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wat the fuck do you mean you dont know where he went wrong...?

you would be lucky if you had half the steeze that he has.

while you're here you should just confess to still being pussyhurt that I told people about you trying clothes on once that you got on sale then trying to gouge people on the supermarket until I told them how much you really bought it for.

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rofl. you think i give a fuck about that? the jacket was long sold for the asked price and no one complained but your tard ass.

maybe before you make comments about fade2black "not having steez" check your waywt of wearing your usual boring shit. you're like a taller version of constant struggle.

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I also browsed StyleZeitgeist. Everyone owning CCP/Raf/Rick/other Atelier shiz intimidated the hell outta me.

Me too. I have an account there, but I don't have either the ball, the knowledge or the steez to post there. But it seems interesting !

I missed superfuture, my sunday was supposed to be shitty anyway, but I watched 3 movies and it passed quickly.

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freecat, i ended up going to the bonfire. i went against your word and drank a bit but it was so fun, i didn't feel all that sick today, ha.

confession: i've been throwing my cigarette butts on my neighbors roof and i just realized it's right next to their drain. i wonder if they're pissed off cause i keep littering their house

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:) good you feel better and had a fun night ! not drinking alcohol was not mandatory, it's just that it reminded me of a party when I was sick and things went terribly wrong ahah !
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maybe you could try the lego one if you don't like the playmobile:


(the fact that the lego is in underwear is not done on purpose)

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I think cotton's avatar has changed slightly. I can't be sure though as my mind might be shot.

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i just found out i have a 5-7 pg paper due on wednesday and its monday now... i can pull this off. altho the assignment he gave is so VAUGE !

5-7 ain't bad if you did whatever readings you needed to do.

edit: oh shit, did Cottons avatar change?? I think you're right... did it???

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