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i was expecting to get my ass burned by my director for showing up to the audition and being like fuck this. and leaving to go get drunk and play scrabble. but she made the whole class applaud me today for really caring enough to show up just to make sure that there were enough people trying out. i dont think she really understood the circumstances of my leaving. but it all works out somehow. and i like it when it does that way.

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i know the feeling...

a few months ago i rang my old agent asking if she would represent me again after firing her two years ago...she said yeah...truth is i was ambivalent about it...have had mixed feelings about acting since i finished drama school...

i mean when i did work it was tied up in so much self destructive behavior....serious drinking not eating...i don't drink very much at all now so i was kinda nervous that acting again would unleash all sorts of demons...

well my agent got me a few auditions but even better than that she got me a small role in a prime time soap opera i didn't have to audition...it was supposed to be 2 days of shooting but has turned into 5 so far with rehearsals and shoot days...

the show is such fast turnaround that there is a lot of pressure...besides i have never done multi camera studio stuff before... so my first scene i kept thinking i would choke and lose my lines screw it up somehow...as soon as we did a camera rehearsal it was fine...i think i did a good job...hard to tell in the factory style enviroment...

my confession is... i want to be an actor

wow - congrats indeed. I can totally see a soap opera being high stress - I've heard stories of people getting their scripts just a day or two before the actual shoot, and the entire scenes being revised - even as it's being shot! Is the filming over now - or is it still going on? How did it go?

I know what you mean though. I've been doing a lot of short films and sort of low-budget stuff lately, and people have been casting me because they're worked with me on a previous project - so usually when I show up to a shoot I don't really know who my character is, or what I'm going to be doing. And I don't know if it's just my city, or it's all over, but most of the auditions posted here are by student film makers who want to make soft-core porn 'art films,' so I sort of glide away from those. Hah..I just finished a two week intensive acting course and for the first time ever I think I actually understand acting --- not totally, but I think I'm ready to start going for it full-force.

I'm going to be moving to vancouver soon so I can actually pursue it as a career.

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why am i so crazy?

why do i want the new PSP-2000 Slim that was just released today?

I don't even have time to play it..

actually, i do have time, i just don't like video games, but i want the systems..

i have a Wii, four controllers, and 9 games, i've seriously turned the system on a total of 15 times.

but now i want the new PSP.. for what?

i'd far rather be browsing the internet than playing video games on my couch, i think that's the problem.

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i have had three days of shooting and two rehearsal days... my day job is not impressed...and i think i have another day or so next week...

today i had an intense phone call... i rang work saying would be late back 5 mins before i was supposed to be there...my boss was about to leave to pick up her daughter from hospital and anyone else who could cover is in fiji right now...ooops...

after that i had lunch then shot another scene...the scenes last week my level may have been too much...first take i screwed up i was so worried about my other work....second i think i nailed it...seriously it is so hard to tell because you get almost no feedback on fast turn around unless you completely screwed up...i mean i found new complexity to my character..the earlier stuff was a little more one dimensional....

but as i said it is impossible to tell... because everyone is so busy trying to get it done...

soft porn ?....when i was doing no budget shorts i always played junkies and other assorted wastrels....

good luck with your stuff...

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i got drunk and made out with a chubby chick. it was fun!

same here, i did that a week ago! she was super drunk too. it ended up just being her licking my face and me laying down. good time stthogh. i would give you rep if i would manipulate my mous well enough i'm drunk.

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this isn't as much a confession as it is a rant.. but holy fucking hell my face hurts.

so I was leaving for Paris on friday morning last week. thursday night when I was going to bed my cheek started hurting pretty badly, I knew I had a tooth that needed fixing and I had already made an appointment to the dentist. I figured the pain might ease up, so after sleeping for a mere hour I left in the morning in quite a bit of pain. the two following nights were probably the worst I have had in my entire life, I don't recall ever being in that much pain to the extent that I was quite close to banging my head on the wall to knock myself out. so after two more nearly sleepless nights of mind numbing pain I had to find a dentist there, I managed to actually locate one that spoke english and came to work on saturday afternoon just because I called. we then figured that my teeth actually weren't causing the pain, my sinuses were. so apparently I had a bacterial sinus infection, not the one that you get during a cold because the sinuses are clogged up but the type that can come several weeks after being sick. I was lucky that the dentist realized this and didn't just say that your teeth are fine. he actually gave me the medication even though I think he should've sent me to a regular doctor.

so I got some antibiotics, which started already helping the following day, on sunday. on that evening my girlfriend got sick, she couldn't keep any food inside. apparently some kind of a food poisoning, she was sick for that evening and got somewhat better the following evening. on tuesday, the day we were travelling back home, I got the same thing. I've never vomited on a plane before, let alone several times. same goes for the airport. I've never felt so sick either, all I could do was sit with my eyes shut and try to breathe steadily. two flights later we were home and after throwing up a couple of times I could eat something which actually stayed in. all this time I was a bit worried about my antibiotics, whether they had time to absorb before I threw up.

so yesterday morning I could already eat a bit more. when I did, however, I noticed that my tooth hurt a lot, the one that didn't hurt earlier. I don't know if it was triggered by all the other pain or what but later during the day I got a slashing pain if I even touched it with my tongue. it felt absolutely unbearable, I was on as much of an overdose of pain medication as I could bear with my stomach but it didn't really help. I wanted to bang my face on the wall and scream, but managed to just lie down. I was on the verge of going to the hospital or just knocking myself out somehow, but I managed to wait untill this morning and got an emergency appointment at the dentist. turned out that the tooth was in worse shape then imagined and the whole root area was inflamed. the dentist put something in it and covered it temporarily. an hour later I was back there because if possible, it hurt even more now, I could barely walk straight or keep my eyes open. so the cover was removed to relieve pressure and now I'm sitting here with a huge-ass hole in my tooth. the pain is not nearly as bad as it was and I'm feeling better then I have in several days :o

all in all, this is one of the most painful experiences I've had, at times it felt like someone was slowly pushing a knife into my head, or if someone had hit me several times on the face with a hammer. children, take care of your teeth. had I not waited so long before making the appointment, this last and most painful step of my hurt marathon could've been avoided..

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^so sound advive would be to take care of one's teeth (reeaaallly??..but then again, i'm not of the british persuasion)? you got a bad cold-like infection? french dentists are cool, they give you antibiotics... and you felt like banging your head against a wall...

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I am so paranoid about my teeth. I have regularly had dreams about my teeth falling out like when I was little, or chewing a big piece of bubble gum and having my back teeth stick to the gum and get pulled out. the absolute WORST feeling.

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my tooth quality sucks, I've always taken good care of them but they get fucked up anyway, I think more than half of mine have been atleast slightly fixed. apparently it descends. the reason this one took so long to take care of was that it was blocked by a wisdom tooth which was pulled out a while ago, should've gone back sooner :(

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i said karma was a bitch,that was something that happened with me, that was my confession.

oh, I dont do drugs much

sorry to hear about your bad karma experience, what happened?

Now I'm afraid to go to the dentist cause there's a tooth that occasionally hurts. I had a check up that I recently missed cause I'm afraid of what might be. So now I'm brushing my teeth three, four times a day...maybe it will go away on its own???

I'd suggest to go asap, the longer it takes the worse it can get, not necessarily but possibly. I can say from experience that basic drilling is nothing compared to if something is really f'ed up : P

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mike, route canal? or are you just having the tooth filled?

whatever it is, bummer dude, i have regular teeth nightmares (ala jane) but usually it involves painful surgeries and other things. i think it stems from braces, and the fact i had a cavity in a baby toothe. i try to take very good care of my teeth though.

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