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for real? I kind of wanted to go about this in a more polished manner than "burn bridge completely"

In my salad days, I dated this girl and then things went bad. I asked her why she was such a bitch, and she said, "I guess I'm just a bitch." Completely unsatisfying.

Since then, I've become more adept at burning bridges. Here are some things I've said that have led to bridges being burned:

  • "You're a parody of a Cure song."
  • "You're like a tapeworm."
  • "Get out of my car."
  • "Just because you ask me to do something doesn't mean I fucking have to do it."
  • "I don't want a girlfriend. This is just a booty call."
  • "I'll never apologize! Never! Never!"
  • "You're just parroting your therapist."
  • "The Lakers will be around long after you're gone."

I hope this helps.

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it really is. and landho you are a bad breaker upper, but fuck, at least have backbones.

edit: at least *we* have backbones... I meant to include myself in there, as I say some breakup lines that I think deserve plus rep in real life, yet it never arrives. :(

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landho, those are excellent.

short story time: my friend todd recently got dumped by his girl of 8 months and he was really, really pissed. pulled a bridge burning line on her the next week after she "apologized for being cruel in the breakup." he told her that it was better that they were separated, and that she was very unloving. if i may quote it correctly as he told me, "i told her she was already making me want to try men."

ahahahaha. that bitch was FUCKING pissed.

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whenever i eat something INCREDIBLE, i have a huge stupid grin on my face and i cant stop smiling.

whizkit on the other hand lets out a huge sigh of relief. /snitch

i smiled a few times in singapore.

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I read somewhere on sufu that both jkissi and kunk do this thing where they sprint then jog then sprint then jog.. I researched it and discovered it's a method called HIIT for quick effective cardio.

So I tried it a few minutes ago and it kicked the SHIIT out of me. :[[[[

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^ i am confused.

also i'm starting to hate my iphone because of the way the text msg system is set up, i can't individually delete text msgs, so i can't say i didn't get one and delete it..they'd see it..unless i delete the entire conversation..which is what i end up doing but there are some things i rather not delete

why does it not let you choose


p.s i've been avoiding certain people because i just rather not have to put up with their shit right now.

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^ i hate my iphone for not being able to send MMS.. the delete one text thing doesn't bother me too much, I like saving all the texts I've had with people and seeing our first conversations.. haha

I hate my phone now because of Bejeweled 2 -- I waste so much time in bed trying to get past level 13, but the game is mostly based on luck (despite some strategies to improve your luck) so I lose at level 2-3, and the freaking "No More Moves" animation is irritating as hell.

Also it's impossible to navigate when you're driving by yourself because of a touch screen interface + lack of voice command + no tactile feedback + California state law.

p.s. i stopped avoiding people because I figured it does no good to treat them that way, shit or not

V: sounds like Dizzy Bee, yo.

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I consider myself a well balanced person, far from depressed. Still, I feel that my life lacks intrinsic value, which makes me want to end it all. I have a hard time motivating why "project life" should be done. Pretty much the only thing that keeps "the end" as a merly theoretical construct are my parents, which wouldnt take my early demise lightly.

anyone feel me on this? What makes you continue put effort into day to day? Just habit, or have you really a solid philosophical foundation to motivate you?

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I was discussing this with someone the other day. I think the entire issue is your mindset. I and most others don't need a reason to continue living, it just seems to be a given that ending it would be such a monumental, unjustifiable waste. I can't understand your position, either because of differences in our experiences or in the ways our minds work.

Regardless, do anything other than off yourself. If your life seems boring and repetitive, learn a new language and start a new life in another part of the world or something. Regardless of how extreme what you do is, it's not as extreme as the alternative. Then again I may be missing your issue completely.

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I consider myself a well balanced person, far from depressed. Still, I feel that my life lacks intrinsic value, which makes me want to end it all. I have a hard time motivating why "project life" should be done. Pretty much the only thing that keeps "the end" as a merly theoretical construct are my parents, which wouldnt take my early demise lightly.

anyone feel me on this? What makes you continue put effort into day to day? Just habit, or have you really a solid philosophical foundation to motivate you?

i choose not to end it all because i like doing the nasty and having fun and doing stuff...

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I consider myself a well balanced person, far from depressed. Still, I feel that my life lacks intrinsic value, which makes me want to end it all. I have a hard time motivating why "project life" should be done. Pretty much the only thing that keeps "the end" as a merly theoretical construct are my parents, which wouldnt take my early demise lightly.

anyone feel me on this? What makes you continue put effort into day to day? Just habit, or have you really a solid philosophical foundation to motivate you?

In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus asks this very question and frames it in the same manner you do. He concludes that life is an absurd struggle, but it's all that we have. If you can accept this fact, he says, then you can move on and enjoy life. There is nothing more to it, but there's nothing wrong with that.

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In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus asks this very question and frames it in the same manner you do. He concludes that life is an absurd struggle, but it's all that we have. If you can accept this fact, he says, then you can move on and enjoy life. There is nothing more to it, but there's nothing wrong with that.

so funny u posted that. i was thinking about the stranger and camus and existentialism when i decided to post that simple answer instead. of course life is absurd, and meaningless, and suffering, but it is also fun, and love, and experience (good and bad are both good. what is truly bad is none at all...)

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so funny u posted that. i was thinking about the stranger and camus and existentialism when i decided to post that simple answer instead. of course life is absurd, and meaningless, and suffering, but it is also fun, and love, and experience (good and bad are both good. what is bad is none at all...)

SuperBobo is from northern Europe, where the relentlessly dark winter makes everyone an existentialist!

A Finnish friend of mine talked about the severe differences in seasonal behavior; he said that in the summer, people have love affairs and start new businesses, whereas in the winter, people are much more likely to commit suicide. What a crazy, schizophrenic world. (I've lived in Texas pretty much all of my life, and here the difference in light between summer and winter is negligible.)

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I consider myself a well balanced person, far from depressed. Still, I feel that my life lacks intrinsic value, which makes me want to end it all. I have a hard time motivating why "project life" should be done. Pretty much the only thing that keeps "the end" as a merly theoretical construct are my parents, which wouldnt take my early demise lightly.

anyone feel me on this? What makes you continue put effort into day to day? Just habit, or have you really a solid philosophical foundation to motivate you?

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."

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