourself something nice, like lo said. Prom, holidays, shit like this... It's all man traps. Our women are raised by the box to be very superficial and materialistic. That sounds ironic from a guy who posts on superfuture, but at least we consider quality and means of production. Don't play into this game. It's not fair to us. Save your cash on booze and a more definate chance that you'll get laid. Most of them don't give anything back on prom night anyway.

1.) you need to go to prom. i admit, it wouldnt be fun without u man.


Been there. The sight of your Klansmen oozing out of the mothership is a sight to behold.

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Guest spazzz
yeah i decided not to go to prom.


i think proms ridiculous if your class size is like... 50 people.

kinda wierd but even adult G.E.D. schools have prom.

things will probably be cooler on the internet anyways

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goddamnit i just portrayed myself like a womanizer, but i swear to god that i'm not.

in fact, it's because i wanted to spare her MORE heartbreak that i broke up with the second girl.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

i don't think you have to apologize for being honest to someone about how you feel about them. fuck her emo-ness, you deserve the hottest chick you want, when you want.

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They are distinct but of one essence, go back to bible school!

I am not Catholic!

I pray to George Carlin.

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The moral of the story is that high school shit is stupid. I don't talk to either of those girls anymore.

The only thing I remember about the night aside from my bitchassness was the frolicking afterwards --- and this was only 3 years ago.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go to prom; rather, I'm just saying that you shouldn't put such a heavy emphasis on it because you most likely won't remember jack shit about it in a year.

and mojinho: yeah. thanks.

and for the record, i think she's catholic.


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