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I got my fortune read using my birthday and birth time as a basis.

Apparently I will be mad rich by the time I am 40, and I will be whipped by my future wife.

Typical Asian businessman shit, right :confused: Terrible.


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Yes, stop with these ambiguous posts. SUfu is not your crap blog. We demand the goods/trash/etc.!


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there is this girl who claims she loves me but i cant say the same

rather than address the issue directly i have been making a point of illustrating our noncommittedness but i fear that i have just been making her feel hurt without demonstrating the point i have been pushing

unrequited affection is such an awful thing

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i would give more details but i've always been a firm believer in no snitching. especially on one self.

Life is so much easier if you're completely open about everything. I have maybe half a dozen secrets that I wont tell anyone, but other than those, I am an open book. It's strangely thereapeautic.

I try to be completely honest and open as much as I can. It may piss people off at times, but you just ask them, "Would you prefer I lie to you?"

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I have a bangbros membership. It wasn't on purpose though...I paid $3 or whatever for that trial membership, thinking it would let me download to my hearts content for 2 days or whatever, but no. It's bullshit, you can't download shit, or do anything. So I'm like, fuck this fucking gay as shit website. Then 3 days later I see a charge of $40 on my card. I'm like, what the fuck?! Turns out, they instantly charge you if you don't cancel the 2 day trial, so what the fuck ever, I just rolled with the punches. I also figured out you can stick WMA files onto flash drives, plug into Xbox 360, and voila! High definition plasma pron. I feel like such a fucking loser for actually paying for porn. I mean, I already am one, but this just cemented it. I should just give out my password to sufu a few days before it expires to redeem myself.

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anti-depressants are no fun

i think im going on anti-anxiety meds now too...

but im gonna try some natural solutions (meditation, yoga) first

I use natural solutions like alcohol and weed

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anti-depressants are no fun

i think im going on anti-anxiety meds now too...

but im gonna try some natural solutions (meditation, yoga) first

May I suggest the Excercise thread? Excercise and sun really gets your natural happy-juice (serotonin? dopamine?) levels up. I also suggest lots of sex. Hopefully with protection, but whatever suits you man.

Oh and bobo, the less you go out and meet girls and have fun, the more that leaves for the bastards who do. I like to think that people who stay inside all the time are doing a great favor to those party-head guido assholes that sleep with hundreds of girls. Think about it that way. Also, the longer you stay out of the real world the harder it might be to re-adjust yourself back in.

So get out there, get out there NOW!

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Oh and bobo, the less you go out and meet girls and have fun, the more that leaves for the bastards who do. I like to think that people who stay inside all the time are doing a great favor to those party-head guido assholes that sleep with hundreds of girls. Think about it that way. Also, the longer you stay out of the real world the harder it might be to re-adjust yourself back in.

So get out there, get out there NOW!

thanks for the support masuerte! I fully agree with you, but I actually have a girlfriend, just too much free time spent on my own and lacking motivation do something more challenging most of the time. Sufu and ebay is worthwhile though. My latest plan is to read more books instead of being online.

damn those guidos..

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