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Samurai Jeans 5th Year Anniversary Feeler Thread

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Hi guys

I was surprised a little bit how fast some things are going on.

I'll be in Berlin probably next October 6. I'm invited to the vernissage at the Kommunikationsmuseum in Berlin about the exhibition "Fashion talks" open till February 22 2012. 80 items from my Jeansmuseum will be displayed there. So anybody in or around Berlin can check out this place.

Is there anybody around and would like to meet me? I don't know anything about Berlin and I would also know if there are any spots to check out for real heaviest used and worn out raw denim rags for the Jeansmuseum

Thanks ahead

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^^^^Max Power: Flo you will be always more then welcome to visit my place. Zurich is not that far away from your place. Just do it


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Thanks almost nice for this infos. I somehow had in my mind Flo is living in Munich. So Hamburg is quite in a distance to Zurich. But perhaps he'll still be able to come along some day

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Thanks for helping me out, b_f & almostnice. Indeed I was born in bavaria but live in Hamburg now, so unfortunately Zurich is not too close anymore. And I'm back from the soccercup in bavaria with a 5th place out of 16 contestants, but also with a damaged knee.

Won't be much online within the next days, though, so please PM or sms me if the payment for the jeans needs to be done.

Payment to hollowsleather has been sent, btw.

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Flo, best wishes and take care about your knee. Hope it's nothing severe!

And thanks B_F about the update of Aztec's place.

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