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me and the girlfriend since 2,5 years broke up. Feels really weird. I consider her one of my best friends aswell, hope some aspects of that will be possibe to keep.

emo :(

Shitty thing is that my close friends live in another city, so i anticipate my future to be lonely, and super*.

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me and the girlfriend since 2,5 years broke up. Feels really weird. I consider her one of my best friends aswell, hope some aspects of that will be possibe to keep.

emo :(

Shitty thing is that my close friends live in another city, so i anticipate my future to be lonely, and super*.

Your friendship is destroyed. Try and salvage it and you'll just look like some whiny pussy. ANd your friends are lucky that they don't have to hear you whine and cry in person and can conveniently be on the way to the store or going to take a crap when you call.

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me and the girlfriend since 2,5 years broke up. Feels really weird. I consider her one of my best friends aswell, hope some aspects of that will be possibe to keep.

emo :(

Shitty thing is that my close friends live in another city, so i anticipate my future to be lonely, and super*.

If you do try and keep things as friends, once one of you finds someone else it won't work. It's not worth it.

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Dude....its best to cut her out of your life for now and enjoy some time by yourself. I am in the same boat as you are in. My gf of 7 years left me and I tried that "be friends" thing and it just hurt too much. But if you think you can handle being just friends, go for it. Though I would advise against it.

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haha, me alegra que sepas escribir en espanol, y si, estas correcta, hice un simple accidente, no te pongas toda alta y que vales mucho, y ademas, el dicho de que se callen no era solo para ti. diciendo otra vez, calmate yo no creas que era solo para ti, no te creas mucho nina.


i love the accidendte part


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I was driving back up to school today, doing about 80 in a 45 on a curved section of the highway. I almost slammed into the van infront of me which was doing the limit.

If I didn't hit the breaks in time, I definitely would've totaled my car and got injured in the process. But the adrenaline rush of watching everything flash by in a split second felt oh so good.

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I never made a move on a girl so our friendship'd never be in jeopardy. Never told her a thing but she knew. I think we're still good friends.

To superBobo, good luck man. One of my friends is facing the same thing and just been trying to keep his head up and nose clean.

i still want to fuck my friend's little sister

Fuck is a strong word, are you sure about that? Legal? Actually don't answer that.

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I never made a move on a girl so our friendship'd never be in jeopardy. Never told her a thing but she knew. I think we're still good friends.


the only reason guys are friends with girls is because a) they want to fuck them B) they already have fucked them, or c) they are not attracted to them

(you would be 'a')

no guy ever wants just a friendship from a girl, but keep convincing yourself...

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jeepster I confess you make me next-level angry when you post. You make up words or misuse them and you post an annoying amount of needlessly introspective bullshit everywhere. And I don't know what this "concept album" shit is either, but it pisses me off too. I would have to strain my mind to come up with a more ridiculous, uninteresting concept than the one you did.

You are definitely ready for college. You will fit right in with all the other assholes.

No hate though.

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destructo... hilarious

bob... plenty of input already... but my experience was that I'M cool and she's not. I didn't do the just be friends. I cut her out totally, but later started coming across her and hanging out a bit after she found a new bf, then started taking digs at every gf of mine.

my confession sort of...

when I split, I said "Quit being stupid and melodramatic. Go date XXX. He's your type. Trust me. I'm not."

He's a passive sort, and she's an overbearing/demanding/brash/unfaithful psycho. I HAD good intentions...

A:she stops calling me crying

B:he uh... gets laid? gets a freak of a GF who likes porn, bj's, and a dozen other things I won't spell out here... I got bored and got her to do a couple things just to see if she would, while planning my split

C:she... uh... eff it. She's not a very good person, who cares

Now's they're engaged, and it's all my fault

I've seen him, and he seems broken in some way...

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jeepster I confess you make me next-level angry when you post. You make up words or misuse them and you post an annoying amount of needlessly introspective bullshit everywhere. And I don't know what this "concept album" shit is either, but it pisses me off too. I would have to strain my mind to come up with a more ridiculous, uninteresting concept than the one you did.

You are definitely ready for college. You will fit right in with all the other assholes.

No hate though.

if anyone feels this way about keagan please let it be known...

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