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oh yeah, confession:

i find it disconcerting how many people on this board talk about my neck when I am fully removed from the conversation

(currently, see Lab's likes and dislikes...apparently my neck bother's him so much it stacks up to AIDS and getting raped in the ass)

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- make extra strength ex-lax brownies and after she eats some, casually mention that the toilet is broken and the plumber comes tomorrow morning

more to come..

Instead of saying it's broken, cover the bowl under the seat with clear plastic wrap. That shit will swear on her butt and stash all the toilet paper and paper towels in the house in your room.

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Instead of saying it's broken, cover the bowl under the seat with clear plastic wrap. That shit will swear on her butt and stash all the toilet paper and paper towels in the house in your room.

that sucks only because he lives there too. imagine, if he did this, hobag would be so mad she would storm out and leave the mess behind to be cleaned.

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jane is lethal with those lax brownies...

pff, jim carey did it with coffee in dumb and dumber over a decade ago

shit dino, worst i've done is $100 for doing 80 in a 55. are they that harsh down in FL?

way more harsh, its nearly $200 here for going 20 over. this is my third speeding ticket, first two were now over, now 50, i obviously havent learned. this is seriously a big factor in my wanting to go to school in nyc so i cant get my self into anymore trouble like this. :(

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wtf i got pulled over going 40 in a 35. i was only speeding cause the car behind me was hella tailing me and i was like "wtf what an asshole" so i sped up a little to get space and then all of a sudden the police strobe lights go on so the cop car was the dumb car punking me.

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wtf i got pulled over going 40 in a 35. i was only speeding cause the car behind me was hella tailing me and i was like "wtf what an asshole" so i sped up a little to get space and then all of a sudden the police strobe lights go on so the cop car was the dumb car punking me.

Hahahahahahaha, that fucking sucks... I couldn't help but laugh though.

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i was once going 55-60 in a 35, and i locked eyes with a cop on the opposite side of the street, luckily for me he was trapped between 2 delivery trucks so i got away but i was scared as fuck when i noticed that cop.

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I only speed in states other than PA that way you'll never have to pay the ticket. I currently have warrants out for my arrest in a couple... oh well.

if you get a speeding ticket in a state other than your home state you dont have to pay it?

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i remember once i was cruising along the highway heading back home at around 1 am. there are no other cars anywhere on the road, so naturally i go, 'hey check it out, i bet i can go 90 but the ride'll be so quiet and smooth it'll seem like we're going 30."

so i speed up to 90 (in a 55)...and instantly a cop appears out of nowhere and pulls me over

after the usual pleasantries, 'where are you going', 'do you know how fast you were going' etc., the cop finally says 'ok, i'm letting you go with a warning. if i ever pull you over again you'll regret it.'


i was actually kind of offended at his dereliction of duty

muthasucka, you got some more pressing business at 1 am on a deserted highway?

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I'm thinking up what to say to my psychiatrist so I can either:

a.) increase my current prescription of klonopin from 60x1mg ----> 90x1mg?

b.) ask for a switch to valium :)

bear in mind that about only 10% of each bottle is consumed by me and the rest get eaten up by friends each time I get a refill, so I don't really NEED medication. anyway if I want option A, I can basically tell him I've developed a tolerance (I've been prescribed kpins since sept 06) and he'd proooobably do it since he hands out prescriptions like candy

and if I want option B (which I kind of do, since I would like to try something different and more people have heard of valium rather than klonopin=$$$) all I need to do is ask for a longer-lasting benzodiazepene and maybe toss around the word diazepam


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shit dino, worst i've done is $100 for doing 80 in a 55. are they that harsh down in FL?

I can't say much about anywhere else, but Orlando cops fucking blow. I got pulled over on the 408 expressway once and the cop gave me two speeding tickets, citing the fact that I was speeding, and then I guess I sped again before he pulled me over. One of my speedings was in a construction zone, one of the "fines doubled when workers present" types, and he doubled my fine despite there being no workers present. Combining my doubled ticket with my regular ticket, I think the total was over $600. I took it to court after I found out that what he did is apparently of questionable legality, but by the time my court date came around he'd been deployed to Iraq so both tickets got tossed out.

My confession: I moved my room around today, and intentionally put the TV in a place where it could be clearly seen from the bathroom.

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my dumb ass hasgotten 11 speeding tickets, all in a two year timespan.

fortunately i could fix them all. each ticket however, when factoring in court fees, legal fees, and the actual fine, brings the total to around $250-$300. Multiply that by 11 and you've got an anal raping with a bowling pin.

confession: been living off konbini fried chicken for the last few days. not good.

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if you get a speeding ticket in a state other than your home state you dont have to pay it?

Nope. Each state has a completely independent department of transportation and theres no real system in place to track people's driving records between states. So... say four years ago you were speeding on route 90 outside of Buffalo New York and you got pulled over by a big cop who told you you were going 80 in a 55. If you lived in Pennsylvania you would not have to pay this ticket because NY could care less about trying to track you down. Its way more expensive to track somebody out of state down to pay a ticket than the actual amount of the ticket.

However, if you ever want to drive in NY again and you get pulled over... you'll probably have to spend a night in the hooscow. Its a trade off.

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I feel you guys on the speeding tickets. My first ticket got me suspended for 3 months and copped $700 in fines. But I was only 25kmp/h over going 105kmph in an 80 zone. Kinda bullshit cause they only changed the speed of the zone less than a week before, and it was 3am with noone around. But whatever :(

Anyway, my confession:

My auntie overseas has gotten cancer and it's progressed to a point where little can be done. Painkillers are her only recluse, and she wanted to end it earlier without all the pain. The rest of the family obviously want her to keep fighting, so do I but I feel it's very selfish for us to want this. Damn.

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i met a really cute scene girl hanging out with a friend of mine who i haven't seen since september. ruh roh.

on the subject of speeding, my only speeding ticket was a 70 in a 55 construction zone that came out to 242. it was my first and i had just gotten my license earlier that year. oregon(not sure if any other states have it) has a thing called the youth offenders program where you fill out this little workbook and don't get a ticket for 6 months and at the end of that period, you see the judge and if youve done what i said above it gets dropped. been speeding ticket free since. and that was a year and a half ago. but, i've been pulled over 3 other times for bullshit reasons like my tint is too dark(which it wasn't) or just stupid shit.

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