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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Guest mingrui1526
  larssss said:
^^ i don't know, but I kinda like it.
  akuma no uta said:
^^^ cosign, kinda dope
  e0d9n0b5 said:
yea that one is a little off but i like the idea


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  Mr HaGa said:
That guy looks familiar, is he the Manchester guy whose ebeef with the Liverpool guy was shitting up supertrash?

Yes it is.

  Mr HaGa said:
I have to agree fuck those IH fanboys posting multiple angles of them wearing their IH gear.

I couldn't agree more. Shitting up the IH/ Waywt threads and making the brand look soft. Just stop it.

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  rusholmeruffian said:
pomata stalking me again, last post he was begging me to suck him off.

Seriously though, why'd you start a new account or change your name... whatever the fuck you did.

  Mr HaGa said:
I have to agree fuck those IH fanboys posting multiple angles of them wearing their IH gear.

No one is even on the level of that alex guy. Dude posts every angle he can think of. Fuck off already.

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  Layne said:
so it's acceptable to get banned and create another account???

To be fair, he did come up against some weirdo homophobic, racist obsessively tribal little shit, showed pretty good self-control in the circumstances [only the ones I witnessed, of course] and got banned as collateral damage in a moderator predator strike. Re-enrolling under a new name probably avoided endless bureaucracy.

I'm not condoning his dirty mirror or fantasies about Pomata though.

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Guest rusholmeruffian
  Denton said:
dude got banned for saying things like

I have nothing against Tow-Mater but he does hang on my every post.

I don't know about regulations and bans but for fucks sake a lot of youse on here are obsessed with rules.

Read some Orwell ffs.

Hare kirishna. Peace and love.

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