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Take care of your teeth kids. I recently got health insurance for the first time in many, many years and was finally able to see a dentist for all the various cavities I'd developed over the years. I ended up having 7 fillings done and 2 teeth pulled. It's been a rough summer on the dental front.

On the upside, I can eat ice cream without excruciating pain shooting across my teeth for the first time in years, which is nice.

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mike, route canal? or are you just having the tooth filled?

whatever it is, bummer dude, i have regular teeth nightmares (ala jane) but usually it involves painful surgeries and other things. i think it stems from braces, and the fact i had a cavity in a baby toothe. i try to take very good care of my teeth though.

I'm not 100% sure, I know they drilled it open, removed some crap, put some stuff in it and tomorrow they'll apparently closed. it would have the temporary covering but it created pressure inside the tooth which resulted in it hurting even more, so I went to have it taken off. I now have a big-ass hole in the middle of my tooth, feels pretty odd :o

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I remember one time they injected me with anesthesia to remove my wisdom teeth, and they broke one of them in half trying to pull it out. After dude told me, I paused for a moment, and then laughed lol. There's still an open hole where they used to be.

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you mean the needle? ouch, man.

Yeah. There was a slight pinching sensation in my gums but I went numb right after I felt it. And the fun began.

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they put me under when got my wisdom teeth removed.

but i woke up when they were still working.

i remember freaking out and like screaming why the fuck am i awake!?!

and i guess they put me under again.

then my shit got infected and i got a 103 fever.

were you actually moving? i mean not just conscious but also not paralyzed...if you were not paralyzed that's fucking terrible...

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i had tooth filled when i was like 8 or 9... baby tooth, it fell out like 2 months later. i still have it somewhere.

its actually the only tooth ive ever had fall out naturally. the rest were pulled. i think the most i had done at once was 6. fucking painful. there was at least one occasion where the dentist did not put in novocaine, which was awful.

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they actually put you to sleep for wisdom teeth?? I've had all 4 pulled out with local anesthesia. lower ones were sawed into several pieces, the later one was actually quite well rooted to my jaw so they kind of had to pry it out..

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