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there is this girl

shes half cute, but carries herself well and has a good body, and shes pretty funny

and lives close to my house @ the country club i play tennis at

i think imma spit some game see what happens

DO lT! Tell her to come to gainesville and i'll buy her a pitcher of Natural Light and we'll see where the night takes us

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there some kittens in my back yard that i want to play with. the dad is a blackcat and the mom is a latin looking cat. they have cool looking kittens. they small and like hop around instead of running. i try to put milk out one day, but they ignored it and ants got all in it. they're living free of charge so i would like to play with them.

what can i do other than buying cat nip?

milk is gonna give them diarrhea! put some water and some tuna out if you dont want to go out and buy some food. :)

cats like to play with the simplest toys so some thick string would be fun!

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there some kittens in my back yard that i want to play with. the dad is a blackcat and the mom is a latin looking cat. they have cool looking kittens. they small and like hop around instead of running. i try to put milk out one day, but they ignored it and ants got all in it. they're living free of charge so i would like to play with them.

what can i do other than buying cat nip?

i thought this was a metaphor (0)

wait till the mom and dad are gone and then grab a kitten and take it inside. they wont do shit.

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shit is rough. its weird to get my mind off her ive been cleaning, smoking, and looking for shit to buy...i can barely look at my iphone because it reminds me so much of her. i got the white she got the black so we can be eachothers yin and yang.

thats some major bitchassness.

you should have gotten the black one. everyone knows the white one is for girls.

maybe then you wouldnt be so effeminate about this now.

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thats some major bitchassness.

you should have gotten the black one. everyone knows the white one is for girls.

maybe then you wouldnt be so effeminate about this now.

don't hatee. everyone gets sad when they break up with a girl.

do drugs and lots of 'em.

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i hit a rock while moving my brothers lexus and scratched the shit out of the bottom and dont really feel bad.

and im getting him to pay my cellphone bill by threatening to delete his engagement party pics if he doesnt give me the money.

im feeling particularly bratty.

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I slept on the floor last night, had the most amazing dream, wich I remember very well still, followed by the best day I had in a long time, filled with only nice food, great conversations and experiences, it was filled with the most diverse stuff, I didn't even know all that could fit into just one day so effortlessly.

It feels as if the universe is on my side again!

Thank yous go out to the people who helped make it possible (you know who you are) .

Maybe I should sleep on the floor more?


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thats gonna make her an even worse kisser

know why? cause shes gonna barf in your mouth!!!

well when i read it back it does sound kinda slimy. but it is far more effective to be discrete and complimentary to get what you want than to be a dick, and probably not get what you want. and it is all in the delivery, the way you say it. you don't say it like an antonio banderas wannabe style douchebag. you say it in a casual, funny way, like you're just playing around. and you say it in the right moment, when she's feeling happy and flirty. and of course, use your own words. sheesh.

anyway, there's more than one way to get something done. but i stand by the general principle, because i've done that exact thing and it has worked. but anyway, just a suggestion for the guy, i'm no expert

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I slept on the floor last night, had the most amazing dream, wich I remember very well still, followed by the best day I had in a long time, filled with only nice food, great conversations and experiences, it was filled with the most diverse stuff, I didn't even know all that could fit into just one day so effortlessly.

It feels as if the universe is on my side again!

Thank yous go out to the people who helped make it possible (you know who you are).

Maybe I should sleep on the floor more?


i totally know what u mean, duc!

its been ages since i felt that way, but reading ur post made me realize that there still are serendipity in our lives after all!

i wish i can have that sometime soon:o

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On the dream tip... I had been playing Doom 3 for much of last night and I had a dream that was sorta combination of Perfect Dark/Doom 3, but the plot was really engrossing, and it wasn't scary, just really intense. The main character was a chick and I was just following and killing shit, but like, at some point we were at an underground baseball/football stadium where I watched my college's homecoming, then some incident happened and everyone was turned into zombies/killed except for a Stanley Tucci look-alike, and two other dudes. Then we met the like, main bad guy, who took us on a train (like the monorail in Doom 3) and explained to us how hell was going to take over and there was nothing we could do.

Then my roommates alarm went off.

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I slept on the floor last night, had the most amazing dream, wich I remember very well still, followed by the best day I had in a long time, filled with only nice food, great conversations and experiences, it was filled with the most diverse stuff, I didn't even know all that could fit into just one day so effortlessly.

It feels as if the universe is on my side again!

Thank yous go out to the people who helped make it possible (you know who you are).

Maybe I should sleep on the floor more?



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im sick of my inability to make a commitment with a ladytype, no matter how worthy they are of one. every go-round my interest explodes to a pinnacle and inevitably stops suddenly then falls to the floor in a midst of panic and fear, similar to a shuttlecock's (no homo) flight pattern (terrible analogy im sorry). the worst part is, i do all i can to bolster and to enable unsaid female's interest and become a major emotional outlet for her feelings all the while my pursuit is still in effect. so by the time i hit that violent halt, she's left in limbo usually crying and repeating something along the lines of "what the fuck you asshole". its completely unfair and i feel like a monster doing it over and over again but i just cant help the fact that im scared to death of falling into the throws of a relationship.

big sigh FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY i say quite facetiously.

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