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Guest bambam
I've lost my mind and sent the following:

Here's how I see it: you make me better. You'll provide me with the energy and the impetus I need for greatness. I will do great things in the hopes of impressing you, and maybe you will want to impress me, too. We will help each other to understand this stupid, wondrous world, which we both love so much. You'll help me be more compassionate and loving and I'll help give you direction and organization. You'll write searingly honest letters that I will strip of excess sentiment, and you will inject some much-needed humanity and warmth into every cold and rigorous thing that I write. Sometimes we'll be poor, but we'll always eat well; we'll live off of baguettes and cereal and fresh fruits and vegetables and phở and sometimes barbecue when we don't have money. We'll try on fancy clothes and go window-shopping and end up at IKEA. We'll go to museums on free nights and use our student IDs to their fullest advantage. When we have money to burn, we'll eat at restaurants with prix fixe and buy all sorts of fancy things. We'll go see concerts and concertos and operas and buy works of art to decorate our tastefully modern living space. We'll attend parties rife with socialites and tell them stories about Haruki Murakami and Wong Kar-wai and William Gibson and Vietnam, where there are no rules and where we haven't been but where we will go one day, once the regime has fallen. We'll dazzle everyone we meet. You'll come to New York and I'll come to LA and we'll go to San Francisco and Austin and all our friends will become friends with one another and everyone will wonder how it was that they didn't know each other all along. Sometimes I feel that way about you, em. We'll be con artists on the run from the law, pretending sometimes to be brother and sister, other times to be husband and wife, and we'll be so good at what we do that we ourselves won't be able to tell the difference. We'll be playwrights because we understand English and people and the way they communicate and behave better than anyone else and we'll write critically lauded works that are commercially successful enough that our parents will proudly tell their friends that we are writers. I'll be a talk-show host and you will be a poet whose works are taught in schools. We'll look forward to the winter because wearing clothes is so fun in the wintertime but we'll look forward to summer because then we can go to the beach and loll around in the sun all day, turning a wonderful shade of brown because we're Vietnamese and that is the color we are naturally. It will seem to people that everything comes easily for us because of our natural grace and charm but they won't realize that sometimes we had to work really hard at it. And sometimes when our life affords us a well-deserved moment of rest, when things slow down enough that we can lie together on the couch and listen as Bach streams through the living room, you will ask me while playing with a lock of my hair, "What next?" and I will tell you the same thing that I will tell you now: I don't know what happens next, but I know that we'll do it better with each other.

this was probably a bad idea

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i partied hard last night

naturally my senses dulled

now that i've sobered up they've returned

but i think they're more acute than they were before i partied

i hear everything, sight is improved and taste is superb

end transmission

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I've lost my mind and sent the following:

Here's how I see it: you make me better. You'll provide me with the energy and the impetus I need for greatness. I will do great things in the hopes of impressing you, and maybe you will want to impress me, too. We will help each other to understand this stupid, wondrous world, which we both love so much. You'll help me be more compassionate and loving and I'll help give you direction and organization. You'll write searingly honest letters that I will strip of excess sentiment, and you will inject some much-needed humanity and warmth into every cold and rigorous thing that I write. Sometimes we'll be poor, but we'll always eat well; we'll live off of baguettes and cereal and fresh fruits and vegetables and phở and sometimes barbecue when we don't have money. We'll try on fancy clothes and go window-shopping and end up at IKEA. We'll go to museums on free nights and use our student IDs to their fullest advantage. When we have money to burn, we'll eat at restaurants with prix fixe and buy all sorts of fancy things. We'll go see concerts and concertos and operas and buy works of art to decorate our tastefully modern living space. We'll attend parties rife with socialites and tell them stories about Haruki Murakami and Wong Kar-wai and William Gibson and Vietnam, where there are no rules and where we haven't been but where we will go one day, once the regime has fallen. We'll dazzle everyone we meet. You'll come to New York and I'll come to LA and we'll go to San Francisco and Austin and all our friends will become friends with one another and everyone will wonder how it was that they didn't know each other all along. Sometimes I feel that way about you, em. We'll be con artists on the run from the law, pretending sometimes to be brother and sister, other times to be husband and wife, and we'll be so good at what we do that we ourselves won't be able to tell the difference. We'll be playwrights because we understand English and people and the way they communicate and behave better than anyone else and we'll write critically lauded works that are commercially successful enough that our parents will proudly tell their friends that we are writers. I'll be a talk-show host and you will be a poet whose works are taught in schools. We'll look forward to the winter because wearing clothes is so fun in the wintertime but we'll look forward to summer because then we can go to the beach and loll around in the sun all day, turning a wonderful shade of brown because we're Vietnamese and that is the color we are naturally. It will seem to people that everything comes easily for us because of our natural grace and charm but they won't realize that sometimes we had to work really hard at it. And sometimes when our life affords us a well-deserved moment of rest, when things slow down enough that we can lie together on the couch and listen as Bach streams through the living room, you will ask me while playing with a lock of my hair, "What next?" and I will tell you the same thing that I will tell you now: I don't know what happens next, but I know that we'll do it better with each other.


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And I guess that she was probably cursed, haunted by like a sweet, stretched poison, a killer snake, speeding like a snail, dipped in arsenic, pumped and drenched - in her own blood. I dreamed instincts of destructions, for her own genuine protection.

-she is aiming at her brains!

i trick my own self too much sometimes :(

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I can't walk by a homeless person and continue eating. sometimes I don't have time to eat a proper meal during the day so I grab food to go..and there's so many homeless pple in San francisco I either a) hide my food before I cross the vision field of another homeless or B) give food away as well. I was munching on a bag of goodies that I got at work filled with bite sized candy and most seem happy, one even asked for seconds..but this one dude, when he asked for money and I offered him candy he leaped away like I was offering something tainted with anthrax or something!


also dark chocolate reeses peanut butter cup > milk chocolate reese peanut butter cup

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I can't walk by a homeless person and continue eating. sometimes I don't have time to eat a proper meal during the day so I grab food to go..and there's so many homeless pple in San francisco I either a) hide my food before I cross the vision field of another homeless or B) give food away as well. I was munching on a bag of goodies that I got at work filled with bite sized candy and most seem happy, one even asked for seconds..but this one dude, when he asked for money and I offered him candy he leaped away like I was offering something tainted with anthrax or something!


also dark chocolate reeses peanut butter cup > milk chocolate reese peanut butter cup

Once this guy came on the subway asking for money for food. I offered him my leftovers from Balthazar, a lamb/watercress sandwich on baguette. He said to me, give me money stupid motherfucker. So never again. Most are gonna spend it on crack, booze, and cigarettes.

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never had them cuss out at me before that mustva been like wooah

but most beggars make good money from tourists and unsuspecting folks.

so I don't feel the need to add to that esp since they're gonna use it to buy crack, ciggy or alcohol instead of food.

there's this one skinny guy pushing around a cart full of stuff and he has two very plump, healthly looking cats.

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Never give money to homeless, always better to give to a homeless charity. I dunno in the US, but in the UK there is no reason to be homeless. You can get a shelter space quickly and even get unemployment benefit and housing support.

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i never give money but i made some hobo "friend" by buying them stuff, not a bad thing.

but i don't care at all about eating in front of homeless person. shall i hide my arm in front of a one-armed person ? i don't mean to be rude but as much as i can understand empathy for unknown person i don't see the point of it except feeling worse. sometimes you just gotta think and live for yourself.

(no hate whitney)

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living in new york hardens you to homeless people, especially when you have offered them food and they turn it down, or hear someone with a rehearsed speech that you hear time and time again on the same train line. its crazy to close your heart of to people who really seem like they need help, but by giving them money you may just be helping their dealer.

philly is crazy though. i have had dudes wearing nicer jordans than mine ask me for money and i just look at them like they must be out of their fucking minds. straight up lazy people.

case by case basis I suppose

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i left my freshly bought pack of cigarettes at work and now i'm dying to smoke. i just hope i don't arrive tomorrow and see an empty pack. my boss was bumming a few sticks from me today and if it goes missing imma punch his face. ok maybe not.

but bottomline is... i need to fucking smoke.

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you guys have some polite bums. the ones here will cuss you out if you try handing them anything other than at least a whole paper dollar... they get insulted by change and half eaten food. so ridiculous.

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^wheres that at? i remember when my friends and i where eating noodles in thai town in downtown LA. when we left the restaurant, a old homeless asian lady came up to ask for something in thai. my buddy gave her a 10 dollar bill and she slapped it out of his hand and yelled "fuck you" then started spitting everywhere... i really wanted to punch her in the ovaries but she had to have been crazy.

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Man fuck bums. I don't want to be racist but I see all these able bodied big black dudes just sitting on the corner with the change cup out. Some of em even got nice chairs and a boombox, just relaxing and shit. Meanwhile I see mad homeless asian grandmas, all 60 years+, carrying/pushing huge carts of cans peasant style trying to hustle a living. How the fuck am I going to give a 30-40 year old man free money when there's seniors weighing like 90 pounds collecting scraps to get by on the same fucking street?

On the same tip I always see college aged white kids bumming for change at the union square Starbucks. Wtf is with that? Some of them got phones and ipods and shit. These kids failed artists/students? Junkies? What's the story?

Although if they have a cat/dog with them I'm always giving at least a couple of bucks. Fuck ppl but when I see homeless animals I'm always :(.

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Man fuck bums. I don't want to be racist but I see all these able bodied big black dudes just sitting on the corner with the change cup out. Some of em even got nice chairs and a boombox, just relaxing and shit. Meanwhile I see mad homeless asian grandmas, all 60 years+, carrying/pushing huge carts of cans peasant style trying to hustle a living. How the fuck am I going to give a 30-40 year old man free money when there's seniors weighing like 90 pounds collecting scraps to get by on the same fucking street?

On the same tip I always see college aged white kids bumming for change at the union square Starbucks. Wtf is with that? Some of them got phones and ipods and shit. These kids failed artists/students? Junkies? What's the story?

Although if they have a cat/dog with them I'm always giving at least a couple of bucks. Fuck ppl but when I see homeless animals I'm always :(.

The asian grandmas usually have money and homes, they're just bored, lonely, have no mahjong friends. Picking up cans makes them feel useful. In midtown the asian grandmas picking up cans dress nicer, like I saw a lady with a burberry polo.

Those kids in union sq are rich runaways.

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